RULE 107

Be a diplomat for the company

I hope you don’t have to ‘kiss butts’ to be a diplomat for your company, but diplomat you should be. The company you work for will drive you mad at times, and at others please you no end. If you can stay away from the politics and backbiting that goes on in any organization, you’ll be doing fine. Accept that every company has bad bits and good bits. Focus on the good bits and be incredibly proud that they had the good sense to employ one of the best managers in the business – you.

Speak highly of your company wherever you go and in whatever you do. This will get back to head office and make you even more proud, because nothing generates pride better than being proud (the opposite of a vicious circle – a kindly circle?).

If you get a complaint, accept it, tell the person you will investigate and get back to them – and do it.

Having to be a diplomat makes you question what your company represents – and that makes you question how happy you are working for them. If it is good and you are already proud – good for you. But if you have doubts you might have to do some soul searching before continuing. Don’t chuck in the towel immediately – you might be of more use on the inside, changing from there.

Just as you would go that extra mile for a customer, find ways to go that extra mile for your company. This doesn’t mean you have to be a yes-person or a lackey or a doormat. You can be strong, proud, independent, rebellious and still be a diplomat for the company.


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