Part 1. WordPress, a CMS


In the next two chapters, we’ll cover some WordPress basics. You may have used WordPress in the past; if so, that’s great—we can build on that. If you haven’t worked in WordPress before, that’s all right because we’ll start from the beginning and go over all the details.

We’ll look at everything from why it makes sense to choose WordPress for your next project to how to install it on your server and add content. By the end of these two chapters, you’ll have started an intimate relationship with WordPress that will last a long time. You’ll get something out of these two chapters whether you’re a veteran WordPress blogger or a novice who’s never seen the WordPress admin.

When I started teaching web design, I had to cover every little detail of HTML, CSS, web standards, browsers, and more. I knew most of it already, but because I had to actually define growth paths for my students, I needed to know everything there was to know. This made me a better web designer, teacher, and business owner. I was able to explain the details of the web and my work with greater confidence because I could describe every aspect of what I was speaking about. You may know the difference between a WordPress post and a page, but in this part of the book, you’ll learn how to explain it to your clients.

In Part 2, we’ll build on our understanding of WordPress by diving into WordPress theming basics, template hierarchies, and best practices.

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