
acoustic foam 1415, 2124, 33, 38, 261

acoustic guitars 75

figure-of-eight microphones 138139

improving DI’d guitar 144146

microphones 136138

mixing 231

optimum mic position 139142

recording environment 135136

stereo recording 142144

undersaddle piezo-based pickup/preamp 133134

acoustic piano 75

acoustic screens 6162, 70

acoustic treatment 20, 24, 27, 33, 38, 261

active loudspeaker (or monitor) 45, 261

air EQ 124, 223, 224

air-conditioning 92

amp/amplifier 261

miking a guitar amp 150151

modelling preamps 148150

re-amping 163

remote 162163

types 154

analogue 45, 111112, 239, 261

arming 261

audio interface 45, 106, 108, 126, 137, 156, 163, 205, 261262

automatic tuning 225227

automation 185, 199, 210, 223, 225, 240241, 262

auxiliary sends 204206, 262

back electret 116117, 158, 263

balanced/unbalanced cables 99103, 262263

barrier mat (or sheet rock, dead-sheet) 3435, 90

bass guitar 166169, 170, 227228

bass problems 910, 48

bass response 10, 12, 39, 48, 4950, 167, 247, 263

bass tip-up see proximity effect

bass traps 32, 48, 263

broadband 3234

foam 33

loft insulation 3334

mattresses/sofas 33

mineral wool 33

soft-furnishings 37

stud partition/dry-walls 37

windows/doors 37

bit rate 263

see also sample rate

Blumlein array 263264

boom 56, 176, 264

boundary 43, 122, 264

bracketing 221223

buffer 73, 126, 156, 264

bussing 201204

cabinet 1, 3, 45, 46, 47, 73, 148, 151, 152, 227, 264

cabinet resonance 264

cable screens 103105

cables/connections 183

balanced/unbalanced 99103, 262263

cable screens 103105

case study 9799

cleaning 114

cold/hot signal wire 101102

disconnecting 9697

examples 9397

gain structure 107110

impedance 101, 110111

on the level 111112

speaker cables 113114

summary 114115

unbalanced to balanced

interfacing 105106

capacitor 75, 110, 116118, 122, 136137, 158159, 177, 182, 183184, 264

capsule 117, 123, 124, 264

CD-burning 256259

CD-R 239, 256

ceilings 90, 120

channel fader 128

Clapton, Eric 150

click track 265

clipping 40, 107108, 132, 157, 200, 236237, 249, 253, 265

clocking 265

clothes closet 6365, 73

coincident 142, 143, 179, 265

colouration 5, 62, 63, 71, 75, 265

coloured sound 35

comfort reverb 126128

communication with musicians 72

comping 266

compression 252253

parallel 254255

compressor 131, 186, 209, 266

cone 42, 46, 47, 160, 161, 167, 223, 266

corner traps 3234, 121

CPU 266

crossover 266

crossover frequency 266

CRT (cathode ray tube) 166

D-A converter 200, 250

daisy chain 266267

DAT machine 239

DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) 72, 73, 108, 127, 144, 179, 196197, 201204, 237, 267

dB (deciBel) 267

dead zone 59

Decca tree 267

decoupler (or isolator) 14, 83, 87, 91, 267

delay 268

DI box 7475, 145, 146, 166, 169, 227228, 268

diaphragm 75, 116, 122, 123, 136138, 160, 167, 183184, 268

digital 268

digital-modelling 148150

distortion 236237

dome 268

doors 84, 8687

double-lapped screen 268

drive unit/driver 269

drums 71, 171173

close miking 182184

damping 173

divide and conquer 189190

isolated from floor 91

kick drum 176178

loops 191192

maintaining 171

mic positioning 178182

overheads 179

pre-mixing and panning 186187

replacement 190191

room environment 171172

sampled 187

snares 175176

summary 192

tracking 185186

tuning the kit 173174

dummy loads 153

duvets 62, 70, 73, 119121

dynamic 268

dynamic processors 250252

editing 240241, 255256

electric guitar 148

amplifier types 154

bass guitar 166169

case study 152, 157158

dummy loads/speaker emulation 153

hiss and hum 163164, 166

microphones 157

miking a guitar amp 150151

mixing 229231

model behaviour 148150

noise-reducing modifications 164165

power soak units 151152

re-amping 163

reality check 169170

remote amping 162163

software emulations 154157

sound styles 158162

electromagnetic interference 101

EQ 124, 125, 126, 144145, 166, 183, 211, 220223, 224, 237, 246, 248250

equaliser 141, 144, 220, 224, 269

equivalent input noise 269

faders 128, 210

Fender, Leo 148, 150

FET (Field Effect Transistor) 269

fidelity 269

filter 63, 96, 121, 124, 139, 187, 221, 223, 224, 228, 230, 231, 236237, 248, 269

filter frequency 269

Fingerprint EQ 144

FireWire 269270

flanking transmission 91

flash drive 270

see also solid-state drive

flutter echo 30, 270

frequency response 35, 270

gain structure 4042, 107110

general MIDI/GM 270

ground loop/ground loop hum 9596, 270271

groups 206207

GUI (graphical user interface) 271

hard disk drive 271

headroom 74, 107110, 112, 132, 149, 186, 271

high-range (high, highs) 271

hiss and hum 163164, 166

hub 271

Hz/kHz 271

impedance 110111, 271272

input impedance 111, 272

insert points 217, 254, 272

Internet audio 259260

isolator 272

keyboards, real/virtual 7375

kick drum 176178

latency 154156, 272

lay length 272

LCD 166

Led Zeppelin 150

level adjustments 231234

lighting 166

limiter 232233, 250251, 273

limp-mass absorbers 3436

loop 9596, 270271, 273

lossy materials 81, 83, 90

loudness 273

loudspeaker (monitor or speaker)

active/passive 4446

bass problems 910

frequency response 35

phasing 4243

placement 12, 1112

positioning/angle 1013, 39, 4648

stands 1315, 91

suitable 4446

low-range (low, lows) 273

M-S (mid-side) 275

magnetic shielding 273

Match EQ 144

Marshall stacks 148


compression 252

development of 242244

dynamics 250252

editing tasks 255

EQ 248250

evaluation 246247

final checks 256257

gently does it 252253

home vs pro 245246

Internet audio 259260

parallel compression 254255

process 247248

maximum SPL 273

metering 108, 244, 273

microphones (mics) 273

analogue 111

capacitor 117, 136137

cardioid pattern 119, 137

choosing 125126, 157

close/distant 71, 72, 124, 161162, 182184

combinations 158159

dynamic 75

figure-of-eight 138139

hi-hat 183184

kick mic position 177178

miking a guitar amp 150151

omni-pattern 137138

optimum position 139142, 178180, 182

overhead 71

power soak units 151152

powering 117119

presence peak 126

ribbon 137, 159160, 177, 279

shaping sound via position 160162

small-diaphragm capacitor 75

talkback 72, 282

three-mic technique 182

tube 117

mid-range (mid, mids) 273

Mid-Side 143

MIDI 73, 147, 187, 192, 273274

mineral wool 2426, 33, 58, 274

mirror points 5356, 274

mix bus 74

mixer 274

mixing 193195

acoustic guitars 231

art of 208209

automatic tuning 225227

auxiliary sends 204206

bass guitar 227228

buses and sends 201204

case study 214215, 220221, 229, 237238

combining mix automation with advanced editing 240241

distortion 236237

electric guitars 229231

EQ bracketing 221223

EQ presets 214215

EQ to separate 220221

getting started 196197

grouping the VCA way 207208

initial balance 201

judging the balance 231234

keep it clean 195

medium 239

noise gate 234236

panning 215217

perspective 218220

plug-in presets 212214

polishing and shaving 209

preliminary housekeeping 197198

problem solving 234

reverb space 217

sends and groups 206207

simply the wrong sound 237

track ‘cleaning’ 199201

vocal levelling 209212

vocal reverbs 225

vocals 223225

mixing console 45, 111

modal distribution 274

modelling 134, 144, 148150, 274

modes (room) 274

monitor 274

see also loudspeaker (monitor or speaker)

monitor controller 274

monitoring 1

artist 129130

checking bass problems 910, 48

do’s and don’ts 60

frequency response 35

magic triangle 13

perfect symmetry rule 1213

placement of speakers 12, 1112

pointing down long room dimension 10

practical solutions 3959

room modes 57

room reflections 1617

shape/size of room 79

stands 1315

mono 275

moving coil 137, 159, 275

MTC (MIDI time code) 275

multi-timbrality 275

mutual angle 275

near field 275276

near-coincident 275

noise gate 234236

NOS 276

off/on-axis 34, 256

ohm 276

optimisation (of computer) 276

Orange Book 256

ORTF 143, 276

output impedance 111, 276

output sensitivity 276

overdubbing 129, 277

OVU 108

panning 215217, 218

passive loudspeaker or monitor 42, 4445, 46, 113, 277

patch 277

PCI (peripheral component interconnect) card 277

PFL (Pre Fade Listen) 108

phantom power 16, 117118, 277

phono plug (RCA-phono) 277

pitch bend 277

plug-in 148150, 170, 179, 237, 277278

power 278

preset 212214

polar pattern 3, 278

polyphony 278

pop shield 123124, 223, 278

post-fade 205206

power amplifier 278

power soaks 152

powered loudspeaker (or monitor) 278

pre-amp 133134, 278

pre-fade 204205

presets 157

project studio 13, 59, 61, 69, 77, 84, 9394, 102, 114, 133, 137, 151, 178, 193, 237, 278

proximity effect (or bass tip-up) 124, 137, 138, 139, 159, 278

PZM (Pressure Zone Microphones) 180, 182

quantisation 279

rack mount 279

RAM 279

recording space

acoustics 6163

different rooms/spaces 7273

instruments 6970

keyboards (real/virtual) 7375

reflections/resonances 71

vocal booths 6369

Red Book 257258

reflection 279

reflective areas 180

angled wall panels 31

CDs as reflectors 28, 31, 55

floors 71

mirror analogy 31

non-parallel walls/shaped ceilings 3132

resonances 71

resonant modes 57

reverb 186187, 217, 225, 279

reverb decay 279

ribbon 137, 159160, 177, 279

right-brain activity 197


modes 274

rear walls 5760

reflections 1617

shape/size 79

sound resonances 57, 20

symmetry 1112

width/length effect 10

S/PDIF 103, 281

sample 280

sample rate 256, 280

see also bit rate

sampler 18, 61, 220, 280

satellite (speaker) 279

scattering 3032

self noise 279

sends 204207

sensitivity 41, 157, 280

sequencer 280

shockmount 280

sine wave test sequence 1819, 48

SMPTE TimeCode 280

snare drum 175176, 182

software emulations 154157

solid-state drive 280

see also flash drive


isolation 7778, 92

speed of transmission 7980

vibrational energy 78

wavefront 79

sound absorbers 20

acoustic foam 2224

bass traps 3233

carpet 2728

commercial products 38

corner traps 3234

curved 120

decay time 20, 29

diffusing/reflecting sound 3032

duvets 62, 70, 119121

egg box myth 30

expanded polystyrene panels 29

free bass absorption 37

limp-mass 3436

mineral wool 2426, 58

mirror points 5356

open-plan-office dividing screens 2930

porous 2021

positioning 5256

role 52

studio sofa (bed, mattress) 33, 56, 179

sound card 280

sound leaking 77

ceilings 90

complaints 83

doors 84, 8687

floors 8890

masked by daytime noise 85, 8687

vibration-borne sound 9091

walls 7984

windows 84, 8586

soundproofing 7778, 280

spaced array 281

speaker 281

see also loudspeaker (monitor or speaker)

speaker cables 113114

speaker emulation 153

‘The Spherical Bermuda Triangle of Death’ 8

SPL (sound pressure level) 281

SRA (stereo recording angle) 281

standing waves 5

Stratocaster guitar 148

studio vibe 128

subwoofer 281

2.1 system 4950

calibration 5152

level, phase, cut-off frequency 51

positioning 50

surround 282

sweet spot 71

synthesis 282

synthesiser 222, 282

talkback 72, 282

tape op 196

target sound 144

templates 128

track cleaning 199201

TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) 105, 282

TS (tip-sleeve) 106

tub combo 73

tube see valve

tuned traps 32

tweeter 13, 14, 16, 46, 47, 247, 282

USB (Universal Serial Bus) 282

valve 117, 282

vibrato 283

vocal booths 121

clothes closet example 6465

size 6364

sound absorption 6364

treatment 6567, 69 vocal recording 116117

artist monitoring 129131

backing vocals 224225

boxy-sounding 118

case study 122

comfort reverb 126128

directionality 119121

mic choices 125126

mic powering 117119

position 122124

processing prior to recording 131132

studio ‘vibe’ 128

summary 132

VU meter 108

W (watt) 283


adding mass 8081

air gap 80, 8283

cavity wall 80

dry wall/studding 84

lossy layers 81, 83

plasterboard-on-studding 82, 83

silicone rubber/mastic 8283

vibrational energy 80

WAV 256

way (as in 2-way or 3-way) 283

windows 84, 8586

X-Y 143, 179, 283

XLR 64, 102, 105, 106, 283

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