
* Location and environment are crucial if you want to generate a decent idea. Being relaxed, sometimes even distracted, helps. The harder you force yourself to ‘have an idea’, the harder it can get.

* Barely anybody has generated a decent idea at work. And if they do at home it may mean they are working too hard.

* Analysis of great innovations shows that most were dreamt up in a ‘third place’, usually away from familiar surroundings. According to sociologist Ray Oldenburg, these are interactive environments where diverse talents gather, such as bars and coffee shops.

* So displacement from your normal environment is best when trying to come up with fresh ideas. Try to create these conditions.

* People think more freely in blue rooms, because it reminds them of unfettered landscape such as sky and sea. The higher the ceiling, the bigger the ideas.

* Natural light and fresh air are crucial – avoid dingy basements and sterile air-conditioned rooms at all costs.

* Or try wandering around outside – people think better when they are on the move (see 24. Four Corner Walkabout).

* If the subject demands it, make sure the right props relevant to the subject are available for use as stimulus (see 8. The Right Stimulus).

EXERCISE: Choose an environment that will inspire your guests. Consider energy levels, light, air, room for the mind to breathe, and interesting stimuli. What would be the ideal third place in which to conduct your session?

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