Understanding UNIX software installation

When installing software on your UNIX system, keep in mind two things. First, most software, including scripts, relies on other programs or scripts being available at specific places within the system. For example, a script might require that the bash shell be available and located at /bin/bash. Or, a program might expect that it will be in /usr/local/bin and that all user home directories will be under /home. So, you should pay special attention during the installation process to make sure that all other required scripts or programs are available.

Second, programs (but not scripts) are compiled, which means that they're taken from one probably-mostly-readable-to-you language (generically called source code) and translated into computer-readable files (often called binaries). As software is compiled, hardware and operating system-specific characteristics (or dependencies) are built in. So, a program that's compiled to run on a specific platform and operating system cannot run on other ones—that is, a program compiled on Linux on a Pentium cannot run on Linux on an Alpha, Solaris on a Pentium, or Digital UNIX on an Alpha.

In fact, most UNIX programs are distributed as source code, not as binaries, so you can compile them for your particular system when installing.


Before you get started with the next section, you might cruise back to Chapters 1 and 2 for information about exploring your UNIX system and to Chapter 7 for a reminder of how to find out what operating system and hardware you're using.


If you'll be downloading and installing a lot of software, and if you have no significant quota limitations, look into downloading and installing rpm. It's a neat compression/installation/configuration program that makes installing UNIX software in this special format as easy as installing a program in Windows or on a Macintosh. It's standard on RedHat Linux but has been used on many different UNIX systems. We've chosen to illustrate downloading and installing rpm as the example for this chapter.

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