So those are the basic Rules for managing a team. And obviously most managers have a team to manage. But all managers have themselves to manage as well – that’s you. So the next set of Rules is for you. These are Rules to help you become more effective as well as more efficient. It’s hard enough just getting through the day without trying to improve as well – believe me, I know.

Being a manager is a tough job because it is always two jobs at once. You have to get your own work done and also be looking out for a team. The higher up the scale we go, the further away from our original job we get. And often no one bothers to train us as to what the new job – management – actually entails. Sure, we go on the odd course – and some are very odd: I speak as one who has made LEGO® bridges, done jigsaws that are face down, been on canoeing weekends and all in the name of management training – but we don’t specifically train to be managers. Management is something we sort of pick up as we go along. Sure, there are a few good instinctive managers, but invariably we stumble along picking up the odd hint and clue here and there – it’s a very hit and miss operation.

And a lot of what we are taught is fairly obvious. What I’m doing here is giving you the unwritten stuff – the stuff you don’t get on those canoeing weekends.

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