
About the Author

Kim Eierman is an environmental horticulturist and landscape designer specializing in ecological landscapes and native plants. She is the founder of EcoBeneficial, a horticulture consulting and communications company in Westchester County, New York.

Kim teaches at the New York Botanical Garden, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Native Plant Center, and the Rutgers Home Gardeners School, and advanced education classes for Master Gardeners. An active speaker nationwide on many ecological landscaping topics, she also provides horticultural consulting and ecological design services to commercial, municipal, and residential clients.

In addition to being a Certified Horticulturist through the American Society for Horticultural Science, Kim is an Accredited Organic Landcare Professional, a member of the steering committee of the Native Plant Center, and a member of the Ecological Landscape Alliance and GardenComm. Kim received a Silver Award of Achievement from the Garden Writers Association in 2014, 2015, and 2017.

Visit the EcoBeneficial website at for more information on the Pollinator Victory Garden, ecological landscaping, and native plants.

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