Looking at your csh configuration files

As Code Listing 8.13 shows, you can use more or the editor of your choice to peek at your csh configuration files. As with other shells, the csh configuration files run in a specific order:

System-wide configuration files (such as /etc/csh.cshrc) run first upon login.

The main configuration files specific to your UNIX account (~/.cshrc) run next if they're available.

The ~/.login configuration file runs last.

To look at your csh configuration files:

  • more .cshrc .login

    Type more followed by .cshrc and .login, which are the only possible names for csh configuration files. You'll see something similar to Code Listing 8.13. For our system, we have:

    • ~/.cshrc (automatically called by the system)

    • ~/.login (automatically called by the system)


The .cshrc file is executed when you start a new csh shell of any kind. The .login file is executed when you start a new login shell (by logging in or with su - yourid).

Fill in your csh system configuration files









Code Listing 8.13. Look for references to other paths or files in the listings, which might indicate other files used to set up your environment.
xmission> more .cshrc .login
# <@>(#)Cshrc 1.6 91/09/05 SMI

set path = (/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/X11 /usr/openwin/bin /usr/bin
       /usr/ucb /usr/etc /usr/local/games .)

alias pwd          'echo $cwd'
umask 066

if ($?USER == 0 || $?prompt == 0) exit

set filec
set history=40
set prompt="`hostname`> "

# Edit the following lines as you wish
setenv EDITOR "pico -t"
setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
setenv MANPATH /usr/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/openwin/man
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:/usr/openwin/lib
setenv PAGER more

limit coredumpsize 0

#          commands for interactive shells
alias ls        'ls -F'
alias cd        'cd !*;echo $cwd'
alias home      'cd ~'

# MS-DOS aliases
alias dir       'ls -alg'
alias del       'rm -i'
alias delete    'rm -i'
alias copy      'cp -i'
alias md        'mkdir'
alias move      'mv -i'
alias cls       'clear'
alias clr       'clear'
alias type      'more'

# Terminal settings

setenv TERM vt100
/usr/bin/stty rows 24
/usr/bin/stty cols 80
/usr/bin/stty erase '^?'
# <@>(#)Login 1.14 90/11/01 SMI

#         general terminal characteristics

#/usr/bin/stty -crterase
#/usr/bin/stty -tabs
#/usr/bin/stty crt
#/usr/bin/stty erase '^h'
#/usr/bin/stty werase '^?'
#/usr/bin/stty kill '^['
#/usr/bin/stty new

#        environment variables

#setenv EXINIT 'set sh=/bin/csh sw=4 ai report=2'
#setenv MORE '-c'
#setenv PRINTER lw

#        commands to perform at login

#w        # see who is logged in

notice    # system information that must be read

# If possible, start the windows system. Give user a chance to bail out
if ( 'tty' != "/dev/console" || $TERM != "sun" ) then
        exit    # leave user at regular C shell prompt

Code Listing 8.14. Use grep to find the path statement in your configuration files.
xmission> grep path ~/.cshrc ~/.login
.cshrc:set path = (/usr/local/bin
   /usr/local/bin/X11 /usr/openwin/bin

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