List of Tables, Exhibits, and Figures 

Table 1.1 In-Depth versus Mini Needs Assessment
Exhibit 1.1 Needs-Assessment Process
Exhibit 1.2 Method Selection Criteria
Table 1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Data-Collection Methods
Exhibit 1.3 Confidential Presession Questionnaire
Exhibit 2.1 Learning Style Profile
Exhibit 3.1 Characteristics of Effective Trainers
Exhibit 3.2 Instructional Styles Diagnosis Inventory
Table 3.1 Learner-Centered versus Information-Centered Training
Table 3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
Exhibit 3.3 Learner-Centered or Information-Centered Behavior
Exhibit 4.1 Diversity-Awareness Inventory
Table 4.1 Generational Differences
Table 5.1 Reference Chart for Objectives
Exhibit 5.1 Editing Learning Objectives
Exhibit 5.2 Sample Objectives Worksheet
Exhibit 5.3 Objectives Worksheet
Exhibit 6.1 Design Matrix
Exhibit 6.2 Instructional Plan, Part I
Table 6.1 Instructional Methods
Table 6.2 Instructional Methods and When to Use Them
Table 6.3 Matching Methods to Desired Outcomes
Exhibit 6.3 Checklist for a Quality Participant Workbook
Exhibit 7.1 Video Preview Form
Exhibit 8.1 Sample Participant Cover Letter
Exhibit 8.2 Sample Tips for Participants
Exhibit 8.3 Sample Email to Manager
Exhibit 8.4 How to Prepare Your Employees for Training
Exhibit 8.5 Delegation Assignment
Figure 8.1 Classroom Style
Figure 8.2 Horseshoe
Figure 8.3 Single Square or Round
Figure 8.4 Cluster
Figure 8.5 Conference
Figure 8.6 Semicircle and Full Circle
Figure 8.7 Chevron
Figure 8.8 The Experiential Learning Cycle
Exhibit 8.6 Creating an Activity
Table 9.1 Using Visual Aids
Exhibit 10.1 Preventing Dysfunctional Behavior
Exhibit 11.1 Sample Action Plan
Table 12.1 Measuring Training Results
Table 12.2 Level 2 Evaluation Methods
Table 12.3 Determining Training Costs
Exhibit 13.1 Cultural Awareness Self-Assessment
Exhibit 13.2 Sample of Importance of Using Names
Exhibit 13.3 Case Example
Exhibit 13.4 Case Example
Exhibit 14.1 Story Matrix
Exhibit 16.1 Model for Teaching a Task or Procedure
Exhibit 16.2 Worksheet for Teaching a Task
Exhibit 16.3 Trainer Effectiveness
Exhibit 17.1 Checklist for Selecting Peer Trainers
Exhibit 17.2 Plan for a Train-the-Trainer Program
Exhibit 17.3 Negotiating with Consultants and Service Providers
Exhibit 17.4 Case Study for Lunch-and-Learn Session
Exhibit 17.5 Guidelines for Conducting a Teleseminar
Exhibit 17.6 Technology-Based Delivery Methods
Exhibit 17.7 Tips to Maximize Your Training Dollars
Exhibit 18.1 What's Your Trust Quotient?
Exhibit 18.2 Checklist for Selecting an External Consultant
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