
Implement an Operating Calendar

DO YOU often feel as though you and your team are only reacting—always rushing to accomplish tasks and meet deadlines? What usually happens within your department every February? How about May? Often, managers have these answers in their head, but those around them have no concept of what work is conducted throughout the year—until they have been there for years.

An operating calendar is a simple tool to help you and your team track annual projects. Simply create a document and list all major activities that occur each month. Assign someone to keep and update this document on a regular basis. After all, the calendar will be a continual work in progress. However, the benefits of this tip are numerous:

Image The document keeps everyone on track.

Image It helps people develop an appreciation for all the tasks and projects completed by your department.

Image Everyone has a strong working knowledge of what must happen (and when) throughout the year.

Image The document can serve as an accountability tool because projects are not checked off until they are completed (e.g., the document holds team members accountable and the entire team knows where each individual stands).

When we monitor or assess something, there will likely be a change in behavior, even if our only intention is to monitor. Think about it this way: You or someone you know are likely to have been on a weight-loss program at some point. Just by monitoring the intake of calories, you have a greater chance of losing weight than if you had not done so. So, all things being equal, if you monitor calories and exercise, the probability of losing weight is greater than if you just exercise. The same applies in your department.

This tip may not suit your department neatly, but how could the overall concept work for you? How could you tailor the suggestion to meet your needs? Bring your team together to discuss and then follow up with an approach the entire group suggests as a monitoring device. We have noticed that a lack of accountability within departments and organizations leads to waste and missed opportunities.

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