Table of Contents


About the iMovie Projects

A Note About Conventions

Getting iMovie ’11

Chapter 1. A Primer on Shooting Video

Gear Up

Types of cameras

Understand video formats

Go Shooting

Capture good video

Capture good audio

Get plenty of coverage

Chapter 2. iMovie Fundamentals

Get Acquainted with iMovie

Tour iMovie’s interface

Preview and play video

Customize iMovie’s appearance

Switch to a “traditional” timeline

Add Video to Your iMovie Library

Import video from a memory-based camera

Access video from iPhoto or Aperture

Import video from a tape-based camcorder

Import video from the hard disk

Create a New iMovie Project

Add Clips to the Movie

Add clips to the project

Rearrange clips

Create a Movie Trailer

Choose a trailer style

Edit titles and add clips to the trailer

Master Video Editing Basics

Trim in the Project browser

Fine-tune trim in place

Edit in the Clip Trimmer

Master Audio Editing Basics

Add a background song

Add an audio clip

Change clip volume

Fade audio in or out

Adjust volume within a clip

Add Titles

Add a title

Customize the text appearance

Add Transitions

Add a transition

Edit transition settings

Apply One-Step Effects

Creating an instant replay effect

Chapter 3. Organize Your Video Library

Organize Events Project

Rename, merge, or split Events

Move or copy Events to a different hard disk

Copy or move projects (and related footage) to a different hard disk

Mark Favorite Videos Project

Mark favorites

Hide rejected clips

Find people in your videos

Tag Your Videos Project

Apply keyword tags

Use keyword tags to locate footage

Use tags to identify people

Chapter 4. iMovie Beyond the Basics

Learn Advanced Editing Techniques Project

Insert a clip into the middle of another clip

Replace clips

Edit with the Precision Editor

Detach audio from a video clip

Create a Photo Slideshow Project

Import photos

Adjust Ken Burns Effect settings

Fit or crop a photo

Change a photo’s duration

Edit the rest of the slideshow

Create a Cutaway Project

Add the cutaway clip

Edit the cutaway clip settings

Create a Picture in Picture or Side by Side Scene Project

Add the Picture in Picture or Side by Side clip

Edit the clip settings

Stabilize Shaky Footage Project

Analyze for image stabilization

Apply image stabilization

Compensate for rolling shutter

Correct Color Project

Correct a clip’s color

Apply video effects

Change How a Clip Sounds Project

Apply audio effects

“Duck” a clip

Change equalizer settings

Reduce background noise

Chapter 5. Creative iMovie Projects

Make a Music Video Project

Use beat markers

Record a Voiceover Project

Record audio using the Voiceover tool

Create a Travel Highlights Movie Project

Create a travel-themed project

Add a map

Create a Sports Highlights Movie Project

Build the sports team database

Add Sports theme elements

Make a Green-Screen Effect Project

Shoot against a green or blue screen

Add a green-screen clip to your movie

Improve the green-screen effect

Create a Score in GarageBand Project

Get your movie into GarageBand

Start creating your first song

Add more instruments

Create a new section

Add a new instrument

Finish your song

Chapter 6. Share Your Movies

Make a DVD Project

Prepare your project for iDVD

Choose a theme in iDVD

Edit theme elements

Burn your project to disc

Share a Movie on the Web

Share to MobileMe Gallery

Share to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, or CNN iReport

Export and share to Flickr

Share to iWeb

Share a Movie on iTunes, iOS Devices, and the Apple TV

Share your movie to iTunes

Synchronize with iOS devices

Watch a movie on the Apple TV

Chapter 7. Edit Video on the iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch

Work with Projects in iMovie for iOS

Create a new project

Choose the theme

Apply a fade in or fade out to the movie

Open an existing project

Add Video to a project

Capture video directly

Import from a camera, iPhone, or iPod touch

Add clips from the Media Library

Edit Video

Play and skim video

Edit clips

Edit transitions

Add a title

Specify a location

Add and Edit Photos

Import photos from the Photos app

Edit the Ken Burns Effect

Edit Audio

Change a clip’s volume level

Add background music

Add a sound effect

Add a voiceover

Share Projects

Share to the Camera Roll

Share to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, or CNN iReport

Send the project to another device via iTunes


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