
This book is not meant to be the final word on trust, in fact just the opposite. I want this book to be the catalyst for starting what I hope are many future conversations between people and more writing on this subject. I believe the discussion of trust is that important.

I am not the same man I was when I started my journey to write this book. It has been a labor of love, passion, and an incredible sorting process of my own thoughts, ideas, and intuition. The conversations I have had with others while writing and researching have brought me closer to people than I ever thought possible.

I have made the argument that trust is the most important value you can create in your organization. It gives you a competitive edge by attracting the type of people you want working in your business and lets them feel good about the company they work for; profitability follows.

Whether you choose to have a corporate or social capitalistic model, be a heroic or shared leader, the most important thing is making conscious decisions. Be clear about what you want and why. Do not follow what others are doing just because they tell you how successful they have been. They are not you—different person, different company, and usually different economic times.

Tough choices do become a little easier with clarity and focus. There is no perfect science to creating or changing any process involving people. You and those who work for you will make mistakes. Reframe the mistake, forgive, learn from it, and make a better decision.

Don’t do it alone. Build a circle of people you can trust to work through the toughest of challenges; not everyone in your organization may be up for this change in culture. Seek out wise counsel from those who have already begun this process; ask for help when you need it. Remember being vulnerable requires strength and courage. It is not a sign of weakness.

Trust between people is what gives each of you the ability to have meaningful relationships, build amazing businesses, be more effective CEOs, and enjoy the work you do even more for the benefit of all stakeholders. Trust will allow all those involved in this process to connect to your vision and passion—to reach your goals. As a CEO or business owner, I hope you will join me in building a community of like-minded individuals who are open to being vulnerable enough to share the challenges you face real time in creating trust in your organization. To that end I would like to hear from you including:

Your thoughts on trust in the workplace or trust in general.

What has worked for you in building trust and what has not?

Suggestions for adding to the Thoughts for Reflection.

Any other comments you want to share.

Call or e-mail me if you need help getting started with the steps for building trust in your business. My contact information is in the back of this book. It’s never too late to start these conversations with your staff. Take ownership of the opportunity this book offers, choose a path, and together, let’s make it happen, starting right now.

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