
When Jason first suggested we write a book together, I remember having this feeling of excitement mixed with terror. I’ve been writing in some form since as early as I can recall, but a book? Holy cats! Well, nine months later I can honestly say it’s all excitement now. We did it!

However, we did not do it alone.

This book would not have been possible without the people at Pearson Education and Que Publishing. To Katherine Bull, our editor: Thanks for believing in me and answering every single (sometimes silly) question I had. To our editorial team, Leslie O’Neill, Betsy Harris, and Paula Lowell: Thanks for teaching me when to use then versus than and their versus its, as well as how to cut unnecessary/repetitive sentences and paragraphs. Thanks to Alan Clements for designing the kick-ass cover. To Dan Powell, Lisa Jacobson-Brown, Romny French, and the rest of the Pearson crew: We appreciate everything you’ve done!

Thanks to Bill McCloskey for agreeing to be our technical editor. We chose Bill, the Godfather of email marketing, to keep us honest. Thanks, Bill, for doing that and then some!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this book with your quotes and case studies. Your endless patience in not only sharing your stories but ensuring that we told them correctly was essential to this book.

To Chris Penn, who not only contributed to the book but has also been a good friend, colleague, and mentor for many years now. I can always count on you for honest, valuable, direct feedback. Thanks, CP!

To you (yeah, YOU)! Thanks for reading this book. It means a ton.

To Sal Tripi, who over several cocktails in Miami a few years ago convinced me that ugly emails can work. Thanks for being an inspiration for this book.

To Ann Handley, who pointed me to her blog post on the “14 Stages of Writing a Book” at the exact time I needed it. Thanks, Ann—LOL.

To my family—my mother Sharon, my father Warren, and my sister Jennifer—thank you for believing in and supporting me over these last nine months, and for always being there—always—over the past 36+ years.

To Joe Colopy and Chaz Felix, the cofounders of Bronto: When I walked into the world’s smallest conference room for my Bronto interview in 2005, with zero experience in email marketing, you guys took a chance on me. Without the opportunities Bronto gave me in four years, this book would never have happened. Thanks!

To Eugenie Jaffe, the first non-family member whom I told about the book. When I was contemplating the decision to write this book, I asked you what I should do. You didn’t hesitate. Thanks for giving me the nudge I needed.

To Jason Falls, my coauthor, colleague, and dear friend. Jason, I’ve always looked up to you for your “no bullshit” approach to business and life. You tell it how you see it and have an amazing ability to take the complex and make it easy to understand. Thank you for asking me to join you on this book-writing journey. I’m honored to call you my coauthor and friend.

To my amazingly patient wife, Kristina: Thank you for being my biggest supporter and fan. I know the phrase “I need to do some writing tonight” quickly became the seven words you dreaded to hear, but you stuck with me. You believed in me. I love you—always and forever.

And finally, to @babywaldow Eva, whose curiosity and “Daddy, whatcha doing, Daddy?” question always brings a smile to my face. I love you, baby girl.


Writing a book is a process and we could not have done it without the wonderful folks at Pearson Education and Que Publishing. To Katherine Bull, our editor, and the leadership team led by Greg Wiegand and others: Thank you for your faith and patience. To Leslie O’Neill, Betsy Harris, Paula Lowell, and Bill McCloskey: You make us sound like we know what we’re doing. Many thanks for that! We sure needed the help! To Dan Powell, Lisa Jacobson-Brown, Romny French, and the rest of the Pearson/Que team: We couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks a ton!

Now for the selfish part. I would like to thank DJ for his infectious enthusiasm and friendship, for agreeing to tackle this project together and for teaching me far more about email marketing over the years than I expected to learn. There are also several other industry colleagues who keep me thinking and sharp, and help me stay on top of my own game, whether they know it or not. In no particular order and including, but not limited to, I would like to offer heartfelt tips of the cap to Tom Webster, Tamsen McMahon, Mike Schneider, Jay Baer, Amber Naslund, Matt Ridings, Chris Penn, Tim Hayden, Zena Weist, Scott Stratten, David Meerman Scott, Paul Gillin, Bob Hoffman, Todd Defren, Jeremiah Owyang, Chris Brogan, Mark Schaefer, Aaron Perlut, Valeria Maltoni, and Emily Kirkpatrick. To my clients, sponsors, and partners over the years: Thank you so much. It has been and will be an honor, always.

To my team at Social Media Explorer—Aaron Marshall, Nichole Marshall, Nichole Kelly, Tom Heseltine, et. al.—I wouldn’t want to go to bat with anyone else. You guys rock! And to my readers, followers, believers, and tribe: The fact that I can think, write, and say stuff and there’s someone there to listen continues to be one of the most humbling notions that passes my brain. I’m honored by you daily. Thank you.

Finally, thank you, thank you, forever thank you to Nancy, Grant, and Katie for the three best reasons to get up and do what I do everyday.


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