About the Reviewers

Ajay Balachandran is a hardcore PHP developer and an avid Yii lover from India. He is a huge advocate of writing modular, reusable, and standards-based code, which leads to his love for the Yii framework.

He is an expert in federated authentication using OpenID Connect, and now specializes in providing single sign-on and analytics solutions for the enterprise customers on behalf of his company, HiFX IT & Media Services.

Having a UI/UX background, Yii and its robust Web 2.0 oriented development has enabled Ajay to easily write applications ranging from simple shopping carts to robust APIs.

Maher Elaissi is a web developer based in Canada. He has good knowledge of object-oriented analysis and designs and specializes in PHP programming. His first experience with the Yii framework was in 2012, with a startup company Cisha GmbH based in Germany, to create an online chess game (www.chess24.com).

Md. Rashidul Hasan Masum is a professional Software Engineer. Over the last 6 years, he has designed and developed a wide range of desktop and web applications using the enterprise framework Spring.NET NHibernate and websites using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, jQuery, SignalR, Ext JS 4, ASP.NET (C#), PHP (Yii framework), Spring.NET, NHibernate, Google App Engine (Java), OpenLayer, Android with MSSQL, MySQL, and Bigtable, including sites for startup companies and small businesses. His core competency lies in complete end-to-end management of a new application development.

He also has experience in the following areas: OOP, AOP, DI, ORM, SOA, n-Tire, highly configurable applications, neural networks, and software design and testing.

He now works at OnnoRokom Software Ltd. as a Software Architect. From the beginning, they have been using the Yii framework for their large-scale web application development. S. M. Quamruzzaman Rahmani (www.byronbd.com), Project Manager, and GM Nazmul Hossain, (www.gmnazmul.com), System Analyst, have been working with him. The three of them are a super combination for teamwork according to their personality profiles.

Mohammed Hussein Othman is a Software Engineer who has graduated from Damascus University in Syria. He has 4 years of experience in working with the Yii framework in a variety of small and enterprise projects. Mohammed has also been working on various modern web technologies, such as PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and many others. Currently, he works as a Senior Web Developer and Project Manager at Flex Solutions, which specializes in enterprise web applications.

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