Adding Detail maps to a material

When creating a large object, there is not only the desire to texture it as a whole, but also to add details that can make it look better at closer distances. To overcome the need for gigantic texture maps, the use of Detail maps can make a real difference. In this recipe, we will add Detail maps to a rocket toy by applying a Detail mask and a Detail Normal map. In our case, we want to add a textured quality (and a stripe pattern) to the green plastic, except in the region where there is a battery compartment and the toy's logo:

Adding Detail maps to a material

Getting ready

For this recipe, we have prepared a Unity package, containing the prefab for a rocket toy. The prefab includes the 3D model and a material, featuring a Diffuse map and a Normal map (made from a Heightmap). The file can be found in the 1362_04_06 folder.

How to do it...

To add the Detail maps to your object, follow these steps:

  1. Import the rocket.unitypackage file into your project. Then, select the prefab named rocketToy from the Assets folder, in the Project view, and place it in your scene.
  2. From the Hierarchy view, expand the rocketToy GameObject and select its child called rocketLevel1. Then, scroll down the Inspector view to the Material component. Observe that it uses the DIFF_ship texture as the Diffuse map. Duplicate this file and rename the new copy COPY_ship.
  3. Open COPY_ship in your image editor. Select all the solid green pixels around the logo and battery compartment (in Photoshop, this can be done with the Magic Wand tool, keeping the Shift key pressed while selecting multiple areas):
    How to do it...
  4. Keeping your selection active, access the image Channels window (in Photoshop, this can be done by navigating to Window | Channels). Click on New Channel. This will be our Alpha channel:
    How to do it...
  5. Hide the Red, Green and Blue channels. Select the Alpha channel and paint the selection white. Then, select the area of the battery compartment and paint it grey (R, G and B: 100):
    How to do it...
  6. Save it in the TIFF format as MASK_ship.TIF, in the Assets folder. Make sure that you include Alpha Channels:
    How to do it...
  7. Now that we have the mask, let's create a diffuse map for our detail. In your image editor, create a new image with the following dimensions: width: 64, and height: 64.
  8. Fill the new image with grey (R, G and B: 128). Then, use shapes or rectangular fills to create a dark grey (R, G, and B: 100) horizontal line that is about 16 pixels tall:
    How to do it...
  9. Save the image as DIFF_detail.PNG in the Assets folder.
  10. Create a new 64 x 64 image. Use a Gradient tool to create a black and white Radial Gradient (in Photoshop, this can be done with the Gradient Tool in Radial mode):
    How to do it...
  11. Save the image as HEIGHT_detail.PNG in the Assets folder.
  12. Go back to Unity. From the Assets folder, select HEIGHT_detail. Then, from the Inspector view, change its Texture Type to Normal map, check the Create from Grayscale option, adjust Bumpiness to 0.25, and set Filtering to smooth. Click on Apply to save the changes:
    How to do it...
  13. From the Hierarchy view, expand the rocketToy GameObject and select its child called rocketLevel1. Then, scroll down the Inspector view to the Material component. Assign MASK_ship to the Detail Mask slot; DIFF_detail as Secondary Maps | Detail Diffuse x 2; and HEIGHT_detail as Secondary Maps | Normal Map. Also, turn the Normal Map intensity down to 0.6.
  14. In the Secondary Maps section, change the Tiling values to X: 200, and Y: 50. You might notice that the pattern is not seamless. This is because we are using the same UV Set from our Diffuse texture. However, the object has been assigned to two different UV channels (back when it was being modeled). While UV channel 1 contains the mapping for our Diffuse map, UV channel 2 uses a basic cylindrical mapping. We need to change the Secondary Maps section's UV Set from UV0 to UV1. The Detail map for your material is ready:
    How to do it...

How it works...

When in use, Secondary Maps are blended onto the material's primary Diffuse and Normal maps (that's why our object is green even after the Detail Diffuse is applied: the grey tones are superimposed on the original Diffuse texture). By using a Detail Mask, the artist defines which areas of the object should be affected by Secondary Maps. This is great for customization, and also for creating nuances (like the semi-bumped battery compartment in our example).

Another helpful feature is the possibility of using a separate UV channel for Details maps and Tiling. Besides adding variation to texture mapping, this allows us to paint the details that can be perceived even at a very close distance by dramatically enhancing the visual quality of our objects.

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