Editor’s Note

When I was asked if I would like to technically edit this book, I was pleasantly surprised, which became high excitement as the idea sank in. How many people get the opportunity to work professionally with someone of the stature and reputation as Douglas Spotted Eagle?

I had worked with Douglas before as a host on the Digital Media Net Vegas forums. We had also swapped many emails discussing everything under the sun from didgeridoos to prawns versus shrimps to the meaning of such Australianisms as arvo and Chrissy and to what a gorilla was. But we had never met—in fact at the time of writing, we still haven’t and have only even spoken once on the phone, albeit for about 30 seconds when Douglas was walking down some obscure street in New York while I was firmly ensconced at home here in the northern beaches of Sydney, 12,000 miles away and half a day in the future!

Over this period though, I have come to know Douglas probably as well as I could know anyone under the same circumstances and have gained a huge respect for him and value him as a very close friend.

On the way through, one of the major traits I have learned about Douglas is the fact that he loves to impart to others the knowledge he has accumulated. You cannot stop him! In fact, so eager is he to get this information out to an waiting world that I have never come across someone with such a prodigious writing output!

I know you will enjoy this book and, more importantly, learn greatly from it and have fun in the process. Douglas is a truly great educator, and I am proud to have been able to work with him, even if in such a small way, and in the process learn more than I could ever have dreamed of!

Thanks Spot!

David Hague

Sydney, Australia

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