An f following page numbers indicates a figure and t indicates a table.

Abbott, L.B. “Bud,” 6

Abel, Robert, 310

Abyss, The, 12, 56

Academy Density Exchange Encoding, 527

Academy printing density, 526

Accelerometer, 336

Acme-Dunn Special Effects Optical Printer, 8

Action games, 718, 719

Action miniatures, 305

Action models, 289

Action pacing, 45

Action props, 90

Action set pieces, 91

Action/adventure games, 719

Active appearance models, 375376

Active glasses, 437438

Active markers, 356

Active optical, 385386


computer-generated enhancements of, 696

digital, 549

digital character interactions with, 135

eye-line references for, 82, 83, 134f, 164

markers on, 171

motion capture. See Motion capture, actors props for, 133, 134f, 135f

shooting of, 241

3D scanning of, 147148

transparent, 162

witness camera preparation of, 171

Adobe RGB, 513515

Adventure games, 719, 720

Adventures of Tintin, The, 73, 75

Aerial plates, 230

Agile development, 732

Aging of miniatures, 303

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, 303f


canopy reflections, 114

flying creatures represented using, 166

Aladdin, 768

Aliasing, 492f, 493f, 492496

Aliens, 11

Alpha, 732

Alpha channel, 111, 125

Alpha clipping, 98, 99f

Alvin and the Chipmunks, 166, 776777

Ambient occlusion, 666, 668

AMPAS Image Interchange Framework, 522f, 523, 528

An American in Paris, 8

Anaglyphic, 437, 447

Angular parallax, 393

Animated films

brain trust for, 763765

change in, managing of, 772773

core creative team for, 765

facilities and environment for creating, 769773

management of, 762774

post-production, 773

producer of, 762

research phase of, 766767

script for, 766

storyboards, 766

studio involvement in, 767768

technology considerations, 773

visual development of, 766767

Animated storyboards, 67

Animatic, 543

Animation, 737740

breakdowns, 749

cel, 748

characters. See Computergenerated characters

cloth and hair, 745

compositing for, 746, 747

computer graphics use in, 754756. See also Computer-generated animation

crowd-generation replication, 692

definition of, 738, 748

dialogue, 781782

effects, 745746, 750, 759

forced perspective in, 408f

ghosting effects in, 445

history of, 747756

key lighting in, 746

key posing, 749

keyframed, 640

layout in, 744

lighting for, 745746

live-action films versus, 739

pipeline, 738

production of, 741747

proprietary systems, 825

prototypes, 729

stop-motion. See Stop-motion

straight ahead, 749, 752

survey of, 747756

traditional, 748751

visual effects versus, 740747

Animation blocking, 64

Animation capture, on-set, 169172

wireless nonvideo motion capture, 169

witness cameras. See Witness cameras

Animation rig, 64, 602f, 603, 605

Animation rigging, 601607

Animation Supervisor, 79

Anisotropic surface, 620, 633

Antialiasing, 680f, 681

Apertures, 213214, 215f

Apocalypto, 241

Apollo 13, 2, 330f

Arbitrary output variables, 821, 822

Archiving, 808

Area light, 661f

Armature, 276

Art department

animation use of, 746

concept art studies created by, 28

lidar scanning use by, 142

members of, 28

previs and, 5961

Art Director, 28, 718

Articulated mattes, 571

Articulation, 752, 759

Artifacts, 563

Artificial intelligence, 694


communication with, 545550, 792

direction and guidance given to, 547

teams, 546

As-built surveys, 142

ASC color decision list, 221, 222

ASC/ADG/VES Joint Technology Subcommittee on Previsualization, 70

ASCII files, 258


description of, 21

global, 810

surface, 811

tracking of, 809817

virtual, 811

Assistant Directors previs uses by, 60

Associate Producer, 771

Audience previews, 774

AutoCAD, 304, 321

Automatic conversion, 426

Avatar, 3, 12, 46, 73, 75, 438, 737, 775776

Aviator, The, 291, 292f, 313f

Avid, 396, 439, 536

Avid Log Exchange file, 441

Backdraft, 300f


black, 237, 242

foreground lighting to match, 111112

panoramic, 229, 267268

quality of, for live-action plate filming, 224

shooting elements against, 236237

Background plates, 158, 181f

Background tiles, 267, 268


backlit, 109

bluescreen. See Blue screens

brightness balanced with shooting stop, 103105

color selection, 107109, 108f

day-lit, 109110, 110f

digital-type, 98

fabric, 9798, 111

foreground lighting affected by, 114115

frontlit, 101, 103, 109

function of, 97

greenscreen. See Green screens

illumination from, 114115

lighting of, 98, 101, 109

nonuniform, 99, 123

paint, 98, 111

reflections from, 114115

spill light on, 116

translucent, 109

types of, 109

uniformity of, 98103

white-lit, 103

Backlighting, 87, 94

Backlit backings, 109

Ballpark budget, 19

Bambi, 768

Banding, 683f

Baseline, 182183, 182f, 183f, 184f, 192f

Batman Returns, 12

Bay, Michael, 737

Bayer array, 120, 121

Bayer pattern mosaic sensor layout, 210

Beamsplitter, 430, 443

Beating waves, 492

Beauty and the Beast, 768

Bedknobs and Broomsticks, 7

Behavioral model, 381

Behavioral solvers, 370

Beier, Thad, 229

Bent normals, 667

Beowulf, 408f, 460, 625f, 738

Best frame, 586588

Beta, 732

Bezier, Pierre, 10

BG plate, 537

Bidding, 2021

materials necessary for, 20

rebidding, 23

reviewing of bids, 22

Bidirectional reflectance distribution function, 654

Binary numbers, 471

Binocular disparity, 446447

Bioshock, 709

Bi-packing, 535, 559

Birdcage, The, 223, 230

Birds, The, 76

Bissell, Jim, 56

Bit depth, 682684, 683f

Black background, 237, 242

Black Narcissus, 5

Black-and-white film processing, 554

Blemish removal, 696

Blend shape deformer, 379

Blinn, Jim, 10

Blocking a scene, 80, 81

Blue bounce, 124

Blue Max system, 6

Blue record, 556

Blue screens, 96127

AIM, 557

alpha channel, 111, 125

backlit, 109

balancing of, 105110

brightness of, 103110

chroma blue, 555

correction of, 98103, 100f, 123

day-lit, 109110, 110f

digital blue, 555

digital conversion, 122123

explosions shot against, 241

exposure errors, 566

fabric, 9798, 111

film stock considerations, 466

floor shots, 110111


lighting of. See Foreground, lighting of

processed, 123f, 123124

frontlit, 109, 558

function of, 97

historical notes on, 553559

history of, 6

illumination from, 114

illuminators, 100101

indications for, 52, 107

lighting sources for, 100103

negative scanning, 122123

optical compositing, 555

overhead lighting of, 101

paint, 98, 111

peak transmission of, 556

reasons for using, 94

replacing the blue of, 555

self-illuminated, 557

shooting elements against, 236237

ultramarine blue used in, 555, 556

virtual shots, 110111

white card method for balancing of, 106f, 106107

Bluescreen negative, 556, 560

Bluescreen photography

camera for, 119122

film, 119120

negative, 119120

selection of, 120122

clean plates for, 163

compositing software for, 125127


degraining before, 567

factors that affect, 565

keys used in, 564

Blu-ray movies, 468

Body animation rigs, 604

BodyPaint 3D, 706

Bokeh, 271

Booming shots, 226

Boujou, 702703

Bounce light

from backings, 107, 108

blue, 124

description of, 650

environmental, 112

green, 124

Boy Who Could Fly, The, 56, 231

Bracketing, 156

Breakaways, 90, 333, 333t

Breakdowns, 749, 775

Breaking glass, 244245

Breaking the mask, 412f, 412413

Brevig, Eric, 463

Brightness, 103110, 484

Broken Arrow, 310f

Brown, Garrett, 231

Bruce Almighty, 115, 116f, 229

Buckaroo Banzai, 245

Buckley, Buck, 275f

Budget/budgeting, 1825

accuracy in, 41

adjustments to, 26

ballpark budget, 19

bidding. See Bidding

detailed budgets, 20

game development, 730

monitoring of, 23

motion capture, 339

shot design, 41

technique selection based on, 47, 50

tips for maintaining, 2325

Bump, 675, 675f

Bump maps, 615, 674f

Bundle adjustment, 363

Burbs, The, 46

Burton, Tim, 460

Business affairs, 763

Butler, Larry, 551

Buy-in, 806

Cable overhead flying rigs, 92

Cable systems, for live-action plate filming, 231232

Cablecam, 231

Calibration, 356, 363365

Calibration object, 363

California Missions, 5, 575

Call sheets, 80


color bandwidth and compression of, 120121

computer control of, 9

data mode recording mode of, 121

digital. See Digital cameras

edge enhancement settings, 121, 563

electronics for control of, 810

filtration issues, 122

formulas, 831

high definition, 265


locking down, 252253

types of, 246249, 247f

video assist, 253

light source mounted on, 96

live-action, 9, 10

locked-off, 5, 48

monochrome, 374

motion capture. See Motion capture, camera

motion control, 264

nodal mounting of, 259

placement of, 81

raw colors, 514

raw mode recording mode of, 121

recording modes of, 121122

sharpening settings of, 121

shooting elements, 239240

spatial resolution of, 120

3D capture, 435f

tracking of, 73

witness. See Witness cameras

Camera angle

drawings that replicate, 7677

road speed related to, 228

shot design and, 42

Camera assistant, 29

Camera cars, 226

road speed, 228

safety issues regarding, 226227

stabilization of camera on, 227228

suspension on, 226

vibration control, 226228

Camera Control center, 218

Camera data recording

traditional methods of, 177178

triangulation as method of. See Triangulation

Camera department, 29, 5961

Camera handoff, 357

Camera mapping, 613, 676

Camera motion

clean plates for, 160161

perspective issues, 239

real-time tracking of, 172177

replication of, 100, 161

shot design and, 4445

tracking markers for. See Tracking markers

in virtual sets, 755

visual effects techniques and, 48

Camera move, 257258

Camera report, 128131, 131f

Camera shake, 118, 432

Camera tilt, 224

Camera tracking, real-time, 172177

Cameron, James, 56, 75, 461, 737

Canopy reflections, 114

Capture format, 465466

Captured density, 528


crane, 227

shots involving, 224

3D scanning of, 148

visual effects associated with, 90

Cars, 766

Casino, 587f

Cathode-ray tube displays, 208, 510

Catmull, Edwin, 10, 611

Catmull-Clark surface, 611

CCD sensor, 212, 268

Cel animation, 748

Centroid, 359, 370

Change notes, 543

Change orders, 18


computer-generated. See Computer-generated characters

production models of, 742

stop-motion, 276

Character modeling, 591, 592f

Character riggers, 743, 779780

Character rigging, 603, 779

Character setup, 599

Charge-coupled device, 354, 359361

Checkerboard calibration, 365

Chicken Little, 460

Christmas Carol, A, 338, 419

Chroma, 475477, 476f

Chroma blue, 555

Chromaticity, 516

Chrome balls, 139

Chrome spheres, reflective, 152154

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The, 306f, 630f

ChubbChubbs, The, 591

CIE XYZ colorimetry, 515516, 516f, 520

CineForm, 440, 441

Cineon, 12, 479480, 506, 526, 683

Cinesync, 63

Circle fitting, 366

CircleVision rig, 271

Circular polarization, 437

Citizen Kane, 7, 8

Clark, Alfred, 4

Clean plates, 158163

alternatives to, 162163

definition of, 24, 99, 158, 537

examples of, 158159, 159f

locked-off camera for shooting of, 160

for moving camera, 160161

plate reconstruction using, 572

postprocess, 162

shooting of, 159160, 778

Clip, 107

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 9, 11, 245

Cloth simulations, 599600, 637, 654

Clouds, 245

CMOS sensor, 212, 268

Codec, 465

CODEX, 436f

Collapsing of miniatures, 307

Collision geometry, 144


angular subtense of, 525

chromaticity of, 516

factors that affect the perception of, 524, 525

luminance levels of, 525

RGB, 207, 476f, 477, 513515, 517

tristimulus values of, 516

Color analysis gamuts, 516517, 518f

Color bandwidth of camera, 120121

Color bias in foreground lighting, 114

Color correction, 122, 219, 531, 564

Color decision list, 221, 222

Color fidelity, 510

Color grading, 446

Color management, 512529

AMPAS Image Interchange Framework for, 522f, 522523, 528

digital color image encodings, 512519, 515f

film workflows application of, 525529

guidelines for, 512

International Color

Consortium architecture for, 520521, 521f

on-set practices, 523

responsibilities of, 519

Color matching, 207f

Color negative film, 209

Color rendering, 514

Color rerendering, 518519

Color sampling, 208209

Color space, 207208, 513f, 514f

Color subsampling, 209211

Color-difference matting, 556

Colored spheres, for lighting data capture, 152154

Combing of hair, 622, 623f, 625f


with artists, 545550, 792

during motion control, 265

previs uses for, 68, 70

Composite Components Co., 98, 125

Composite-based blur, 687

Compositing, 826

animation, 746, 747

blends modes, 834

computer graphics, 553, 559, 685f, 685689

computer-generated animation, 759

creative, 589

degraining running footage or still images, 567

description of, 86

digital, 553, 559, 561, 562

elements for. See Elements

full-resolution on-set, 97

greenscreen, 223

history of, 550562

light modulation, 567568

live-action images. See Live-action images, compositing of

motion blur, 565566

optical, 550, 554, 559, 560

plate flashing/spill, 568

relighting, 567

shadows, 413

software for, 125127

spill suppression, 566

traveling matte technique, 551553, 551f, 552f

2.5D, 689690

2D, 821823

Composition, in matte painting, 581


camera control by, 9

interactive graphic interface for, 10

Computer graphics

advantages of, 52

animation uses of, 754756. See also Computergenerated animation

character animation in, 754

compositing, 553, 559, 685f, 685689

history of, 10, 11

light in, 649653

previs generated using, 66

shadowing in, 664665

Computer-generated animation articulation, 759

character animation and simulation, 759

cleanup, 749, 760

compositing, 759

lighting, 759

in live-action features, 775782

modeling, 759

pipeline, 756762

post-production, 760

previs, 758

production management, 760761

rendering in, 755, 760

rigging in, 276

stereo disparity maps, 445

storyboard animatics, 758

technical considerations for, 761762

texturing, 759

Computer-generated characters animation and simulation of, 759

description of, 12, 739, 754

design of, 45, 46

dialogue, 781782

environment interactions for, 780782

in live-action features, 775782

multiple-camera rigs for, 407409, 408f

physical references on-set for, 778

postvis application to, 62

previs of, 400

riggers, 779780

shooting footage of, 777779

textures, 782

3D, 143

tracking, 779

Computer-generated creatures

design of, 46

flying, 166

foam core representation of, 165167

human-sized, 166

maquette of, 165

mock-up of, 134f, 135f

monster stick for, 82, 163169, 166f

Computer-generated crowds, 691

Computer-generated film, 741744

Computer-generated imagery

grain added to, 556, 567

set extensions using, 142

Computer-generated mattes, 684

Computer-generated prosthetics, 694697

capture, 695

eye enhancements, 695

on-set tracking, 695

re-projection, 697

silhouette changes, 697

3D techniques, 695696

2D techniques, 696697

2.5D techniques, 696

Computer-generated sets, 584585

Concept art, 40

Connective tissue, 416f, 422

Constraint-based solvers, 369370

Contact, 14, 46

Contact shadows, 687

Contracts, 23

Contrast, 484

Contrast masking, 477478, 477f

Contrast ratios, 240


breaks in, 569

description of, 75, 168, 387388, 388f

of games, 717

stereo, 404405

3D virtual camera rig implementation of, 409410, 410f

Coons, Steven, 10

Coordinator, 79

Coraline, 275, 277f, 410

Corpse Bride, 275, 284f

Correlated color temperature, 524

Cosmetic wrinkle removal, 696


asset, 21

miniatures, 286

non-shot-specific, 21

overhead, 21

postvis, 62

previs, 6668

recording, 511512

scanning, 509

Costumes, 31

Count sheets, 529f, 539

Crane cars, 227

Cranes, motion control, 255f, 261262, 261f, 262f

Crashing cars, 90

Cray X-MP, 11

Creative compositing, 589


computer-generated. See Computer-generated creatures

models of, 610

stop-motion, 283

Critiquing, 772

Crossed parallax, 389f

Crowd generation, 690694

animation for, 692, 759

artificial intelligence for, 694

behaviors, 693694

computers for, 691

dynamic motion synthesis, 693

keyframe animation, 693

live-action replication, 690

mesh density of, 692

motion capture for, 693

replication of, 690, 691

sprites for creating, 691

variations in creation of, 691692

Cruickshank, Art, 115f

Cruise, Tom, 236

C-stand, 167

Cuba, Larry, 11

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The, 338, 583f

Cut, 19

Cut sequence, 24

Cutaways, 46

Cutting rooms, 536539

Cyberscanning, 135136

Dailies, 436439, 782

Dale, Phil, 277f

Dante’s Peak, 326f, 637, 638f

Dark Knight, The, 229, 240, 319f, 694

Data, collected, 200, 201

Data acquisition, on-set, 127139

camera report, 128131, 131f

chrome balls, 139

data capture for, 140

definition of, 140

HDR images, 139

importance of, 127

lidar scanning. See Lidar scanning

testing benefits, 203

3D scanning systems, 145

tracking markers, 131133, 132f

Data collectors, 79

Data handling, 202

Data storage, 508

Data tracking, 770

Data workflow, 444445

Data-centric workflow, 443

Dawn, Norman, 5, 575, 576f

Day, Percy, 5

Day After Tomorrow, The, 137, 705

Daylight, 115f

Day-lit backings, 109110, 110f

d-cinema, 205

DDD circular polarizing filter, 439

Decibels, 205

Deck the Halls, 320f

Decomposition, 817

Deep rasters, 686

Deformation rigging, 605607, 605f

Deformers, 378380, 606

Degraf, Brad, 12

Degraining, 567

Deliverables, 794

goal of, 795

lidar scanning, 145

production workflow, 800, 806807

3D stereoscopy, 447448

DeMille, Cecile B., 8

Demo reel, 2526

Demos, Gary, 10, 11

Demoskoff, Brian, 284f

Dense stereo, 337, 376

Densitometric color spaces, 526527

Department head, 772


aerial perspective, 415

continuity of, 419

implicit cues, 415

interpupillary distance, 389, 418

scale considerations, 420

in 3D, 397400, 402

in 2D-to-3D conversion, 414416, 415f

Depth budget, 391392

Depth image, 689f

Depth of field, 44, 316, 325, 358, 832

Depth-map bias parameter, 664

Descenders, 92

Detonating cord, 89

Dev Beta, 732

Dickson, Jim, 229, 271

Difference mattes, 163, 565

Diffuse maps, 614

Digital actors, 549

Digital asset management, 814

Digital blue, 555

Digital cameras

aperture sizes, 213215, 215f

ASA ratings of, 206

CCD sensor, 212, 268

chip size in, 212

CMOS sensor, 212, 268

color image encodings, 512519

color sampling, 208209

color space of, 207208

color subsampling, 209211

comparisons of, 216f

dynamic range of, 205206, 208

frame rates of, 212213

HDCAM-SR recording, 219220

high-definition sensors, 213215, 215f

highlight headroom, 206

lenses, 218

noise in, 205

on-board recording systems for, 219, 220

on-set look management, 221222

post-production considerations, 253

recording systems for, 216f217f, 219222

red channel focus, 214215

resolution of, 211212

scene files, 221

sensitivity of, 206

solid-state memory systems, 220

tape-based recording systems for, 220

“tethering” of, 219, 220

Digital characters, 135, 592f. See also Computergenerated characters

Digital cinema, 205, 207208

Digital Cinema Initiatives, 205, 444

Digital Cinema Package, 480

Digital cinematography, 204222, 550

cameras. See Digital cameras

definition of, 204

terminology associated with, 204205

viewing system for, 218222

Digital color image encodings, 512519

Digital compositing, 553, 559, 561, 562

Digital content creation, 724, 725

Digital DLP projector, 95

Digital double, 656, 657

Digital Effects, 11

Digital elements. See also Elements

creation process, 697699

feathers. See Digital feathers

hair/fur. See Digital hair/fur

models and modeling. See Digital models and modeling

particles, 642646, 643f, 645f

production workflow algorithm for, 698f

rigging. See Rigging

rigid-body dynamics, 646649

simulations. See Simulations

3D products, systems, and software, 697706

Digital feathers, 632637, 633f, 634f, 636f

Digital hair/fur, 619631

for animation, 745

combing, 622, 623f, 625f

control hairs, 621, 622f

costs of creating, 628631

description of, 136

generation process for, 621624, 621f

hair style transitions, 630

illustration of, 620f

interpolation, 622

layers of, 626

look development phase of, 621624

motion of, 624

optimizations, 626

procedural effects, 626627, 627f

reference photography for, 629f

rendering of, 623, 626

shading of, 631

shot work, 624

software programs for creating, 625, 631

Digital images

capture format of, 465466

capturing of, to composite, 562563

compression of, 469482

chroma, 475477

contrast masking, 477478, 477f

lossless, 472, 474475

lossy, 472, 475478

luminance, 475477, 476f

pixel distribution, 474

run-length encoding, 473

variable-length bit sequences, 473474

definition of, 470

encoding of, 470471

film versus, 560562

format of, 465469. See also File formats

viewing systems for, 218222

Digital imaging technician, 218, 523

Digital intermediate

definition of, 530, 659

description of, 396, 467, 500, 716

4k workflow benefits for, 501, 502

mattes for, 445, 530

post-production, 530532 3D

conforming, 441444

dailies, 436439

data-centric workflow, 443

description of, 434448

projection screens, 438439

tape-based workflow, 443

toolsets for, 532

2k, 500502

visual effects editor in, 544

Digital lighting, 649672

bent normals, 667

direct lighting, 660661, 661f

environment maps, 663, 667668

goals of, 656658

HDR image-based, 658

image-based, 665

Lambert shading, 650652, 651f, 652f

negative lights, 661662

Phong lighting, 650653, 651f, 652f653f

photographed reflections, 663

reflections, 662663

rendering occlusion, 665667

shading, 625f. 650, 651f, 652655

shadows, 664665, 664f

subsurface scattering, 655f

technologies, 660, 661f

texture mapping, 653

volumetric lighting, 670671, 671f

workflow for, 658660

Digital matte painting, 588

Digital models and modeling, 591601

believability issues, 593

character, 591, 592f

character setup needs, 599

client servicing approach, 600

cloth simulation needs, 599600

color and lighting, 600

data types, 593595

decomposition of, 817

development techniques for, 595599

freeform digital sculpting, 596

scanned 3D information, 597598

2D imagery, 596597

editing of, 618

environmental, 592

hard surface, 592

example of, 593f

texture painting of, 608610

importance of, 591

mechanical, 592, 593f

multiple facilities use of, 825

nurbs, 594595, 594f, 601, 611

polygons, 593595, 610611

props, 592

starting of, 34

subdivision surfaces, 595

texture painting needs, 599

types of, 591593

voxel technology for, 593, 595

Digital painting, 571573

Digital photos, 136137

Digital Productions, 11

Digital rights management, 470

Digital sequences, 550

Digital sets, 548

Digital SLRs, 275

Digital storytelling, 11

Digital tape formats, 508

Digital-type backings, 98

Digitization, 122

Dinosaur, 57

Dinosaurs, 739


meeting with, 26

previs uses by, 58

shot design guidelines for, 38

working with, 2527

Director of Photography

description of, 29

high-speed photography experience of, 249

lighting goals, 656, 657

motion control involvement by, 266

on-set work by, 80

previs uses by, 60

Visual Effects Supervisor interactions with, 29, 204

working with, 125

“Dirty” shooting, 565

Discrete point capture, 335

Displacement, 673675

Displacement maps, 615, 674

Display fireworks, 90

Display reproduction gamuts, 517518

District 9, 46

Divergence, 393

Divergent parallax, 389f

DNG Converter, 515

DNG format, 478479

Dolly shot, 584

Donner, Richard, 6

Downconverter, 238

DPX, 466, 479480, 506, 824

Dragonheart, 166, 246

Dunn, Linwood, 7, 8, 550

Dupue Company, 7

Dupy, O.L., 8

Dupy Duplicator, 8

Dust, 244245

Dutch angle, 185

Duvetyne, 237, 242

D-vis, 55

DX, 238

Dykstra, John, 6, 9, 309

Dynamic calibration, 364365

Dynamic motion synthesis, 693

Dynamic range, 205206, 208, 267, 510

Dynamic simulations, 605, 607

Dynamic temporal offset, 427

Dynamics, 637642

Edge blending, 569

Edge enhancement, 121, 563

Edge key, 564

Edge loops, 600

Edge ringing artifacts, 563

Edge wrap, 568, 569

Edison, Thomas, 4, 8

Edit decision list, 441443, 544

Editing. See Visual effects editing


picture, 533, 543

previs use by, 61

responsibilities of, 3435

Visual Effects. See Visual Effects Editor

Editorial department, 3435, 64

Editorial processes, 439441

Effects animation, 745746, 750, 759

8-bit format, 208, 682

Ekman, Paul, 604

Elements, 232246

actors, 241

backgrounds for, 236237

breaking glass, 244245

camera format for, 239240

clouds, 245

costs associated with, 233

debris, 244245

definition of, 232233

determining the needs for, 234235

digital. See Digital elements

dust, 244245

explosions, 241242

flames, 242, 243f

fog, 245

generic, 234

glass, 244245

goo, 245246

isolation of, 416417

lava, 245246

line-up, 237239

methods for, 241246

photographically acquired, 266, 432

props, 241

review of, 235

shot-specific, 234, 537

smoke. See Smoke

stock footage, 233

techniques for, 251252

tricks for creating, 235, 236

types of, 233, 234

underwater, 244

visually connected, 416f

water splashes, swirls, and streams, 243244

Ellenshaw, Peter, 5

Empire Strikes Back, The, 11

Emulsions, 120

Encoding of images, 470471

End of Days, 286f

Entrance pupil, 180


computer-generated character interactions with, 780782

digital, 548

direct photography of, for capturing lighting information, 154155

for games, 714716, 715f, 716f

simulated light from, 112

stop-motion, 753

Environment maps, 663, 667668

Environmental bounce light, 112

Environmental input, 72

Environmental modeling, 592

Enzo 3D Paint, 706

Epipolar geometry, 373


front projection, 96

maintenance of, 84

motion capture, 340

rear projection, 95

setup problems, 203

Erland, Jonathan, 6, 98

Estar, 560

Event Horizon, 233, 236

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, The, 3, 4

Explosions, 90, 241242, 307

Exposure sheets, 749

EXR, 466, 825

Exterior scenes, 583

Extras, 549, 690


mono master and, 443444

protection for, 103

resolution of, 503504

Eye enhancements, 695

Eye-line reference, 82, 83, 134f, 163164

Fabric backings, 9798, 111


active appearance models of, 375376

marker placement on, 351353

user interface for, 380

Face model, 377378

Facial action coding system, 282f, 348, 373, 381383, 383f, 604

Facial deformers, 378380

Facial expressions, 149f, 383f

Facial motion capture, 370382, 604

active appearance models, 375376

behavioral model, 381

dense stereo reconstructions, 376

description of, 370371

face model, 377378

facial rigging, 378381

inaccuracies in, 372

marker-based, 371376, 372f

markerless, 375376

markers for, 362

noise pattern, 374375

occlusion errors in, 373

perceptual motion in, 370371

pictorial structure models, 376

stabilization, 376377

techniques for, 371376

Facial rigging, 378381, 604

FACS. See Facial action coding system

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 166

Fast and the Furious, The, 101, 229

Fast Fourier transform, 574

Feathers, digital, 632637, 632f634f, 636f

Field of view, 354

Fifth Element, The, 331

50i, 212

50p frame rate, 213

Fighting games, 718

Fighting Temptations, The, 230

File formats

Cineon, 12, 479480, 506

description of, 466467

DNG, 478479

DPX, 466, 479480, 506

interchange, 793

JPEG, 480

OpenEXR, 481

Photoshop, 481

Radiance, 481

RAW, 478479

TIFF, 482

File-based workflows, 220

Fill light, 112


animated. See Animated films

convergence of, 717

digital images versus, 560562

environments for, 714

formats of, 712713, 713f

games versus, 707717

information carried on, 490

machinima, 716717

pixels per height and width, 491t

production design techniques, 714717

Film emulsions, 120, 490, 560

Film grain, 556

Film projectors, 95

Film resolution scanner, 12

Film scanning, 506512. See also Scanning

Film stock, 466

Film-out, 466, 510511, 529f, 755

Filter, 358

Filtration, 122

Final Cut Pro, 439, 441

Final Destination 4, 438

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, 738

Final layout, 744

Finals, 543, 733

Finals deadline, 23

Fire, 8890, 307, 328330, 329f

Fire Brigade, 3

Fire safety officer, 332

FireFox, 7

First-person games, 712, 713, 718

1st Assistant Director

description of, 33, 37

motion control involvement by, 265

on-set work by, 80

1st unit, 83

Fish-eye images, 272, 273

Fish-eye lenses, 402, 665

Fix it in post, 396

Fix requests, 810

Fixed pattern noise, 206

“Fix-its,” 25

Flair software, 264

Flames, 242, 243f, 317

Flares, 432

Flatbed, 542

Fleischer, Max, 569

Flicker, 250

Flickerless electronic ballasts, 100, 101

Flintstones, The, 751

Floating point, 471, 659, 684

Floating windows, 393396, 395f, 410411

Floor shots, 110111

Fluorescent lighting, 102

Flying creatures, 166

Flying effects, 9192

Flying wire rigs, 9192, 276

Fly-through shots, 310311

Focal length, 357

definition of, 357

equivalency chart for, 214t, 830t

Fog, 245

For the Birds, 632

For the Term of His Natural Life, 576f

Forced gravity, 317

Forced perspective

in animation, 408f

miniatures, 292296, 324


lighting of, 111115

background match with, 111112

color bias in, 114

environmental bounce light, 112

processed, 123f, 124

relighting of, 567

Foreground miniatures, 292

Foreground plate, 158

Forrest Gump, 42, 690

Forward kinematics, 602

4:2:0, 210

4:2:2, 120122, 209, 210

4:4:4, 209, 210, 466

4k systems, 482506

aliasing, 492496, 492f, 493f

digital intermediate, 501, 502

film, 490

modulation transfer function, 488489, 489f, 495497, 495f, 500t

resolution, 467469, 483490, 483f, 508

scanning, 491

sharpness, 483490

2k versus 4k, 498502, 501f

visual perception limitations for large screens, 502505

4-perf 35mm, 541f, 542, 555

Frame rates, 198, 212213, 240, 311, 314, 315, 359

Frame shifting, 446

Frame splits, 4

Framing chart, 411f

Framing of shot, 4243

Freeform digital sculpting, 596

Frequency sweep, 492f, 494f

Fringing, 95

Front projection, 9396

advantages of, 9495

description of, 6

disadvantages of, 95

equipment for, 96

Frontlighting of rain, 87

Frontlit backings, 101, 103, 109, 558

Frosty breath, 88

f-stops, 103, 205, 357

Fugitive, The, 93

Full animation, 737740, 750, 751

Fur, digital. See Digital hair/fur

Fusing, 414

Futureworld, 11

Gaffer, 81


action, 718, 719

advances in, 13

category types, 712, 713f

cinematic sequences of, 734736

convergence of, 717

design of, 735736

environments for, 714716, 715f, 716f

films versus, 707717

image creation for, 736

iterations and changes during production, 711, 712f

limitations, 710711

narrative storytelling, 709710

noninteractive scenes of, 734735

platforms for, 717722

pre-rendering of, 734735

production of, 726734

budget for, 730

design techniques, 714717

finaling, 732733

manufacturing, 733

marketing, 727728, 733

phases of, 731733

pipeline for, 731

post-production, 733

pre-production, 731732

team involved in, 730731

visuals, 728731

prototyping of, 715, 727728

role-playing, 718

types of, 718720

visuals of, 728731

Game document, 729730, 735736

Game engines, 722734

Gameplay, 708

Gaming techniques, 74, 76

Gamma, 681

Gamut clipping, mapping, and warnings, 519

Gap filling, 367f, 367, 373

Garbage mattes, 571

Gaussian blurs, 215

“Genesis effect,” 11

Gertie the Dinosaur, 748

G-Force, 411f, 412f, 630f, 776777

Ghost busting, 444

Gilliam, Terry, 319, 320

Glare, 524

Glass, breaking of, 244245

Global assets, 810

Global optimization solvers, 370

Glue code, 803

Golden Compass, The, 3

Go-motion photography, 264, 280

Goo, 245246

Good Shepherd, The, 321

Goodman, Ron, 230

Gouraud, Henri, 10

Grain, 418, 688

Gran Torino, 694

Grant, Cary, 6

Gray scale, 360

Great Train Robbery, The, 4

Greeblies, 817

Green screens, 96127

AIM, 557

alpha channel, 111, 125

backlit, 109

balancing of, 105110

bounce from, 113, 124

brightness of, 103110

compositing, 223

day-lit, 109110, 110f

description of, 52, 86

digital conversion, 122123

explosions shot against, 241

exposure errors, 566

exposure of shots, 103105, 105f

fabric, 9798, 111

film stock considerations, 466

floor shots, 110111


lighting of. See Foreground, lighting of

processed, 123f, 124

frontlit, 109, 558

function of, 97

illuminators, 100101

indications for, 107108

lighting sources for, 100103

negative scanning, 122123

overhead lighting of, 101

paint, 98, 111

perspective mismatches in, 236

problems associated with, 556557

reasons for using, 9495

shooting elements against, 236

special effects associated with, 91

underwater photography uses of, 124125

virtual shots, 110111

white card method for balancing of, 106107, 106f

Greenlit, 25

Greenscreen photography

camera for, 119122

film, 119120

negative, 119120

selection of, 120122

camera/subject positional information applied to, 189191, 190f

compositing software for, 125127

correction of, 98103, 100f, 123


degraining before, 567

factors that affect, 565

keys used in, 564

halation in optical composite from extraction of, 556, 560

Greenscreen plate, 181f, 192f

Greenscreen suit, 32

Grips, 255f, 266

Gyroscopic motion capture system, 336

Gyroscopic stabilization, 228, 229

Hair, 32

digital. See Digital hair

feathers versus, 634637

Halation, 557, 561

Half-Life 2, 709

Halo 3 “Believe,”, 316f

Haloing, 95 “Handle” length, 18

Handles, 533

Hanging miniatures, 292295, 294f296f

Hannah Montana, 460

Hard surface models, 592

Catmull-Clark surface, 611

example of, 593f

scale of, 609

texturing of, 608610

Hardware technicians, 342343

Harryhausen, Ray, 753

HD CAM SRW-1, 436f

H&D curve, 104

HDCAM-SR recording, 219220

HDR image-based lighting, 658

HDR images, 139, 267, 481, 573, 683

HDR-Cam Light Probe System, 273

Head slate, 201


stabilized balls mounted on, 230

VistaVision cameras on, 270f

Hellboy 2, 586f

Heynacher, Erich, 488

Heynacher integral, 489f

High definition, 204

High-definition cameras, 265

High-definition sensors, 213215, 215f

High-dynamic-range imaging. See HDR images

High-availability servers, 807, 808

High-definition survey, 140

Highlight headroom, 206

High-speed photography, 246253

application of, 250251


locking down, 252253

types of, 246249, 247f

video assist, 253

definition of, 246, 314

elements, 251252

frame rates, 315

lighting considerations for, 250

miniatures, 314318

post-production considerations, 253

technicians, 249

techniques for, 252

Histogram, 556

Hitchcock, Alfred, 8, 10, 769

Hittle, Tim, 283f

HMI lighting, 250

Home video deliverables, 3D stereo, 447448

Horizontal image translation, 390391, 391f

Horizontal parallax, 440f

Horopter, 388f

Hot head, 784

Houdini, 679f, 699700

Howard, Tom, 9

Huffman coding, 473, 475

Hulk, 705

Human resources, 764765

Human vision, 211

Humorous Phases of Funny Faces, 747

Huntin’, 290f

Hyperfocal distance, 832

IBK, 127

Ice, 8788

Iguchi, Fred, 9

Illumination, 114115. See also Lighting

Illuminators, 100102, 102f

ILM, 11, 12, 57

Image capture using scanners, 528

Image compression, 471478

chroma, 475477, 476f

contrast masking, 477478

lossless, 472, 474475

lossy, 472, 475

luminance, 475477, 476f

pixel distribution, 474

run-length encoding, 473

variable-length bit sequences, 473474

Image engineering, 56

Image format, 465469, 799. See also File formats

agreement on, 824

capture format, 465466

Cineon, 12, 479480, 506

description of, 466467

DNG, 478479

DPX, 466, 479480, 506

JPEG, 480

OpenEXR, 481

Photoshop, 481

Radiance, 481

RAW, 478479

standardization of, across multiple facilities, 824

TIFF, 482

Image Interchange Framework, 515

Image sharpening, 430

Image-based keyer. See IBK

Image-based lighting, 665


definition of, 465

description of, 394

resolution for, 465 3D, 405

Immersion-based stereo, 404405

Implicit depth cues, 415

Importance sampling, 668

Importing, 820

In-camera double exposure, 535

Incandescent lamps, 103

Incident light reading, 89, 106

Inclinometer, 178f, 185, 225

Independence Day, 235, 245

Industrial Light and Magic, 11, 12, 57

Infinity parallax, 389f

Information International, Inc., 10

Information tracking and dissemination, 536542

Infrared-sensitive emulsions, 7

Infrastructure, 807808

Ingestion, 808

Interaxial, 398

Interaxial separation, 388390

Interior scenes, 583

International Color Consortium color management architecture, 520521, 521f

Internegative, 501, 502, 502f

Interocular, 398

Interocular distance, 75, 400, 430, 440

Interpenetration solver, 635, 636f

Interpolation, 622

Interposition, 394

Interpositive, 556

Interpupillary distance, 389, 418

In-Three, 425

Inverse kinematics, 602

Invictus, 695

Iron Man, 775776

Irradiance caches, 669, 670f

ISO, 206

Jackson, Peter, 76, 703

JAK Films, 57

Jason and the Argonauts, 753

Jeffress, Jerry, 9

Jim Henson Company, 73

Johnson, Paul, 9

Joints, 345, 379

Journey to the Center of the Earth, 460, 463

JPEG, 480

Judge Dredd, 56

Jumbotron screen, 96

Jurassic Park, 13, 428

Katz, Steven, 76

Key frame, 693

Key numbers, 533, 537

Key posing animation, 749

Keyers, 125

Keyframe animation, 640, 693

Keying, of bluescreen/greenscreen photography, 564

Keylight, 126, 746

Keystone effect, 409

King Kong (1933), 6, 753

King Kong (2005), 338

Kino Flo, 101, 102

Knowing, 549f Kodak, 12

Kodak films, 560

Kroyer, Bill, 56

Kubrick, Stanley, 6, 9

Kuper software, 264

Lambert, Paul, 127

Lambert shading, 650652, 651f, 652f

Lang, Fritz, 8

Large-area emissive displays, 96

Large-theater resolution, 504505, 504f, 505f

Laser level, 179f, 193f

Laser scanners and scanning, 137, 597

Laser-based recording, 510

Last Starfighter, The, 11

Lava, 245246

Layout, 573, 741, 744. See also Matchmoving

LCD displays, 438439

LCD projector, 95

LCD screen, 96

League of Extraordinary Gentleman, The, 291f

Left eye, as mono master, 443444

Leica reel, 749


configurations of, 358

depth of field, 44, 316, 325, 358, 832

digital cameras, 218

fish-eye, 402

focal length of. See Focal length

formulas, 831

f-stop, 357

motion capture, 356358

periscope, 312

prime, 268, 358

35mm format camera, 213

3D, 402

water deflection from, 230

zoom, 358

Lens angle, 832

Lens distortion charts, 137138, 138f

Lens flare, 228

Lens magnification, 174

Level set, 648

Lidar scanning

art department use of, 142

collision geometry uses of, 144

data, 598

definition of, 140

deliverables, 145

description of, 137

learning about, 144

matchmoving uses of, 143

nodal point for, 597

practical realities associated with, 144145

previs use of, 141142

principles of, 140

scanners, 140, 141

service providers for, 144

set extension of, 142143

3D laser scanning, 140

uses of, 597

visual effects use of, 141145


bounce. See Bounce light

camera-mounted source of, 96

computer graphics, 649653

miniature, 302f

modulation of, 567568

spill, 116

structured, 337

volume created using, 582

Light animation rig, 64

Light motion capture, 336

Light stage, 337


animation, 745746

of backing, 98, 101

digital. See Digital lighting

high-speed photography, 250

live-action plate filming, 223224

Phong, 650653, 651f653f, 673

shadows and, 117118

stills for, 272273

for stop-motion, 279

of underwater objects, 244

of virtual sets, 117118

visual effects, 656658

volumetric, 670671, 671f

Lighting data capture, 150158

CG lighting personnel involvement in, 150151

colored spheres for, 152154

diagram for, 151152

direct photography of environment for, 154155

goals of, 151155

reflective spheres for, 152154

scanner or survey equipment for, 152

shooting considerations in, 156158

still cameras for, 154156

Lighting previs, 7475

Limited animation, 750, 751

Linear polarization, 437

Linearizing, 518

Line-up, 237239, 540

Lion King, The, 766, 774

Live Free or Die Hard, 305f

Live-action cameras

motion control of, 9

previsualized computer graphic scenes integrated with, 10

Live-action filming. See also Live-action plate filming

animated films versus, 739

crew of, 24

stop-motion used in, 753

storyboards for, 38

time necessary for, 22, 80

visual effects technique considerations, 48

Live-action images

compositing of, 562574

capturing the image to composite, 562563

color correction applications, 564

digital painting, 571573

extractions, 564, 565, 567

plate reconstruction, 571573

rotoscoping, 569571

scene tracking, 573574

starting the composite, 567569

stereoscopic 3D, 569

process photography effects on, 6

Live-action motion control, 256, 257, 259260

Live-action plate filming, 222232

air-based scenes, 230231

angle of view, 223

background quality for, 224

believability of, 232

cable systems for, 231232

camera cars. See Camera cars

camera position for, 223

camera tilt, 224

case study of, 225226

crane cars, 227

lighting considerations, 223224

moving plates, 224226

panoramic rigs, 229

precautions for, 228

station point for, 223

water-based scenes, 229230

Live-action replication of crowds, 690


lidar/laser scanning of, 137

for miniatures, 308

selecting of, 3536

sequence used at, 36

Location scout, 3536

Locked cut, 542

Locked-off camera

clean plate shooting with, 160

description of, 5, 48

Locked-sync, 535

Log encoding, 681, 682

Logan, Bruce, 9

Look development

for digital hair/fur, 621624

for digital lighting, 656

Looker, 11

Lookup table, 221, 446, 523, 531, 617

Looney Tunes: Back in Action, 309f, 314f

Lord of the Rings, 3, 641, 694, 703, 762

Return of the King, 338

The Two Towers, 12

Lossless compression, 472, 474475

Lossy compression, 475

chroma for, 475477, 476f

contrast masking for, 477478

description of, 472

luminance for, 475477

Love, Cecil, 8

Low-resolution simulations, 640

Luma keys, 97

Luminance, 475477, 476f, 494f, 525

Luminance maps, 616

Luminance masks, 97

Luxor Live, 56

Maas, Jan, 281f

Machinima films, 716717

MAGI, 11

Magnetic field, 337

Makeup department, 32

Makeup markers, 373374

Man Who Would Be King, The, 582f

Mandrill, 30

Map-based shaders, 675677

MAPP gas, 329


definition of, 675

planar, 676

spherical, 676

UV, 676

Maquette, 165, 597

Markers. See Motion capture, markers

Marketing, of games, 727728, 733

Mary Poppins, 7

Mask, The, 167

Masks, marker, 353

Mass Effect, 709

Massive, 703704

Massively multiplayer online games, 719

Master and Commander, 3

Matchmove, 744


definition of, 118, 143, 783

real-time, 172177

Material designation maps, 616

Matrix, 738

Matrix Revolutions, 775776


articulated, 571

computer-generated, 684

definition of, 4

difference, 163, 565

digital immediate system use of, 445, 530

first-generation, 7

garbage, 571

history of, 4

pulling a, 684

rotoscoping used to fix problems, 558

silhouette, 123f

Sobel, 568, 569

traveling, 97, 551554, 551f, 552f

Matte box, 4

Matte painter, 576

on-set, 578, 581

skills of, 577, 578, 581584

Matte painting(s), 574

best frame, 586588

composition in, 581

definition of, 575

description of, 575

digital, 588

exterior scenes, 583

historical use of, 4, 575578

interior scenes, 583

on-glass setup, 576f

patching, 587, 588

perspective in, 581

pioneers in, 575578

projection, 584, 586588

technique selection, 579

two-dimensional flat extensions, 583

uses of, 576

Matte painting shots

on-set supervision for, 578581

pre-production visualization of, 578

Maya, 700, 798

McCay, Winsor, 748

McDowell, Alex, 59, 76

Mechanical effects

description of, 30

miniatures incorporation of, 304308

Mechanical modeling, 592, 593f

Mechanical motion capture, 386

Mechanical special effects, 9091

Medal of Honor Airborne, 716f

Media Composer, 536

Media consolidation, 539

Meet the Robinsons, 419, 460

Meetings, 26, 37

Mélièes, George, 4

Mental Ray, 704705

Merging, 820

Metadata, 431

Michelson, Harold, 76

Middleware, 723

Mighty Quinn, The, 231

Miller, Alvah, 9

Miniature motion control, 257, 263264

Miniature pyrotechnics, 90

Miniatures, 284292

action, 289, 305

advantages of, 285287, 322, 323

aerial perspective, 294

aging of, 303

breakaways with, 333t

camera considerations, 324326

categories of, 288289

collapsing of, 307

costs of, 286

definition of, 284285

destruction of, 298, 300, 319

in digital world, 319322

disadvantages of, 285287

electronic used with, 302

examples of, 285292, 285f292f, 297f, 300f, 302f, 305f, 306f

expanded scale of, 298

explosives and explosions with, 307, 332333

fabrication of, 297304

AutoCAD, 304

construction materials used in, 299303

molding, 301

painting, 303304

purpose-based considerations, 297299

pyrotechnics considerations, 300

tools used in, 304

vacuum forming, 301

wood, 299, 307

film integration of, 288

fire with, 307, 317318

foam, 301

forced perspective, 292296, 324

foreground, 292

formulas for, 830

hanging, 292295, 294f296f

in-camera compositing of, 292295

landscape environments, 304

lights integrated into, 302f

mechanical devices incorporated into, 301

mechanical effects incorporated into, 304308

motion control for, 308313

nodal pans and tilts for, 296

photographic continuity of, 288

photography of

depth of field, 316

high-speed, 314318

motion control used in, 308313

planning of, 287288

previs of, 287, 304, 311, 321

pyrotechnics with, 300, 304308

rain effects with, 327328

reality considerations, 322324

reasons for using, 322

scale of, 289292, 290f292f, 324, 829f

sculptural aspects of, 301

set extensions using, 272, 584585

shooting locations and conditions for, 308

sinking effects, 306

skinning of, 272

smoke with, 317318

special effects rig considerations, 305

static models, 288

sun orientation in, 584

uses for, 284285

water effects with, 306, 317318, 326f

Mishima, Kaz, 126

Mission: Impossible, 57, 92

Misty rain, 327

Mitchell cameras, 247f, 248

Models and modeling. See Digital models and modeling

Modulation transfer function, 211, 488489, 489f, 495497, 495f, 500t

Moiré, 492

Mono films, 428

Mono master, 443444

Monster stick, 82, 163169, 166f

Monsters, Inc., 773

Morph target, 379

“Morphs,” 12

Mosaic pattern sensor layouts, 210

Motion blur, 422, 565566, 630, 687

Motion capture

actors, 347348

briefing of, 348

casting of, 347

range of motion exercise by, 345

wardrobe changes, 346

animals, 348349

markers on, 349

animation rig considerations, 603

budgetary considerations, 339


calibration of, 363365

extrinsic parameters of, 364

inputs/outputs, 362

intrinsic parameters of, 364

lenses for, 356358

line of sight, 384

setup, 362

cleaning, 368

considerations before using, 338341

crowd generation through, 693

definition of, 335336

degrees of freedom, 345

description of, 7273, 75, 751, 755

entry point for, 339340

equipment for, 340

facial, 370382, 604

active appearance models, 375376

behavioral model, 381

dense stereo reconstructions, 376

description of, 370

face model, 377378

facial rigging, 378381

inaccuracies in, 372

marker-based, 371376, 372f

markerless, 375376

markers for, 362

noise pattern, 374375

occlusion errors in, 373

perceptual motion in, 370

pictorial structure models, 376

stabilization, 376377

techniques for, 371376

hardware for, 353362

charge-coupled device, 353, 359361

filter, 358

lenses, 356358

markers. See Motion capture, markers

onboard processor, 361362

schematic diagram of, 353f

strobe, 354355

joints, 345, 379

labeling stage of, 366367

limitations of, 342

markers, 355356, 371

active, 356

on animals, 349

definition of, 335, 355

distance of, 351

on faces, 351353, 373

hybrid placement approach, 352353

makeup, 373374

masks, 353

muscle-based placement of, 351352

optical, 371373

passive, 355

peak motion-based placement of, 350f, 352

placement of, 350351

real-time motion capture, 384385

redundancy of, 351

retroreflective, 355356, 371

rigid placement of, 350351

size of, 362

trajectories of, 366367, 367f

mechanical, 386


deformations, 346

universal topology for, 378

optical, 340, 342, 348, 371373

outsourcing of, 340, 343344, 344t

of performers, 72, 73, 75

personnel necessary for animators, 343

description of, 341, 342

hardware technicians, 342343

solvers, 341, 343

trackers, 341, 343

preparing for, 341353

production requirements for, 339

range of motion, 345

real-time, 384386

alternate technologies, 385386

definition of, 384

game rendering technology, 385

limitations of, 384386

line of sight, 384

markers, 384385

solving, 385

uses of, 384

visualization, 385

reconstruction stage of, 366

resources for, 341

rigging for, 345

rigid bodies, 367368

scene, setup, pass, take, 347

service providers, 343344, 344t

set considerations, 346

shotlist, 346

software, 363370

acquisition, 363365

labeling, 366367

postprocessing, 365366

reconstruction, 366

solving, 368370, 385

technologies for computer vision, 337

considerations, 346350

electromechanical-based, 336337

resistance-based, 336

selection of, 340341

time-of-flight, 338

tiles, 347

time considerations, 346

2D image quality, 354

types of, 336338

wireless nonvideo, 169

Motion capture rigs, 345

Motion capture suit, 349350

Motion control

benefits of, 312

camera move data, 257258

cameras for, 264

communication during, 265

computer-driven, 310

data, 258259

definition of, 254255

Director of Photography’s involvement in, 266

1st Assistant Director’s involvement, 265

live-action, 256, 257, 259260

miniature, 257

miniature photography, 308313

multiple-pass photography, 256

performance choreography, 255256

preplanning of shot and, 315

scaling, 256257

software for, 264

in stop-motion, 279280

supervising of, 253266

sync and phase, 264265

uses for, 254255

yellow light used in, 558

Motion control legs, 239f

Motion control programmer, 254

Motion control programming, 254, 255

Motion control rigs

cranes, 255f, 261f, 262f

description of, 254, 258

illustration of, 263f

live-action, 259260

miniature, 263264

motors used in, 260, 262263

pan/tilt heads, 260261, 268

purpose-built, 262

stop-motion animation, 263264

Motion graph, 692

Motion Graphics, Inc., 10

Motion parallax, 281

Motion Picture Products Group, 11

Motion stepper motors, 260, 262

Motion tiling and tiles, 269271

Motion vectors, 426

Motion-tracking equipment, 175

Motion-tracking suit, 32

Moving camera

clean plate for, 160161

shooting from, 224

in stop-motion, 753

Moviola, 535

Multiple-camera rigs, 407409

Multiple-camera synchronous plates, 270

Multiple-pass photography, 256

Muren, Dennis, 12

Muro, James, 231

Muscle systems, 606

Naming conventions, 798, 799

Narrative storytelling, 709710

Need for Speed Most Wanted, 715f717f

Negative lights, 661662

Negative parallax, 392393, 398

Negative scanning, 122123

Network attached storage, 814

Night shoots, tracking markers for, 133

Nightmare Before Christmas, The, 275f, 275, 460, 752

Nintendo DS, 721

Nodal head, 268, 269f

Nodal mounting of camera, 259

Nodal pans and tilts, 5, 296

Nodal point, 5, 178, 180f, 180194, 597

Nodal tiling systems, 269


in capture systems, 173

in composite, 566

in digital cameras, 205

in film, 206

Noise patterns

capture, 374375

description of, 205206, 678

fixed, 206

Noncharacter rigging

animation, 604, 605

deformation, 607

Noninteractive scenes, 734735

Nonlinear deformers, 606

Non-shot-specific costs, 21

North by Northwest, 6, 428

Nurbs, 594595, 594f, 601, 611

O’Brien, Willis, 753

Occlusion, 415

Occlusion errors, 373

Occlusion surface

reconstruction, 416418, 424

Omnibus, 56

1:1 data plan, 191f

One Pair, 632

1:85 ratio, 465

Oner, 46

OnLive, 720

On-set look management, 221222

On-set preview, 118119

On-set previs, 55, 74

On-set work

data acquisition. See Data acquisition, on-set

fixing problems on-set versus in post-production, 82

process involved in, 8085

safety during, 85, 93

visual effects crew, 79

Open Season, 408f, 632

OpenEXR, 481

OpenGL, 596

Optical compositing, 550, 554, 559, 560

Optical masking, 457f, 458

Optical motion capture, 340, 342, 348

Optical printers

compositing using, 550, 554

description of, 78

history of, 550

visual effects editing using, 535

Optical technique, 550551

Optical-photochemical process, 554

Original camera negative, 527

Orthographic, 596

Orthostereo condition, 404

Overcranking, 239, 323

Overexposure, 561562

Overhead costs, 21

Overhead lighting, 101, 116

Overshooting, 234

Overtrack track system, for flying, 91

“Over/under” imaging, 438

Pablo, The, 396

Pacing, of shots, 45

Painful 3D, 400401

Paint backings, 98, 111

Painting. See Matte painting; Texture painting

Panavision, 247f

Panchromatic Separation Films, 560

Panic Room, 57

Panoramic background, 229, 267268

Panoramic rigs, 229

Pan/tilt heads, 260261, 268

Panum’s fusional area, 388f

Paper snow, 88

Paradoxical window effect, 410


crossed, 389f

definition of, 5, 388, 389f

divergent, 389f

horizontal, 440f

infinity, 389f

motion, 281

negative, 392393, 398

positive, 392393, 399

vertical, 391, 440f

zero, 389f

Parallax budget, 391392, 394, 419

Parallax shift, 270, 271

Parallel light, 661f

Parallel mini-cut, 63

Partial turnover, 538

Particles, 642646, 643f, 645f

Passion of the Christ, The, 240, 241

Passive glasses, 437438

Passive markers, 355

Passive optical, 335, 342, 385

Patching, 587, 588

Path tracing, 669

Pattern matching, 417

PC games, 721

Pederson, Con, 9, 309

Peg-registered paper, 570

Pendulum rig, 91

Perceived depth, 414

Perfect Storm, A, 641

Performance capture, 419

Performance choreography, 255256

Periscope lens, 312

Perisic, Zoran, 6

Perlin noise function, 678

Personal space, 449f, 450f, 453f, 457


camera position for determining, 238


in animation, 408f

miniatures, 292296, 324

matte painting, 581

Peter Pan rig, 91

PFTrack, 703

Phantom, 247f


of motion control cameras, 264265

of witness cameras, 170

Phong, Bui Thuong, 10

Phong lighting, 650653, 651f653f

Photogrammetry, 72, 195, 342, 599

Photographed reflections, 663

Photographic reference, 195199

Photographic textures

acquisition of, 266273

motion tiling, 269271

panoramic backgrounds, 267268

practical considerations for, 271272

stills, 268269

summary of, 273

Photographic-based scanning, 597

Photon mapping, 669, 670

Photorealism, 41, 48, 177, 266

Photorealistic Renderman, 705

Photoshop, 481, 705706

Photosonics, 247f, 248

Physically based rendering, 668670

Physics solvers, 370

Pictorial structure models, 376

Picture editor, 533, 543

Piezoelectric motion capture system, 336


animation, 738

computer-generated animation, 756762

definition of, 786

game production, 731

requirements analysis, 787789

visual effects, 739

workflow to, 786792

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, 428, 762

Pitchvis, 54

Pixar, 11, 12


color values, 470, 471

displacement of, 421, 425

for height and width, 830t

scanning, 830t

Pixel parallax budget, 419

Pixelation, 778

Planar mapping, 676

Plasma screen, 96


background, 158, 181f

clean. See Clean plates

definition of, 158, 222, 749

foreground, 158

greenscreen, 181f

pregrading of, 531

tracking of, 507

Plate flashing, 568

Plate photography. See also Live-action plate filming

aerial, 230231

description of, 2122

requirements for, 222

Plate reconstruction, 571573

Plate stitching, 573

Platform games, 719

PlayStation 2, 721

PlayStation 3, 721

Plumb bob and line, 179f, 188f

Plywood reference materials, 167

Point cloud, 703

Point light, 660, 661f

Polar Express, The, 460, 592, 619

Polygons, 593595, 610611

Pop-through, 282

Porter, Edwin S., 4

Poseidon Adventure, The, 94, 705

Positive parallax, 392393, 399


animated film, 773

color management. See Color management

computer-generated animation, 760

definition of, 17

digital intermediate, 530532

editorial work in, 35, 532544

film scanning, 506512. See also Scanning

flexibility in, 48

game development, 733

image compression, 469482

image encoding, 470471

rebidding in, 23

recording, 509512

resolution, 467469

scanning, 467

set creation in, 579

3D scanning, 149150

3D movies, 463464

transport of files, 467

witness camera data, 171

Postvis, 6265

animation blocking versus, 64

benefits of, 65

characteristics of, 55

computer graphics character uses of, 62

costs associated with, 62

editorial department, 64

example of, 65f

full-team teams, 63

previs versus, 62, 63

purpose of, 62

technical issues associated with, 64

Potentiometers, 336, 386

Power windows, 530

Powers of 10

shot, 46

Practical effects, 2, 30

Practical lights, 279

Precap, 75

Pre-compositing, 533, 534, 536, 540

Pregrading of plates, 531

Premultiplied, 684, 831


importance of, 199

stop-motion shooting, 276277

witness camera, 171


benefits of, 18

budgeting. See Budget/budgeting

definition of, 17

game development, 731732

matte painting shot visualized in, 578

summary of, 17

testing during, 33

3D movies, 462

Pre-rendering, 734735

Previs, 5355

applications of, 5761

art department and, 5961

Assistant Directors’ use of, 60

camera department and, 5961

camera input, 7374

character input, 7273

characteristics of, 54

communication uses of, 68, 70

computer graphics, 66, 754

computer-generated animation, 758

computer-generated characters, 400

costs of, 6668

creativity issues, 6970

definition of, 53, 54

digital, 55

Director of Photography’s use of, 60

Directors’ use of, 58

disconnections in, 6869

Editors’ use of, 61

environmental input, 72

example of, 65f

full-team teams, 63

future of, 7276

gaming techniques applied to, 74, 76

lidar scanning for, 141142

lighting, 7475

miniatures, 287, 304, 311, 321

on-set, 55, 74

perils of, 6670

postvis versus, 62, 63

potential of, 70

Producers’ use of, 58, 59

at production meeting, 37

real-world dimensions as basis for, 69

recommendations for, 71

replaying of, 80

“saddle-back,” 67

in shot design, 39

special effects, 8687

Special Effects Coordinators’ use of, 60

Stunt Coordinators’ use of, 60

subgenres of, 54, 55

technical, 54, 68

techniques for, 5557

in theater, 542

3D, 400

3D stereo, 75

uses of, 68

virtual, 57, 7576

Visual Effects Producers’ use of, 61

Visual Effects Supervisors’ use of, 61, 7172

Primaries, 516f, 517f

Primatte, 126127

Prime lens, 268, 358

Primer cord, 89

Procedural shaders, 678

Procedural textures, 617

Process photography, 5, 6

Processed foreground, 123f, 124


meeting with, 26

previs uses by, 5859

working with, 2527


animation versus visual effects, 740747, 741f

computer-generated film, 741744

definition of, 17

games. See Game(s), production of

iterations and changes during, 711, 712f, 772773

texture painting in, 617618

3D movies, 462

virtual, 59

workflow. See Production workflow

Production department manager, 772

Production departments

camera, 29

design, 2837

editorial, 3435

makeup, 32

modeling, 34

production, 3233

special effects, 30

stunts, 3031

visual effects, 3334

wardrobe, 3132

Production design, 2829

Production designer, 28

Production finance, 763764

Production management, 760761

Production manager, 771

Production meeting, 37

Production workflow

analysis of, 784794

building vs. purchasing, 802804

buy-in, 806

contingencies, 797800

definition of, 784

deliverables, 800, 806807

deploying of, 801807

design of, 794800

documentation, 800

example of, 785786

implementation of, 801807

individual versus group requirements, 790792

infrastructure, 807808

in-house development, 802

in-house requirements, 792794

packages, 804805

personalized, 791

pipeline creation from, 786792

platforms, 804805

requirements analysis, 787789, 793

rollout, 806

scale-based design of, 797

service bureaus, 792794

technical specifications created from artistic requirements, 789790

testing, 805806

Profile connection space, 520

Projection. See Front projection; Rear projection

Projection mapping, 612613, 677

Projection maps, 676

Property master, 28


action, 90

actor involvement with, 133135, 134f, 135f

computer graphics recreation of, 28, 29

modeling of, 592

photographing of, 136

shooting of, 241

3D scanning of, 148

Prototyping of games, 715, 727728

Pseudo-modulation, 492, 493

Purpose-built motion control rigs, 262

Puzzle games, 719

Pyrotechnics, 8890, 93, 241

Quantel Pablo, 447

QuickTime, 542

Racing games, 719

Radiance picture files, 481

RAID storage system, 444

Rain, 8788, 243

Rain windows, 87

Range of motion, 345

RAW files, 478479

Ray marching, 670, 671

Ray tracing, 662, 672, 704

RealD, 444, 446

Realism, 42, 48, 322324

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