Fill your time productively and profitably

Once you’ve learnt to kick the door shut you’ll find yourself alone in an empty office. But to be the really great and effective manager you are, and are going to be, you don’t coast or cruise. You get your head down and get the work done. And you get it done fast and effectively and efficiently. Then you do some work on your long-term goals, your game plan and your business education (don’t stand still – read something).

Working hard when you’re not being encouraged with an electric cattle prod is a bit like working for yourself. You have to be motivated, dedicated and focused. It takes practice and training. We all like to goof off. And that’s fine every now and then. We all need thinking time, down time. It is important, though, not to overdo it.

Don’t let the time bandits come in and steal a whole day. Set little deadlines. Make short lists so you can cross off lots and feel good about what you’ve done. Get loads of fresh air, or you’ll sleep too much. Don’t drink alcohol at lunchtime, or you’ll sleep afternoons. Go to bed early enough, or you’ll be trying to catch up on sleep in the office.

Beware time-wasting people. Practise telling people you’ve got something important and urgent to finish and can you come and see them later?

Beware e-mails too – they have a way of sucking time. And they tend to make you terribly reactive – ‘Oh, I’ve got a clear in-box, all my work is done.’ But the truth is, work isn’t replying to e-mails or composing e-mails – it is getting your sleeves rolled up and actually doing something: making phone calls, chasing people, creating sales, checking production, filing reports. Get on with it, now. Be productive. Be profitable. Everything else can take a hike.


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