Evaluating performance by measuring max and min frame rates (FPS)

Optimization principal 4: Use performance data to drive design and coding decisions.

A useful raw measurement of game performance is the maximum and minimum frame rate for a section of a game. In this recipe, we make use of a Creative Commons Frames Per Second (FPS) calculation script to record the maximum and minimum frame rates for a game performing mathematics calculations for each frame.

Evaluating performance by measuring max and min frame rates (FPS)

Getting ready

For this recipe, we have provided C# script FPSCounter.cs in the 1362_11_12 folder. This file is the one we have modified to include the maximum and minimum values based on the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) frame rate calculation script from Annop "Nargus" Prapasapong, kindly published under Creative Commons on the Unify wiki at http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=FramesPerSecond.

How to do it...

To calculate and record the maximum and minimum FPS, follow these steps:

  1. Start a new project, and import the FPSCounter.cs script.
  2. Add the FPSCounter script class to the Main Camera.
  3. Add the following C# script class SomeCalculations to the Main Camera:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SomeCalculations : MonoBehaviour {
      public int outerLoopIterations = 20;
      public int innerLoopMaxIterations = 100;
      void Update(){
        for(int i = 0; i < outerLoopIterations; i++){
          int innerLoopIterations = Random.Range(2,innerLoopMaxIterations);
          for(int j = 0; j < innerLoopIterations; j++){
            float n = Random.Range(-1000f, 1000f);
  4. Run the game for 20 to 30 seconds. On the screen, you should see the current average and the maximum and minimum frame rates displayed.
  5. Stop the game running. You should now see in the Console a summary message stating the max and min frames per second, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

How it works...

The SomeCalculations script ensures that we make Unity do something for each frame, in that it performs lots of calculations when the Update() method is called for each frame. There is an outer loop (loop counter i) of public variable outerLoopIterations iterations (which we set to 20), and an inner loop (loop counter j), which is a random number of iterations between 2, and the value of public variable innerLoopMaxIterations (which we set to 100).

The work for the calculations of average Frames Per Second (FPS) is performed by the FPSCounter script, which runs coroutine method FPS() at the chosen frequency (which we can change in the Inspector). Each time the FPS()method executes, it recalculates the average frames per second, updates the max and minimum values if appropriate, and, if the Display While Running checkbox was ticked, then a GUIText object on screen is updated with a message of the average, max, and min FPS.

Finally, the OnApplicationQuit() method in script class FPSCounter is executed when the game is terminated and prints to the console the summary max/min FPS message.

There's more...

Some details you don't want to miss:

Turn off runtime display to reduce FPS processing

We have added an option so that you can turn off the runtime display, which will reduce the processing required for the FPS calculations. You just have to un-check the Display While Running checkbox in the Inspector.

Turn off runtime display to reduce FPS processing

See also

Refer to the following recipes in this chapter for more information:

  • Identifying performance bottlenecks with the Unity performance Profiler
  • Identifying performance bottlenecks with Do-It-Yourself. performance profiling
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