Part 3. Advanced WordPress Theming

1. During the wireframing process, we indicate which sections of the site will be editable through WordPress, so clients don’t assume they can change everything. We use color-differentiation in our wireframes to show exactly what they’ll be able to change later.

2. We use custom post types liberally. Before WP version 3, we had to direct our clients to use categories and tags—or worse, plugins—to create content like employee profiles, testimonials, or locations. Now, we set up simple custom post types with appropriate names and our clients know exactly where to go to edit their Employees or Locations information.

3. We use Mark Jaquith’s WP Help plugin to provide screencasts and documentation. This simple plugin creates a custom post type that displays a Publishing Help tab under the Dashboard in the WordPress admin. We create short screencasts to walk through any custom features. We upload them to our Vimeo+ account and embed them in a post in the Publishing Help. This provides access to that refresher anytime the client needs it.

4. We record “general” screencasts that we can reuse for all clients. These cover basics like creating new posts, editing content in the visual editor, setting a featured image, and even best blogging practices.

5. We include documentation and a one-hour walk-through in every project proposal. We do the walk-through when the system is about 90 percent done, so the client can add content while we finish the design details that come with filling out the site’s actual content.


This part of the book covers the most in-depth and detailed theming and coding examples. We will go through the steps of constructing a theme from beginning to end. You’ll learn how to create template files, utilize WordPress calls, write conditionals, and more.

A WordPress theme can be built in many different ways and for many different purposes. It’s important for you to understand the reasons why we write specific code the way we do, or why certain files are used to power some pages and not others. Once we cover these advanced theming techniques, you’ll have a hard greater understanding of the WordPress API and theming in general.

Learning how to build dynamically-powered websites is no small undertaking. Even though this is the largest part in the book, it’s important to understand that this is only a small part of your journey to becoming a WordPress master.

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