Chapter 6. Command Line Packet Analysis Tools

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In Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 we installed the SO software in several configurations, and we discussed housekeeping functions in Chapter 5. Now that you have this powerful NSM platform collecting data, in this chapter I’ll introduce the first set of command line tools used to present information to analysts. Some of these tools will be running all the time, while others will be invoked on demand. Each has its particular strengths and weaknesses. I’ll discuss how I use key features, though I won’t cover all tools in exhaustive detail here.

Because I’ve written this book for new analysts, my discussion of SO tools in this part will concentrate on data presentation. In this chapter I will look at data presentation tools that use a command line interface. In Chapter 7 I’ll address data presentation tools that use a graphical interface, and in Chapter 8 I’ll examine specialized forms of data presentation tools—the NSM consoles. For now, let’s step back and understand how all the NSM tools packaged with SO relate to one another.

SO Tool Categories

SO ships with a variety of tools, as listed on the SO wiki ( Some tools present data to analysts, some collect data directly from the network or via messages from other computers, and a third category sits between the others as middleware, delivering data or providing other essential capabilities. Let’s take a brief look at each category of tools: data presentation, data collection, and data delivery.

SO Data Presentation Tools

Data presentation tools expose NSM information to analysts. Two sorts of data presentation tools for packet analysis are available in SO. One relies on a command line interface, and the other offers analysts a graphical interface. SO also provides NSM consoles for data presentation.

Packet Analysis Tools

Packet analysis tools read network traffic from a live interface, or from a file containing traffic saved in pcap format. Analysts use packet analysis tools to better interpret network traffic, but not necessarily to implement an NSM-specific investigation or workflow. Some of these tools help analysts better understand individual packets, others group packets into sessions, and still others examine application data. The authors of these tools generally did not build them with NSM in mind, but nevertheless, they are key to understanding network traffic.

Two sorts of data presentation tools for packet analysis are available with SO. One relies on a command line interface. These tools include Tcpdump, Tshark, and the Argus Ra client, all examined in this chapter. Because certain uses of Tshark depend on a related data collection tool, Dumpcap, I’ll present it along with Tshark. The second sort of tool for packet analysis offers analysts a graphical interface. Wireshark, Xplico, and NetworkMiner are examples of this sort of software, and I discuss them in Chapter 7.

NSM Consoles

NSM consoles were built with NSM-specific investigation and workflows in mind. The console authors began with the core NSM principles and implemented them in software. These tools also function as data presentation applications, but they act more as gateways to NSM data. Software in this category includes Sguil, Squert, Snorby, and ELSA. I’ll explain how to use these NSM consoles in Chapter 8.

SO Data Collection Tools

Once NSM analysts become comfortable with the data presentation tools, they turn to data collection tools. Software in this category includes the Argus server, Netsniff-ng, Passive Real-Time Asset Detection System (PRADS), Snort, Suricata, and Bro. (Dumpcap belongs in this category as well, but SO does not enable it by default.) These applications collect and generate the NSM data available to the presentation tools.

The Argus server and PRADS create and store their own forms of session data. Argus data is stored in a proprietary binary format suited for rapid command line mining, whereas PRADS data is best read through an NSM console. Analysts can choose which form of data suits them best.

Netsniff-ng simply writes full content data to disk in pcap format. Snort and Suricata are network intrusion detection systems, inspecting traffic and writing alerts according to the signatures deployed with each tool. Bro observes and interprets traffic that has been generated and logged as a variety of NSM datatypes.

In the default configuration enabled by the SO platform, all of these applications provide a wealth of NSM data to the presentation tools discussed in this chapter and the next two.

SO Data Delivery Tools

Finally, between the data presentation and data collection tools sits a suite of data delivery applications. Broadly speaking, this middleware enables the functionality of the other categories of software on the SO platform. Tools like PulledPork, Barnyard2, and CapMe manage IDS rules, alert processing, and pcap access, respectively.

A suite of “agents” associated with Sguil—such as pcap_agent, snort_agent, and the like—shuttle data from the collection tools to the presentation software. This includes the Apache web server, the MySQL database, and the Sphinx index application, which may already be familiar to you.

Finally, SO includes tools for integrating certain host-centric analysis features. These include the OSSEC host IDS and Syslog-ng for transport and aggregation of log messages. Because this book concentrates on network-centric data, we won’t examine data from OSSEC and Syslog-ng, but you should know that those components are running on SO platforms.

Figure 6-1 shows the core SO tools in relation to one another. This chapter covers the tools Tcpdump, Tshark, Dumpcap, and the Argus Ra client. Chapter 7 covers Wireshark, Xplico, and NetworkMiner. Chapter 8 discusses the NSM consoles Sguil, Snorby, Squert, and ELSA. We’ll begin our look at data presentation tools with Tcpdump.

Core SO tools
Figure 6-1. Core SO tools

Running Tcpdump

Tcpdump ( is a command line network traffic analyzer. Tcpdump is available on SO, but it is not running by default. Analysts can invoke it on demand, most often to view data stored in /nsm/sensor_data/<sensorname>/dailylogs.


Bill Fenner, David Young, Fulvio Risso, Guy Harris, Hannes Gredler, and Michael Richardson are the current Tcpdump maintainers, and they code under a three-clause BSD license. (See the Tcpdump CREDITS file at for all contributors.) They also develop the libpcap traffic capture library under the same license. Van Jacobson, Craig Leres, and Steven McCanne wrote the original version in 1987 while working at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Network Research Group.

Tcpdump works against a live network interface or a saved trace file. It can display results in real time or write output to a file.

Tcpdump is a protocol analyzer because it can depict multiple layers of detail for any traffic it understands. As a protocol analyzer, its rendition of network traffic depends on its ability to decode the data it sees. Without knowledge of the underlying protocols, Tcpdump could produce only a byte stream that analysts would need to decode manually.

Displaying, Writing, and Reading Traffic with Tcpdump

Tcpdump runs in a command terminal. To display live traffic in real time, run it with these options:

$ tcpdump -n -i <interface> -s <snaplen> -c <count>

The -n switch tells Tcpdump to not resolve IP addresses to hostnames via DNS queries. I always run Tcpdump with the -n switch to avoid waiting while the tool resolves IP addresses to hostnames via DNS. The -i switch tells it which interface to monitor. The -s switch tells it how many bytes to capture from each packet. By default Tcpdump captures 68 bytes for IPv4 packets and 96 bytes for IPv6 packets. (Use -s 0 to capture the entire packet, or specify a value appropriate for the medium from which you are capturing.) Finally, -c tells Tcpdump how many packets to capture. (If you forget this switch, Tcpdump will run until you stop it with ctrl-C.)

Example 6-1 shows some example output. Tcpdump requires elevated privileges to sniff traffic in promiscuous mode, so preface the command with sudo.

Example 6-1. Capturing five packets with Tcpdump
$ sudo tcpdump -n -i eth1 -c 5
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
19:48:51.723139 IP >
 UDP, length 461
19:48:51.886312 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 928328861:928329246, ack 1080949825, win 39, length 385
19:48:51.898576 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 1:978, ack 385, win 4220, length 977
19:48:51.914324 IP >
 Flags [.], ack 978, win 45, length 0
19:48:51.915284 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 385:823, ack 978, win 45, length 438
5 packets captured
5 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

This traffic includes one User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet , followed by four Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets (, , , and ). The UDP traffic has the following format:

timestamp / layer 3 protocol / source IP address.source port > destination IP
address.destination port: layer 4 protocol / data length

The format for the TCP traffic is similar:

timestamp / layer 3 protocol / source IP address.source port > destination IP
address.destination port: layer 4 protocol / TCP flags, TCP sequence numbers,
TCP acknowledgement numbers, TCP window size, data length


The time in this trace is UTC. When you configure SO, it sets the local clock to use UTC, so expect to see UTC timestamps in network evidence. In files saved in libpcap format, time is stored as the number of seconds and microseconds since the Unix “epoch time” of January 1, 1970. The local system then translates this value into the time displayed by a network tool.

To save traffic to disk while watching a live interface, add the -w switch followed by the target filename. Example 6-2 shows how to accomplish this task.

Example 6-2. Capturing and storing five packets with Tcpdump
$ sudo tcpdump -n -i eth1 -c 5 -w demo1.pcap
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
5 packets captured
5 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

To read the traffic, use the -r switch. (The sudo command isn’t needed because you’re reading from a trace, not eth1.) Example 6-3 shows the results of reading five captured packets.

Example 6-3. Reading five packets with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r demo1.pcap
reading from file demol.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:23:44.858470 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 1145489012:1145489069, ack 1920080636, win 4132, length 57
20:23:44.859134 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 57:1407, ack 1, win 4132, length 1350
20:23:44.859154 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 1407:2757, ack 1, win 4132, length 1350
20:23:44.859505 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 2757:4107, ack 1, win 4132, length 1350
20:23:44.860006 IP >
 Flags [P.], seq 4107:4261, ack 1, win 4132, length 154

Using Filters with Tcpdump

Along with displaying, writing, and reading traffic, the other core usage for Tcpdump involves applying filters. Filters are a mechanism to limit the traffic shown or captured by Tcpdump and other tools. The popular term for filters is BPF, a nod to the Berkeley Packet Filter virtual machine, which translates the human-readable filter syntax into a code syntax suitable for machine consumption.

Applying Filters

You apply a BPF by appending it to the Tcpdump command line. For example, to capture only ICMP traffic, add icmp to the syntax, as shown in Example 6-4 ().

Example 6-4. Capturing 10 ICMP packets with Tcpdump
$ sudo tcpdump -n -i eth1 -c 10 -w icmp.pcap icmp
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
10 packets captured
10 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

To read the trace, use Tcpdump again, as shown in Example 6-5.

Example 6-5. Reading ICMP packets with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:28.203723 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 20822, seq 44313, length 44
20:30:28.204282 IP > ICMP echo reply, id
 20822, seq 44313, length 44
20:30:28.844237 IP > ICMP echo
 request, id 1, seq 5, length 40
20:30:28.871534 IP > ICMP echo reply,
 id 1, seq 5, length 40
20:30:29.213917 IP > ICMP echo request, id
 20822, seq 44569, length 44
20:30:29.214475 IP > ICMP echo reply, id
 20822, seq 44569, length 44
20:30:29.850913 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 1, seq 6, length 40
20:30:29.875103 IP > ICMP echo reply,
 id 1, seq 6, length 40
20:30:29.987013 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64
20:30:30.013728 IP > ICMP echo reply,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64

Instead of using icmp, you can capture other specific traffic by using options like tcp, udp, and so on. For example, you can collect traffic for a specified TCP or UDP port, like port 53, as shown in Example 6-6.

Example 6-6. Capturing port 53 packets with Tcpdump
$ sudo tcpdump -n -i eth1 -s 0 port 53
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
20:53:42.685078 IP > 55862+ A? (34)
20:53:42.701421 IP > 55862 2/0/0 A, A (66)

Example 6-6 captures UDP or TCP traffic on port 53. To capture port 53 and TCP traffic only, modify the filter as shown in Example 6-7.

Example 6-7. Capturing port 53 TCP packets with Tcpdump
$ sudo tcpdump -n -i eth1 -s 0 port 53 and tcp
tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
21:02:06.430169 IP > Flags [S],
 seq 1330246822, win 42340,
options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 157066547 ecr 0,nop,wscale 11], length 0

The manual page for pcap-filter included with SO shows all available options. View it by entering man pcap-filter at a command terminal.

Some Common Filters

Now let’s look at some of the more common filters for showing traffic to or from particular hosts and even networks.

To show traffic to or from a specific computer, use the host BPF, as shown in Example 6-8.

Example 6-8. Capturing traffic involving a host via BPF with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap host
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:29.987013 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64
20:30:30.013728 IP > ICMP echo reply, id
 47441, seq 1, length 64

To show traffic from a certain source computer, use the src host BPF, as shown in Example 6-9.

Example 6-9. Capturing traffic from a host via BPF with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap src host
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:29.987013 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64

The dst host BPF works the same way as the src host version, as shown in Example 6-10.

Example 6-10. Capturing traffic to a host via BPF with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap dst host
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:30.013728 IP > ICMP echo reply,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64

You can specify networks instead of hosts with the net BPF, as shown in Example 6-11.

Example 6-11. Capturing traffic to a network via BPF with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap dst net
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:28.844237 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 1, seq 5, length 40
20:30:29.850913 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 1, seq 6, length 40
20:30:29.987013 IP > ICMP echo request,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64

Many protocols offer BPF primitives that allow you to look at specific aspects of the traffic, and you can also combine elements of the previous examples to limit what you see. For example, Example 6-12 shows only ICMP echo replies from IP address

Example 6-12. Capturing ICMP echo replies to a host via BPF with Tcpdump
$ tcpdump -n -r icmp.pcap 'icmp[icmptype] =
 icmp-echoreply' and dst host
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
20:30:30.013728 IP > ICMP echo reply,
 id 47441, seq 1, length 64

Extracting Details from Tcpdump Output

In addition to displaying traffic more specifically, with Tcpdump, you can also extract more details from the results. For example, Example 6-13 tells Tcpdump to show timestamps as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.milliseconds via -tttt, adds layer 2 headers with -e, and tells Tcpdump to show all headers and data in hex and ASCII format with -XX.

Example 6-13. Extracting more details from Tcpdump output
$ tcpdump -n -tttt -e -XX -r icmp.pcap 'icmp
[icmptype] = icmp-echoreply' and dst host
reading from file icmp.pcap, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet)
2013-02-16 20:30:30.013728 00:0d:b9:27:f1:48 > 00:13:10:65:2f:ac,
 ethertype IPv4 (0x0800),
length 98: > ICMP echo reply, id 47441, seq 1, length 64
        0x0000:  0013 1065 2fac 000d b927 f148 0800 4500  ...e/....'.H..E.
        0x0010:  0054 0000 0000 fb01 035c adc2 4b63 c0a8  .T.........Kc..
        0x0020:  027f 0000 2092 b951 0001 65ec 1f51 0000  .......Q..e..Q..
        0x0030:  0000 d30a 0f00 0000 0000 1011 1213 1415  ................
        0x0040:  1617 1819 1a1b 1c1d 1e1f 2021 2223 2425  ...........!"#$%
        0x0050:  2627 2829 2a2b 2c2d 2e2f 3031 3233 3435  &'()*+,-./012345
        0x0060:  3637                                     67


Tcpdump offers other matching and storage options. For more information, see the Tcpdump manual page on SO. Type man tcpdump at a command prompt to read the manual.

Examining Full Content Data with Tcpdump

Because Tcpdump also works on saved traces, you can use it to examine the full content data saved on SO stand-alone or sensor platforms in the /nsm/sensor_data/<sensorname>/dailylogs directory. When searching for indicators of compromise in network traffic, you may want to search every file in these directories. You can use Tcpdump and a BPF modifier to hone your output.

For example, Example 6-14 looks through all files for traffic involving host and TCP thanks to a for loop and the find command. Note the backticks (on the same key as the tilde symbol) in front of the find and after -type f.

Example 6-14. Looping through pcap files
$ for i in `find /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/
dailylogs/ -type f`; do tcpdump -n -c 1 -r $i
host and tcp; done
reading from file /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/dailylogs/2013-02-16/
snort.log.1361019690, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet) 
reading from file /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/dailylogs/
2013-02-16/snort.log.1361045719, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet) 
21:02:06.430169 IP >
 Flags [S], seq 1330246822, win 42340, options
 [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 157066547 ecr 0,nop,wscale 11], length 0 
reading from file /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/dailylogs/2013-02-
16/snort.log.1361017706, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet) 
-- snip --

Example 6-14 shows that the first trace did not contain any traffic matching the BPF. The second trace contains a matching SYN packet . The third trace at did not contain any matching packets.

With a repository of full content data at your disposal, you give greater context to your NSM analysis. While most NSM analysts use many tools to access full content data, I often use Tcpdump to take a quick look at specific network activity, applying a BPF for a certain port or host of interest.

Using Dumpcap and Tshark

The Dumpcap and Tshark tools are shipped with the Wireshark ( suite. Dumpcap is a simple traffic collection tool, and Tshark is the command line version of the Wireshark network traffic analyzer. Dumpcap, and by extension Tshark, depend on the libpcap traffic capture library to access packets. Both Dumpcap and Tshark are available on SO, but they are not running by default. Analysts can invoke each on demand, most often to access full content data in /nsm/sensor_data/<sensorname>/dailylogs.


Gerald Combs is the original author of Dumpcap, and he and the Wireshark team code under the GNU General Public License version 2 (

Tshark’s strength lies in protocol analysis, thanks to the hundreds of protocols it understands, and, unlike Tcpdump, it allows you access just about any aspect of a protocol using fairly human-friendly syntax. For this reason, if I need to decode a specific protocol in a command line environment, I choose Tshark over Tcpdump.

Running Tshark

You can run Tshark from a command terminal, although if you start it with sudo, it will likely report the following error and warning as shown in Example 6-15.

Example 6-15. Lua error when starting Tshark
$ sudo tshark -i eth1
tshark: Lua: Error during loading:
 [string "/usr/share/wireshark/init.lua"]:45: dofile has been disabled
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on eth1

The protocol dissectors shipped with Wireshark and Tshark may contain vulnerabilities. Clever intruders could exploit those vulnerabilities by sending specially crafted network traffic past a sensor. If malicious packets exploit Wireshark or Tshark while it is sniffing traffic, an intruder could gain control of the sensor. If Wireshark or Tshark is running with root privileges when exploitation occurs, the intruder could gain total control of the sensor.

To partially mitigate the risk of granting intruders unauthorized access, the Wireshark developers recommend that users not run either program with root privileges. Instead, they suggest capturing traffic with Dumpcap first, and then analyzing saved packets with Wireshark or Tshark.

Running Dumpcap

Dumpcap uses the same BPF syntax as Tcpdump, as shown in Example 6-16.

Example 6-16. Capturing two ICMP packets with Dumpcap
$ sudo dumpcap -i eth1 -c 2 -w /tmp/tshark-icmp.pcap -f "icmp and host"
File: /tmp/tshark-icmp.pcap
Packets captured: 2
Packets Received/Dropped on Interface eth1: 2/0

The command in Example 6-16 tells Dumpcap to listen to the eth1 interface, save two packets, write to the /tmp/tshark-icmp.pcap file, and limit capture to ICMP traffic involving the computer at IP address

As you can see in the listing, you don’t need to specify a snaplength via -s as you do with Tcpdump, because Dumpcap uses a default maximum value. Example 6-15 writes to the /tmp directory because the operating system won’t let me write to my home directory as root through sudo. I must write to a directory that the root user can also write to, which doesn’t include my user’s home directory.

Besides using sudo and writing to a directory writable by root, you can reconfigure Wireshark on SO to create a wireshark group, and then add your user account to that group. Doing so will allow your users to capture packets with Dumpcap without invoking sudo to elevate privileges. To accomplish this goal, run the following command:

$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

If you run this command within an OpenSSH session, the screen should look like Example 6-17.

Example 6-17. Configuring wireshark-common via OpenSSH session
âââââââââââââââââââââââg Configuring wireshark-common âââââââââââââââââââââââ
â                                                                           â
â Dumpcap can be installed in a way that allows members of the "wireshark"  â
â system group to capture packets. This is recommended over the             â
â alternative of running Wireshark/Tshark directly as root, because less    â
â of the code will run with elevated privileges.                            â
â                                                                           â
â For more detailed information please see                                  â
â /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian.                            â
â                                                                           â
â Enabling this feature may be a security risk, so it is disabled by        â
â default. If in doubt, it is suggested to leave it disabled.               â
â                                                                           â
â Should non-superusers be able to capture packets?                         â
â                                                                           â
â                    <Yes>                       <No>                       â
â                                                                           â

Use the tab or arrow keys to select Yes, and then press enter. The script will add a wireshark user to the /etc/group file. Next, add your user to the wireshark group. Here, the username is sademo:

$ sudo usermod -a -G wireshark sademo

Now log out of the system and log back in. (If you try to capture traffic without logging in again, you will get an error.) Try capturing traffic as a normal user, as shown in Example 6-18.

Example 6-18. Capturing traffic with user-level privileges with Dumpcap. You can now capture traffic with Dumpcap without using sudo and encountering errors.
$ dumpcap -i eth1 -c 2 -w tshark-icmp.pcap -f "icmp and host"
File: tshark-icmp.pcap
Packets captured: 2
Packets received/dropped on interface eth1: 2/0

Running Tshark on Dumpcap’s Traffic

Once Dumpcap has captured traffic, analyze it with Tshark. To run Tshark in its most basic mode, use the -r switch, as shown in Example 6-19.

Example 6-19. Reading a trace with Tshark
$ tshark -r tshark-icmp.pcap
  1   0.000000 ->      ICMP 74 Echo (ping) request
id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=127
  2   0.022643 -> ICMP 74 Echo (ping) reply
id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=251

This output should be fairly easy to understand, although the time field may be unfamiliar. Specifically, host issues an ICMP echo request to host in packet 1, and host responds with an ICMP echo reply in packet 2. By default, Tshark shows an initial time of 0, followed by time elapsed since the first packet. You can change that to show a more readable format with the -t ad switch, as shown in Example 6-20.

Example 6-20. Showing absolute timestamps using the -t ad switch in Tshark
$ tshark -t ad -r tshark-icmp.pcap
  1 2013-02-17 13:37:45.922462 ->      ICMP 74 Echo
(ping) request id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=127
  2 2013-02-17 13:37:45.945105 -> ICMP 74 Echo
(ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=251

Using Display Filters with Tshark

Tshark provides a robust language to show packets that match display filters. Tshark and Wireshark use display filters to control what traffic is shown, but display filters do not affect packet capture. Use BPF syntax if you want to influence what Tshark (or Dumpcap, for that matter) collects and stores. For example, Example 6-21 invokes a display filter to show only ICMP echo replies (ICMP type 0 messages).

Example 6-21. Showing an ICMP echo reply in Tshark
$ tshark -t ad -r tshark-icmp.pcap -R "icmp.type == 0"
  2 2013-02-17 13:37:45.945105 -> ICMP 74 Echo
(ping) reply    id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=251

This output may not seem very different from that of the Tcpdump filter shown in Example 6-20, but the power of Tshark (and Wireshark) comes from the extensive catalog of available display filters. The ICMP protocol has 64 display filters available as of this writing, as listed at All of these can be used to define specific values to be matched with a display filter.

Tshark reveals its depth of knowledge for protocols when you pass it the -V switch, which tells Tshark to produce a verbose protocol decode for the specified traffic. Add -x to display a hex and ASCII listing of the packet. Both options are shown in Example 6-22.

Example 6-22. Full decode of the ICMP echo reply in Tshark
$ tshark -t ad -r tshark-icmp.pcap -R "icmp.type == 0" -x -V
Frame 2: 74 bytes on wire (592 bits), 74 bytes captured (592 bits)
   Arrival Time: Feb 17, 2014 13:37:45.945105000 UTC
   Epoch Time: 1361108265.945105000 seconds
   [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.022643000 seconds]
   [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 0.000000000 seconds]
   [Time since reference or first frame: 0.022643000 seconds]
   Frame Number: 2
   Frame Length: 74 bytes (592 bits)
   Capture Length: 74 bytes (592 bits)
   [Frame is marked: False]
   [Frame is ignored: False]
   [Protocols in frame: eth:ip:icmp:data]
Ethernet II, Src: PcEngine_27:f1:48
 (00:0d:b9:27:f1:48), Dst: Cisco-Li_65:2f:ac (00:13:10:65:2f:ac)
   Destination: Cisco-Li_65:2f:ac (00:13:10:65:2f:ac)
       Address: Cisco-Li_65:2f:ac (00:13:10:65:2f:ac)
       .......0................= IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
       ......0.................= LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
   Source: PcEngine_27:f1:48 (00:0d:b9:27:f1:48)
       Address: PcEngine_27:f1:48 (00:0d:b9:27:f1:48)
       .......0................= IG bit: Individual address (unicast)
       ......0.................= LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default)
   Type: IP (0x0800)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
   Version: 4
   Header length: 20 bytes
   Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00: Not-ECT (Not
ECN-Capable Transport))
        0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
        ......00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not-ECT (Not
 ECN-Capable Transport)
    Total Length: 60
    Identification: 0x0000 (0)
    Flags: 0x00
        0.......= Reserved bit: Not set
        .0......= Don't fragment: Not set
        ..0.....= More fragments: Not set
    Fragment offset: 0
    Time to live: 251
    Protocol: ICMP (1)
    Header checksum: 0xec9c [correct]
        [Good: True]
        [Bad: False]
    Source: (
    Destination: (
Internet Control Message Protocol
   Type: 0 (Echo (ping) reply)
   Code: 0
   Checksum: 0x554a [correct]
   Identifier (BE): 1 (0x0001)
   Identifier (LE): 256 (0x0100)
   Sequence number (BE): 17 (0x0011)
   Sequence number (LE): 4352 (0x1100)
   [Response To: 1]
   [Response Time: 22.643 ms]
   Data (32 bytes)
       Data: 6162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767761...
       [Length: 32]

0000 00 13 10 65 2f ac 00 0d b9 27 f1 48 08 00 45 00   ...e/....'.H..E.
 0010 00 3c 00 00 00 00 fb 01 ec 9c 08 08 08 08 c0 a8   .<..............
 0020 02 6c 00 00 55 4a 00 01 00 11 61 62 63 64 65 66   .l..UJ....abcdef
 0030 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 71 72 73 74 75 76   ghijklmnopqrstuv
 0040 77 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69                     wabcdefghilll

The full decode for this packet is broken into five main sections:

  • Section displays frame information, with metadata on time, frame size, and other details.

  • Section shows details found in the Ethernet header such as source, destination, and Media Access Control (MAC) addresses.

  • Section offers information from the IP header, like source and destination IP addresses and other IP protocol data.

  • Section shows details on the ICMP protocol itself.

  • Section is a hexadecimal and ASCII representation of the entire frame.

Tools like Tshark are helpful because they expose every detail of a protocol. For example, you may find that it is important to know an ICMP sequence number, if that element may have been used for suspicious or malicious purposes.

Tshark Display Filters in Action

In this section, we’ll look at some display filter examples that demonstrate the power of Tshark.

Imagine you want to search traffic for Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) commands. You could use the smtp.req.command display filter, as shown in Example 6-23.

Example 6-23. Tshark display filter for SMTP
$ tshark -t ad -r smtp.pcap -R 'smtp.req.command'
  4 2014-02-17 14:09:14.659043 -> SMTP 76 C: helo test
 10 2014-02-17 14:09:19.090208 -> SMTP 71 C: quit

To look for user agents in HTTP GET request traffic generated by curl, you could use two filters together. Example 6-24 uses a for loop to search an entire directory. The echo statement shows the trace in question as Tshark searches it.

Example 6-24. Looping through data with Tshark to find HTTP traffic
$ for i in `find /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/
dailylogs/2013-02-17/ -type f`; do echo $i;
tshark -t ad -r $i -R 'http.user_agent contains "curl" and
 http.request.method == GET'; done
143841 2014-02-17 14:26:43.875022 -> HTTP
 223 GET / HTTP/1.1

Tshark display filters also make it easy to search for traffic to or from a range of IP addresses. For example, Example 6-25 looks for traffic with IP addresses between and inclusive that is not TCP or UDP.

Example 6-25. Searching for a range of IP addresses with a Tshark display filter
$ tshark -t ad -r /nsm/sensor_data/sademo-eth1/
dailylogs/2013-02-17/snort.log.1361107364 -R
'ip.dst >= and ip.dst <= and not tcp and not udp'
10327 2014-02-17 13:33:01.775757 ->
 ICMP 74 Echo (ping) reply     id=0x0001, seq=16/4096, ttl=251
12519 2014-02-17 13:37:45.945105 ->
 ICMP 74 Echo (ping) reply     id=0x0001, seq=17/4352, ttl=251

For more detail, add the -V and/or -x switch.

As you can see, I like to use Tshark to review saved traces for specific elements. It would be difficult to create the equivalent BPF syntax for many of these display filters. While technically possible, the BPF syntax can be horribly complex.

Running Argus and the Ra Client

Our final command line tool is Argus (, a session data generation and analysis suite, and its client for reading data, Ra. The Argus server is running by default on SO, but analysts must use the Argus client tools to access the data stored in the /nsm/sensor_data/<sensorname>/argus directory.


Carter Bullard first started writing Argus at Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) in 1993, and released the code publicly as Argus 1.5 in early 1996. Today, the code exists as a server component and multiple client components, licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.

You can validate the status of the Argus server by running the nsm_sensor_ps-status script with the --only-argus switch, as shown in Example 6-26.

Example 6-26. Checking Argus status
$ sudo nsm_sensor_ps-status --only-argus
Status: sademo-eth1                                 [ OK ]
  * argus

Stopping and Starting Argus

If Argus is not running, you can restart it. Let’s stop it, and then restart it, as shown in Example 6-27.

Example 6-27. Stopping and starting Argus
$ sudo nsm_sensor_ps-stop --only-argus
Stopping: sademo-eth1
  * stopping: argus                                 [ OK ]

$ sudo nsm_sensor_ps-start --only-argus
Starting: sademo-eth1
  * starting: argus                                 [ OK ]
  * disk space currently at 21%

The Argus data stored in the /nsm/sensor_data/<sensorname>/argus directory appears as individual files, one for each day, named YYYY-MM-DD.log. Stopping and starting the Argus server will not destroy the previous file, only append to it.

The Argus File Format

The files in the Argus directory are binary files readable only by the Argus client tools. The binary format keeps the files compact. In comparison, a sample sensor with 48 days of NSM data shows the following directory usage for full content and Argus session data. Example 6-28 has the details.

Example 6-28. Sample Argus and pcap storage
$ sudo du -csh /nsm/sensor_data/soe-eth0/argus/
1.8G    /nsm/sensor_data/soe-eth0/argus/
1.8G    total
$ sudo du -csh /nsm/sensor_data/soe-eth0/dailylogs/
83G     /nsm/sensor_data/soe-eth0/dailylogs/
83G     total

As you can see, 48 days of full content data in pcap format on this sensor occupies 83GB, but Argus session data for the same period occupies only 1.8GB, or 1/46 of the space. This ratio is likely to be quite different depending on the nature of each network, but you can see the space advantage associated with session data compared to full content data.

This comparison demonstrates the power of session data. If you just need to know the IP address, protocol, and/or ports associated with a connection, you can acquire all of that information from session data. You don’t need to capture or search through piles of full content data to get it.

Examining Argus Data

Analysts who enjoy parsing data using command line tools are likely to find Argus data particularly useful. I’ll show a few ways to examine this data for interesting results. You might take this approach if you want to look for specific information or script searches of session data for anomalous activity.

First, we’ll compare reading session data using two Argus clients, Ra and Racluster. Example 6-29 shows an example of using Ra to look for session records with destination port 21, which is used by many FTP servers.

Example 6-29. Argus Ra output for port 21
$ ra -n -r 2014-02-10.log - tcp and dst port 21 -s
 stime saddr sport daddr dport sbytes dbytes
         StartTime            SrcAddr Sport            DstAddr Dport
      SrcBytes    DstBytes
 11:10:53.939711                140          74
 11:11:04.434637                769        1633
 11:11:10.003721                204         301
                917        1195
                979        1198
                939        1346
                935        1345
               1114        1279
                840         979
                348         301

The -n switch tells Ra to not resolve port numbers to names. The BPF syntax filter tcp and dst port 21 specifies a protocol and port of interest. The -s switch tells Ra which fields to display. (The Ra man page lists all output fields controlled by the -s switch.) The SrcBytes and DstBytes columns in the results count transaction data bytes, which include packet headers. (To get application layer bytes, use sappbytes and dappbytes instead of sbytes and dbytes on the command line.)

Notice that there are several session records for certain conversations. The Argus server wrote these records as it saw the connection stay active. That’s fine for a short result like the one in Example 6-29, but not for connections that stay open longer. To collapse these records, use Racluster, as shown in Example 6-30.

Example 6-30. Argus Racluster output for port 21
$ racluster -n -r 2013-02-10.log - tcp and dst
 port 21 -s stime saddr sport daddr dport sbytes
        StartTime           SrcAddr Sport             DstAddr Dport
     SrcBytes     DstBytes
 11:10:53.939711    192.168
.2.127.60102             1113         2008
              917         1195
              979         1198
            939         1346
            935         1345
             1114         1279
             1188         1280

Notice that the first three records (, , and ) from the Ra record in Example 6-29 have been collapsed into one record in Example 6-30, though when you add the byte counts from the same sessions in the Ra output, you’ll find that they match the total byte count in the Racluster output. For example, the SrcBytes count for the session to in the Ra output is 140 + 769 + 204 = 1113, which is the same value as the SrcBytes field for the session to in the Racluster output.

I often use Argus with Racluster to quickly search a large collection of session data via the command line, especially for unexpected entries. Rather than searching for specific data, I tell Argus what to omit, and then I review what’s left.

As an example, we’ll walk through building a fairly complicated Racluster search. It will tell Racluster to search three Argus archives for UDP traffic, but to exclude ports 53 (DNS), 123 (Network Time Protocol, or NTP), or host

This will require the use of the -m saddr daddr switch, which instructs Ra to group records by source and destination IP address, and the -s switch, which specifies the desired output fields. Two additional elements add the year, month, and day to the timestamps in this report. To add these, first create the /tmp/ra.conf file, as shown in Example 6-31, with a variable telling Ra how to display the time. (To learn more about this format, see the manual page for the date command.)

Example 6-31. Contents of the /tmp/ra.conf file
cat /tmp/ra.conf
RA_TIME_FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T"

Next, add the stime element of the -s switch that tells Ra to provide enough room in the print buffer to show the entire date and timestamp. Example 6-32 assembles all these components and shows the output.

Example 6-32. Using Racluster to look for UDP traffic while ignoring port 53, port 123, and host
$ racluster -F /tmp/ra.conf -n -r 2014-02-10.log
 2013-02-16.log 2014-02-17.log - udp and not 
(port 53 or port 123 or host -m saddr daddr
 -s stime:20 saddr sport daddr dport
sbytes dbytes
     StartTime               SrcAddr  Sport            DstAddr
 Dport       SrcBytes       DstBytes
2013-02-17 13:26:49
               540             540
2013-02-17 13:26:49     17.173.254.
223.16386            240             240
2013-02-17 13:26:49
               660               0
2013-02-16 20:35:09
              6000            6000
2013-02-16 20:35:09     17.173.
254.223.16386           2820            2820
2013-02-16 20:35:09
              7740               0
2013-02-10 11:28:29
               534             918
2013-02-10 11:28:29       23.23.189.
44.33434            382               0
2013-02-17 19:12:09     157.56.106.
184.3544            2472            3624
2013-02-17 19:12:09     157.56.106.
185.3544             206             302
2013-02-16 13:37:19           33372           48169
2013-02-16 13:37:19             515             755

In Example 6-32, you see entries where the destination port is 0 at , , , , and , and where the source port is 0 at and . When the destination port shows 0, Racluster has aggregated multiple destination ports into one record. For example, Example 6-33 shows a similar Racluster search that looks at Argus records involving as the source IP address and (meaning any fourth octet is acceptable) as the destination net block.

Example 6-33. Using Racluster with as the source IP address and as the destination net block
$ racluster -F /tmp/ra.conf -n -r 2014-02-10.log
 2013-02-16.log 2014-02-17.log - src host and dst net and udp and not
 (port 53 or port 123 or host -s stime:20 saddr sport daddr dport sbytes dbytes
     StartTime           SrcAddr  Sport             DstAddr
  Dport     SrcBytes     DstBytes
2013-02-16 13:37:19
        20909        30653
2013-02-16 13:37:19
          412          604
2013-02-17 14:27:57
        12463        17516
2013-02-17 14:27:57
          103          151

Notice that this output represents four distinct connections: two to at and , and two to at and . When you aggregate results using the source IP address, as in Example 6-32, you lose this granularity.

I mentioned earlier that I like to use Argus and its Ra or Racluster client to omit certain traffic, and then review what’s left for anomalies. Example 6-32 contains some data that I could review for suspicious or malicious entries. Doing this sort of review requires some ability to recognize net blocks and protocols, but it can yield interesting results.

Taking a net block approach means determining the source or destination of traffic. Tools like the Robtex website ( can help identify network owners. For example, traffic in Example 6-32 to the traffic is likely related to Apple protocols, because Apple owns that entire Class A net block. Doing similar analysis shows Microsoft owns the net block, Amazon owns, and Verizon owns

Taking a protocol approach requires looking at the protocols involved, often by deciphering which applications use certain TCP or UDP ports. Online resources like the SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC) Port Report ( provide clues concerning the functions of various TCP and UDP ports. For example, Apple uses port 3544 UDP for its push notification service, and port 16386 UDP for its FaceTime service. Many systems run UDP-based Traceroute using port 33434. Based on this knowledge, I can determine that the applications depicted in Example 6-32 are likely all benign, and that they’re associated with Apple traffic and network path discovery using Traceroute. Of course, in order to firmly identify these sessions, I would need access to full content data or logs from other sources. Still, this approach provides a way to identify interesting activity with a minimum amount of effort.


This chapter began by explaining the three types of tools available in SO: software for data collection, presentation, and delivery. Within the presentation category, we find tools for packet analysis, and applications that work best as NSM consoles. Some of the packet analysis tools rely on command line interfaces, and others use graphical interfaces. This chapter discussed several packet analysis data presentation tools that are used from the command line: Tcpdump, Tshark, and the Argus Ra client. You also saw how to use Dumpcap in concert with Tshark.

In Chapter 7, we’ll look at the graphical interface packet analysis tools: Wireshark, Xplico, and NetworkMiner. You’ll see that GUI access to packets offers several distinct advantages, including the availability of more forms of NSM data.

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