
This book has been a journey. We are grateful to many who guided us along the way.

First, our gratitude to the wonderful Holly Branson. What started with a partnership through Big Change and WE Day became a deep friendship that took us through the mountains of India, the grasslands of Kenya, and beyond. We were honored to partner with you on your first book and loved every minute of our collaborative writing experience. And to Jackie McQuillan, for your sharp wit, insightful input and edits, and your distinct outlook that truly challenged us to think differently.

A special thank-you to Katie Hewitt, who poured herself into this book for several years alongside us, dedicating countless hours, clever writing, research, insightful edits, and critical analysis. Your sense of humor and stubborn perseverance helped bring this book to completion.

With thanks to the incredibly talented Andrew Duffy, our first collaborator, who helped us brainstorm initial concepts and provided us with the foundational draft on which everything was built.

Shelley Page, our dear friend and confidante, will always be our editor-in-residence, a voice of reason, guidance, and an invaluable perspective. No project would be complete without your input.

To Sheryl Sandberg and Sir Richard Branson, thank you for the inspiring words. We couldn't think of two better people to open and close this book; each of you embodies the principles of the WEconomy, putting purpose at the forefront of business.

We are grateful to Brian McGregor, Sue Allan, Rick Groves, Kieran Green, and Lee-Anne Goodman for their writing contributions, insights, and research. Thank you to Stanley Hainsworth, Renee Perry, Paul Huggett, Gillian Gerrard, and Ivana Manzon for the striking design and your enduring patience.

We are always thankful for our parents, Theresa and Fred Kielburger, our earliest champions and strongest role models who taught us about compassion and service. And for the unwavering support and unfathomable patience of our loving partners, Leysa Cerswell Kielburger and Roxanne Joyal. We love you more than words can ever express.

Our entire WE family—our staff, board of directors, and supporters—is our daily reminder that a movement is made up of caring individuals.

Finally, we remain inspired by the passionate change-makers at the forefront of the WEconomy, and by everyone who believes that a better world is possible.

Figure depicting hand signature of author. Figure depicting hand signature of author.

We could not have completed this book without the help, guidance, and generous sharing of knowledge by so many inspiring individuals.

Marc and Craig, thank you for being my “WE” on the incredible road to discovery we've taken—together—in writing this book. Your energy, passion, and absolute belief in the power of young people to bring about the change we need in this world are a constant inspiration. For that, and your unwavering friendship, I thank you both.

To my “WEconomy” partner in crime, Jackie McQuillan, a 25-year veteran with the Virgin brand and someone who has watched my personal story unfold in real time, thank you for being by my side throughout and helping me pull this all together. I could not have done it without you.

Thank you to Katie Hewitt, for being our WE Charity/Canadian voice of reason, our Brit-to-U.S. translator during edits, and for making so many trips across the Pond. We know it wasn't just for the free lunches and snacks! And thanks go out to all at WE Charity, ME to WE, and Team Tether for your invaluable insights and design work.

As for my Virgin family, I have been blown away yet again by the power of all these incredible individuals.

Charlotte Goodman, you are our North Star of Purpose. Thank you for not only helping all the Virgin companies stay true to their values but also for your time and effort in bringing this book to fruition. To Josh Bayliss and Peter Norris, thank you for all you do for Virgin. You are invaluable to the company and you are both amazing mentors to me. I'm so impressed, given your hectic schedules, that you found time to read this book! Jean Oelwang and all of the team at Virgin Unite—I am so proud of all you have achieved at our foundation. You are always one step ahead of the curve and are changing the world for good. Thanks also to our 100% Human at Work lead the wonderful Anna Gowdridge, for basically being 100% Human! Essie North, and the team at Big Change, thank you for an amazing journey and your stewardship in building Big Change into what it is today. I feel so excited about what the future holds. Our Impact Investment team, Dr. Emma Harvey at Virgin Atlantic, Jo Barnett at Virgin Money Giving, and Nicola Griffiths at Virgin Trains—thank you for letting me share your stories. Esther Marshall, you are an inspiration. And to all of the incredible staff at our Virgin companies: thank you for driving your purpose every day.

Mum, Dad, Sam, and Bellie: Thank you for your unending support, loyalty, and unconditional love. Freddie, for everything, I love you.

It's incredible to think that four new additions to our family clan have taken up residence on this beautiful planet in the course of writing WEconomy. I dedicate this book to my children Etta and Artie, my niece Eva-Deia, and my nephew Bluey. I truly believe your generation will continue to drive the positive change we need to protect and sustain our wonderful world and all its people.

Figure depicting hand signature.

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