
Switch It Up

IF YOU TAKE a close look at your team, you will likely notice that many of the tasks being accomplished are often completed by the same people. A variation of the stretch assignment (see Tip #16: Stretch Your Team—Always.) is to facilitate an environment where, every once in a while, team members swap tasks and learn about what the others have been working on. This approach will not only increase the skill levels of those in your department but also help them better understand the organization. Better yet, team members will understand the constraints and complexities that others have to work through on a daily basis. In addition, a different set of eyes may help develop breakthroughs and remove barriers based on one’s own organizational relationships.

A variation of this idea occurred when one of our clients from a high-tech manufacturing company used a “different set of eyes” to troubleshoot and brainstorm. She had her team brainstorm how others in different disciplines or areas of the company might address a particular issue. For example, one of the issues they were trying to solve was how to improve service to their internal customers. She asked the group, “How would a marketing person solve this problem? How would a human resource specialist address it?” This process was quite successful in helping others problem solve in new and creative ways.

Try experimenting with this approach on smaller projects at first. After some time, talk with team members and listen to what they have gained from the experience. If it fits your culture, attempt this with larger projects, as well.

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