Saving and loading player data – using PlayerPrefs

While the previous recipe illustrates how the static properties allow a game to remember values between different scenes, these values are forgotten once the game application has quit. Unity provides the PlayerPrefs feature to allow a game to store and retrieve data, between the different game playing sessions.

Saving and loading player data – using PlayerPrefs

Getting ready

This recipe builds upon the previous recipe. In case you haven't completed the previous recipe, we have included a Unity package named game_scoreStaticVariables in the the 1362_10_05 folder. In order to follow this recipe using this package, you must do the following:

  1. Create a new 2D project and import the game_HigherOrLower package.
  2. Add each of the scenes to the build in the sequence (scene0_mainMenu, then scene1_gamePlaying, and so on).

How to do it...

To save and load the player data using PlayerPrefs, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the C# script called Player.
  2. Edit the C# script called UpdateScoreText by replacing the Start() method with the following:
    void Start(){
      Text scoreText = GetComponent<Text>();
      int scoreCorrect = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("scoreCorrect");
      int scoreIncorrect = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("scoreIncorrect");
      int totalAttempts = scoreCorrect + scoreIncorrect;
      string scoreMessage = "Score = ";
      scoreMessage += scoreCorrect + " / " + totalAttempts;
      scoreText.text = scoreMessage;
  3. Now, edit the C# script called IncrementCorrectScore by replacing the Start() method with the following code:
    void Start () {
      int newScoreCorrect = 1 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("scoreCorrect");
      PlayerPrefs.SetInt("scoreCorrect", newScoreCorrect);
  4. Now, edit the C# script called IncrementIncorrectScore by replacing the Start() method with the following code:
    void Start () {
      int newScoreIncorrect = 1 + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("scoreIncorrect");
      PlayerPrefs.SetInt("scoreIncorrect", newScoreIncorrect);
  5. Save your scripts and play the game. Quit from Unity and then restart the application. You will find that the player's name, level, and score are now kept between the game sessions.

How it works...

We had no need for the Player class, since this recipe uses the built-in runtime class called PlayerPrefs, provided by Unity.

Unity's PlayerPrefs runtime class is capable of storing and accessing information (the string, int, and float variables) in the user's machine. Values are stored in a plist file (Mac) or the registry (Windows), in a similar way to web browser cookies, and therefore, remembered between game application sessions.

Values for the total correct and incorrect scores are stored by the Start() methods in the IncrementCorrectScore and IncrementIncorrectScore classes. These methods use the PlayerPrefs.GetInt("<variableName>") method to retrieve the old total, add 1 to it, and then store the incremented total using the PlayerPrefs.SetInt("<variableName>") method.

These correct and incorrect totals are then read each time the scene0_mainMenu scene is loaded, and the score totals displayed via the UI Text object on the screen.


For more information on PlayerPrefs, see Unity's online documentation at

See also

Refer to the following recipe in this chapter for more information:

  • Saving and loading player data – using static properties
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