
Writing this book about iMovie projects was, as I hope you can imagine, quite the project itself. It wouldn’t have been a successful project at all without the assistance of the following people:

Cliff Colby guided the project from the beginning and listened to both my ideas and my concerns (the latter usually when I wasn’t properly caffeinated).

Jeff Tolbert helped immeasurably by writing sections of Chapters 5 and 6 when I suddenly had to drop everything and write The iPad 2 Pocket Guide in the middle of production.

Lisa Brazieal is the coolest, calmest production editor on earth.

Ann Rogers turned my random writings into a useful index.

Scout Festa copyedited the book and kept me on my editing toes.

Kim and Ellie keep me sane and happy.

Agen Schmitz didn’t actually work on this title, but he did update part of my iPad 2 book. I was so rushed to get it done that I didn’t include him in the acknowledgments for that book, making me the worst-colleague-ever-who-now-owes-Agen-several-beers.

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