Chapter 36. Marketing Your Pictures

There are not many options to sell photos of live performances. The big photo agencies sell them for almost nothing. Apart from music magazines and music websites, there are hardly any publication possibilities that pay a normal price for a photo. The specialized publications have their own list of experienced photographers who they work with frequently, plus an even longer list of photographers in reserve. That leaves the daily news-papers, but they won't pay a fortune, either. You can forget about other publication and/or selling possibilities because in the photo contract you signed to get your photo pass, it clearly states that your shots will be used exclusively by the publication mentioned. Not one artist will be really upset if he sees the photo in another magazine, but you must be careful with this.

Often artists don't like photo agencies, as they will sell the shots to whoever is asking. They can be used as illustrations for a horrible gossip story. If your photo is used in a story like that, you run the risk that an artist will deny you access in the future. So be careful about who you supply with your photos. If possible, deal directly with the publication and check the contents of the article to exclude any risks. An absolute deadly sin is when your photos are used for merchandise. If your photo is used on T-shirts, you are bound to get a nice lawsuit on your hands. Posters, mugs, and booklets are all considered merchandise. In other words, you are breaking many laws when you sell and deliver photos for any merchandising purpose.

In fact, as per your contract, your photos are only to be used to illustrate a journalistic article. Any other use is forbidden. To earn a decent salary from concert photography is therefore not easy nowadays.

Marketing Your Pictures

The best marketing tool I can give to you is to make audience shots! Almost every publication includes audience photos. Those pictures will always be your best sellers. There is no artist as popular as the fans.

Marketing Your Pictures

Marketing Your Pictures
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