Chapter 14. Component Diagrams

A debate that’s always ranged large in the OO community is what the difference is between a component and any regular class. This is not a debate that I want to settle here, but I can show you the notation the UML uses to distinguish between them.

UML 1 had a distinctive symbol for a component (Figure 14.1). UML 2 removed that icon but allows you to annotate a class box with a similar-looking icon. Alternatively, you can use the «component» keyword.

Notation for components

Figure 14.1. Notation for components

Other than the icon, components don’t introduce any notation that we haven’t already seen. Components are connected through implemented and required interfaces, often using the ball-and-socket notation (page 71) just as for class diagrams. You can also decompose components by using composite structure diagrams.

Figure 14.2 shows an example component diagram. In this example, a sales till can connect to a sales server component, using a sales message interface. Because the network is unreliable, a message queue component is set up so the till can talk to the server when the network is up and talk to a queue when the network is down; the queue will then talk to the server when the network becomes available. As a result, the message queue both supplies the sales message interface to talk with the till and requires that interface to talk with the server. The server is broken down into two major components. The transaction processor realizes the sales message interface, and the accounting driver talks to the accounting system.

An example component diagram

Figure 14.2. An example component diagram

As I’ve already said, the issue of what is a component is the subject of endless debate. One of the more helpful statements I’ve found is this:

Components are not a technology. Technology people seem to find this hard to understand. Components are about how customers want to relate to software. They want to be able to buy their software a piece at a time, and to be able to upgrade it just like they can upgrade their stereo. They want new pieces to work seamlessly with their old pieces, and to be able to upgrade on their own schedule, not the manufacturer’s schedule. They want to be able to mix and match pieces from various manufacturers. This is a very reasonable requirement. It is just hard to satisfy.

Ralph Johnson,

The important point is that components represent pieces that are independently purchasable and upgradeable. As a result, dividing a system into components is as much a marketing decision as it is a technical decision, for which [Hohmann] is an excellent guide. It’s also a reminder to beware of overly fine-grained components, because too many components are hard to manage, especially when versioning rears its ugly head, hence “DLL hell.”

In earlier versions of the UML, components were used to represent physical structures, such as DLLs. That’s no longer true; for this task, you now use artifacts (page 97).

When to Use Component Diagrams

Use component diagrams when you are dividing your system into components and want to show their interrelationships through interfaces or the breakdown of components into a lower-level structure.

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