The Python Interpreter

A little background on the Python interpreter may be useful as we develop the Python processor module. The Python interpreter implements a stack-based virtual machine that is capable of executing Python byte code. By stack-based, we mean that the virtual machine has no registers other than an instruction pointer and a stack pointer. The majority of Python byte code instructions manipulate the stack in some way by reading, writing, or examining stack content. The BINARY_ADD byte code instruction, for example, removes two items from the interpreter’s stack, adds those two items together, and places the single result value back on the top of the interpreter’s stack.

In terms of instruction set layout, Python bytes codes are relatively simple to understand. All Python instructions consist of a single-byte opcode and either zero or two operand bytes. The processor example presented in this chapter does not require that you have any prior knowledge of Python byte code. In the few instances where specific knowledge is required, we will take the time to explain the byte code sufficiently. The primary goal of this chapter is to provide a basic understanding of IDA processor modules and some of the considerations that go into creating them. Python byte code is merely used as a means to facilitate this goal.

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