Abbott Ira Katz

Up Up and Array!

Dynamic Array Formulas for Excel 365 and Beyond

Abbott Ira Katz
Edgware, UK
ISBN 978-1-4842-8965-5e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8966-2
© Abbott Ira Katz 2023
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Dedicated to spreadsheet users ready to take the next step.


It’s been four years since Microsoft Excel introduced a set of functions for Excel 365 that promoted a new way of thinking about and writing formulas. Called dynamic array functions, they infused formulas with a radically new potency: for the first time, a single Excel formula could unleash results across multiple cells.

Thus, it became possible to write a formula such as
  • =SEQUENCE(100)

by which a series of consecutive values, 1 through 100, populated 100 consecutive cells plunging down a column.

But that’s just for starters. This formula, for example:
  • =FILTER(Sales,Salesperson=B6)

identifies all the entries in a field – Salesperson – that features a salesperson’s name posted in cell B6, and returns all the records from a dataset called Sales bearing that name – even if the results number in the thousands. The formula count: one. The formula-writing potential: close to limitless.

And Excel hasn’t restricted dynamic array capability to its newest functions; in fact, most of its existing functions now sport multi-cell capability as well, a point that Up Up and Array! takes pains to stress.

Now while it’s true that Microsoft broke the news about dynamic arrays in September 2018, they may have caught up with your PC a good deal later than that. My set was installed – after having been stalled – in January 2020, for example. But no matter. If you’re an Excel 365 subscriber you’ve had dynamic array capability for some time now, and this book seeks to familiarize you with the functions and their vast promise for empowering and streamlining the formulas you write – and the formulas you didn’t realize you could write.

Excel has released its current complement of dynamic array functions in two waves: the first set of six – SEQUENCE, UNIQUE, SORT, SORTBY, FILTER, and RANDARRAY (along with the @ function you’ll use most sparingly, if at all; but there’s more about it in the book) dating from that 2018 inception point – and a later collection of 14 brought out earlier this year that continue to be rolled out to 365 users as of this writing.

But note that while the original six are likewise available to owners of Excel 2021, Microsoft has no current plan to implement the newer 14 to that version – at least as of now (remember that Excel 2021 offers itself as an as-is application, and can’t receive uploaded updates). One assumes that 2021 or its successor will acquire the new functions sooner or later, but who knows? By then it may be called Excel 2023.

Up Up and Array! commences by addressing the tricky definitional issue of the term array, and then proceeds to recount some of the defining features of array formulas, both past and present. It moves on to detail the new functions themselves, supplementing the exposition with numerous examples and illustrative screenshots. And you can click through those examples via the practice files stored here:

Up Up and Array! is a concise work devoted specifically to the workings of dynamic array functions and the new possibilities for formula writing they encourage. It’s my hope that as a result, you’ll come to appreciate, and perhaps even be inspired, by the decidedly cool things they – and you – can do.

Abbott Ira Katz


Don’t be fooled by the name on the jacket. Unless you’re self-publishing, a book is by necessity a team effort, and a number of individuals contributed to the process of delivering this book from their capable hands to yours, or your screen. This estimable cadre includes:

My wife Marsha, who allowed me to retreat sufficiently far into the background in order to write what you’re now reading;

Joan Murray, who started me on my journey;

Jill Balzano, whose unfailingly congenial counsel and assistance accompanied me en route;

Angel Michael Dhanaraj and her typesetting team;

Jonathan Gennick, for his redoutable production oversight, and

Mikey Bronowski, whose eagle-eyed search through the text and its myriad of formulas saved me from error and embarrassment on a number of occasions.

They all had a part in what’s right about the book; I’ll take the hit for what isn’t.

Table of Contents
About the Author
Abbott Ira Katz

A photo of Abbott IraKatz.

is a native New Yorker living in London. He’s been teaching Excel for 25 years, exploring the application with learners on both sides of the Atlantic. He has authored two previous Apress books on Excel – Microsoft Excel 2010 and Excel 2010 Made Simple – wrote the blog, and has contributed Excel-themed pieces to, the Irish Tech News,, and the baseball journal By the Numbers. His work with spreadsheets has been cited by The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, the Freakonomic blog, and the Excel expert Chandoo, and he gave an Excel-driven, five-session workshop on Data Stories at Sciences Po University in Paris in 2018. Abbott has a doctorate in sociology from SUNY Stony Brook. The idea for a book on dynamic array functions springs from a sense that the take-up of these potent tools remains small, and that large numbers of spreadsheet users remain unaware of their capacity for facilitating, enhancing, and enabling a myriad of wide-ranging tasks.
About the Technical Reviewer
Mikey Bronowski

A photo of Mikey Bronowski.

is a data enthusiast with a mathematics background who has been working with SQL Server for over 16 years. He works as a Data Platform Architect at and is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer with a couple of certificates, sharing knowledge at

In the past, Mikey was a Poland Data Community member, and is now a proud UK Data Platform active member and leader.

He spends his free time freezing behind the camera.

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