Back in 1974, the first time I went out to take live shots of a famous band, I would never have thought I would still be as passionate about this line of work 35 years later. I'll go one better than that: now I enjoy it even more!

Over the years I have learned a lot about music and the composition of the songs, which is a great help. During a concert I listen to the music while shooting, and therefore I know when to expect a certain action on stage. For instance, it helps me predict when and in what direction the guitarist will move, or what kind of facial expression to expect. I built this know-how during three decades of working in the music industry (and not just as a photographer).

Knowledge of the subject you are about to shoot is of vital importance to create a successful image. My knowledge of music enables me to take excellent live shots during a concert. However, if you put me in the best position possible to take action shots during a baseball game, I would fail miserably—sim ply because I don't know the rules and have no way of predicting what might happen in the next couple of seconds.

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