Truth 4. Email is stronger than ever

Email gets its fair share of abuse, whether doled out by the press or senior management (that is, if they even know if their company is running an email program). Every year, some commentators predict a downturn for email at the expense of the latest new Web or communication technology. It never happens because email continues to evolve.

Spending on email marketing rises each year, and analysts see this continuing into the foreseeable future. The capital markets seem to concur, as email-focused companies continue to be acquired or taken public for hundreds of millions of dollars. Email is not dying—it is evolving. Email is stronger than ever, and don't be fooled; its future is bright. Even though some may like to say email is on the way out, those of us in the business know better. I can't think back to a time when email marketing was gaining as much momentum as it is now.

If some of the statistics I've already shared didn't do enough to convince you that email has hit its stride, consider that major analysts from firms like Forrester Research back the claim that email, when done right, is as strong of a targeted channel as any marketers could hope to use.

Here is a look at what Forrester Research has to say:

Despite concerns about declining attitudes toward email marketing, the medium is alive and well. In fact, email lovers are some of marketers’ most valuable customers. They spend more online, buy impulsively, pay for convenience, and tell others about ads and emails they value. Marketers should turn more of their customers into email lovers by tuning email programs to their particular behaviors.”1

Industry groups

One of the things that points most to the growth and strength of email (other than statistics like this: people who buy products advertised in emails spend 138 percent more than those who don't buy through email2) is the significant growth of industry leadership. Numerous industry professionals from some of the most well-respected brands in the world have gathered to share their expertise with each other and with other professionals. This is why and how email is growing and evolving as a marketing channel.

One of my favorite industry groups is the Email Experience Council (eec). The email arm of the Direct Marketing Association, this is an organization of global professionals driving email marketing and communications practices. It is, quite frankly, what the email world has been waiting for—an industry-specific group run by email marketers aiming to solve email's problems while also championing the channel. The creation and subsequent progress of the group has helped turn email into a thriving industry that can now fend for itself with aligned goals and education efforts. Check out the eec at

Research and information

Also, clear evidence of the growth and increased interest in email is more relevant and insightful research studies. The industry has moved away from self-serving reports to more meaningful analysis that most email marketers can use for their own betterment regardless of whether they are a client of the vendor or a member of the group issuing the study.

You'll find that powerful email information is readily available and usually free. Great blogs and websites are out there to make your life as an advanced email marketer easier. So use them. Here are a few of my favorites:

Image—I have to admit, I have a hand in this website. I teamed up with the eec, mentioned earlier, to start this site after realizing there was a gaping hole in the industry when it came to gathering email metrics and benchmarks. The site offers interactive marketing professionals a one-stop shop for anything related to email metrics and features hundreds of up-to-date statistics in more than 40 categories, ranging from frequency to Subject lines. You might find this helpful when trying to answer email-related budgeting questions or convince the CFO you need that extra line item to enhance or start your email program. Check it out at

Image RetailEmail.Blogspot—Anyone in the retail business should deem this a must read. Consider its author, former journalist Chad White, your very own retail email industry analyst as he dishes out daily thoughts on various retail email campaigns and trends. Did I mention he is publishing this free of charge? Give it a try at

Image Be Relevant Blog—I love this blog because it is written by an actual email marketing pro who has real-world experience from the client side. She offers up regular blog posts with an international perspective and has her finger on the pulse of real email issues and opportunities. See what you think of it at

Image—This is one of the most authoritative email websites in existence, written by a Ph.D. with no services or products to sell. The site provides practical email advice, insight on industry developments, and aggregated email-related articles. Visit it at

Image—More information and resources are available on the book's website.

So the next time you read an article or get in a conversation with someone about the demise of email, you'll have a new perspective. It's getting better with time.

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