
Ask the Tough Questions

PEOPLE GROW when they are challenged to think and act in new and different ways. What all of us do on a day-to-day basis gets us to where we are. So, if we want to go somewhere new, we need to incorporate innovative ways of thinking and behaving. Asking the tough questions can assist in this process. Tough questions about the status of team cohesion, team decisions, and departmental challenges will take your team to the next level. Meaningful conversations will help your team accept and work through differing perspectives. High-functioning teams can disagree and still produce excellent products and results. They can disagree and still care about each other. Members of high-functioning teams will challenge each other to think differently. As the leader, you have a responsibility to create this environment.

Begin with the question “How can we take this team to the next level?” The first few times you ask this question, you will probably get blank stares (this is either because they may not trust you or because they are not used to having these types of conversations). Keep chipping away slowly and steadfastly and, we predict, eventually they will talk and take ownership.

If the team needs some help determining what to talk about, we suggest you discuss work styles and perceived drawbacks and strengths, and ask others to help aid in the team’s development. On a consistent basis, revisit the conversation and simply start the discussion with “So how are we doing?” You will be amazed at the dialogue these questions can spark, many times cutting off a potential issue before it is elevated into a larger one. In addition, more often than not, team members share with the group areas for improvement before anyone else had to say it. Box 8 provides examples of some tough questions for leaders to consider.


Image What are some obstacles affecting this team?

Image What are opportunities we could take advantage of that we have been largely ignoring?

Image Where can you take greater ownership on this team?

Image Where have you let this team down?

Image Compared to other teams with which you are familiar, how are we doing?

Image When was the last time you complimented the team or one of its members?

Image How open are you to giving direct feedback to team members?

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