RULE 107

What’s next? Pacts with the devil?

It’s the last Rule and I guess we can have some fun. Creating wealth is as varied and different an adventure for each of us as anything else. We can work for it, win the lottery or a poker game (mind you it would have to be a pretty big one), inherit it, steal it, be awarded it as a prize (Nobel Prize for literature – you do get around $1.3 million.* Gulp. Put my name forward at once please, somebody. Or what about the Templeton Prize, which gets you $1.4 million**), or find it in the street (lots of examples on the Internet of people finding huge wads of cash), marry into it, you name it. And of course if you are really desperate there is the old pact with the devil – but beware of gotcha clauses.


The Chinese believe, via feng shui, that if you leave your loo seat up, your money will get flushed away. I wonder if this is a modern invention because I have no evidence of flushing loos in China when feng shui was being established in the Taoist eras.

Then there are affirmations – you write down the wealth you want and pin it up so you can see it every day and chant it out hundreds of times. Might work.

Then there’s the cosmic ordering service – you tell the great cosmic bank how much it owes you and it repays you immediately – there has got to be a catch there somewhere knowing banks; they’re all the same I reckon.

Then there’s crystals – you wear one/sleep with it/carry it around. Certain crystals resonate with the cosmic bank (them again) and it’s a sort of rock cheque I guess.*

Dowsing? You follow hazel rods (or bits of bent coat hangers and empty Biros depending on which books you read) which twitch when you are above buried treasure or a seam of gold or one of those ring-pull things off the top of a beer can. Bit like a metal detector but doesn’t need batteries.

I suppose you could buy a racehorse but it seems so very risky to me. Laying down fine wines? Could work but I couldn’t resist the temptation I think.

I am not scoffing at any of these methods. However you intend gaining prosperity, you should get on with it, believe in it, follow it, give 100 per cent to it and not listen to others. Including me. Especially me. Good luck.

Richard Templar

* 10 million Swedish krona – the actual value changes with fluctuating currency conversion rates.

** The Templeton Prize is awarded annually by an international, multifaith panel of judges to a living person of any religious tradition who has made a unique contribution to progress in research or discoveries about spiritual realities.

* Citrine, ruby and tiger eye are supposed to work but I figure if you can buy rubies you don’t need the wealth or you’re giving it all to the crystal seller, so I suppose it works for them.

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