About the Authors

Mark Safronov is a professional web application developer from the Russian Federation, with experience and interest in a wide range of programming languages and technologies. He has built and participated in building different types of web applications, from pure computational ones to full-blown e-commerce sites. He is also a proponent of following the current best practices of test-first development and clean and maintainable code.

He is currently employed at Clevertech and is working on Yii-based PHP web applications. He was also a maintainer of the popular YiiBooster open source extension for some time.

Back in 2008, he translated the book Visual Prolog 7.1 for Tyros, Eduardo Costa, in Russian with a totally new color layout. In 2013, along with Jacob Mumm, he co-authored the book Instant Yii Application Development Starter, Packt Publishing.

Jeffrey Winesett is a partner at SeeSaw Labs in Austin, Texas, and has over 10 years of experience building large-scale, web-based applications. He is a strong proponent of using open source development frameworks when developing applications, and a champion of the Yii framework in particular since its initial alpha release. He frequently presents on, writes about, and develops with Yii as often as possible.

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