Secure communication in web applications

TLS uses the public-private key encryption mechanism to scramble data, which helps protect it from third parties listening in on the communication. Sniffing the data over the network would only reveal the encrypted information, which is of no use without access to the corresponding key.

The TLS protocol is designed to protect the three facets of the CIA triad—confidentiality, integrity, and availability:

  • Confidentiality: Maintaining the privacy and secrecy of the data
  • Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and consistency of the data, and the assurance that it is not altered in transit
  • Availability: Preventing data loss and maintaining access to data

Web server administrators implement TLS to make sure that sensitive user information shared between the web server and the client is secure. In addition to protecting the confidentiality of the data, TLS also provides nonrepudiation using TLS certificates and digital signatures. This provides the assurance that the message is indeed sent by the party who is claiming to have sent it. This is similar to how a signature works in our day-to-day life. These certificates are signed, verified, and issued by an independent third-party known as Certificate Authority (CA). Some of the well-known certificate authorities are listed here:

  • VeriSign
  • Thawte
  • Comodo
  • DigiCert
  • Entrust
  • GlobalSign

If an attacker tries to fake the certificate, the browser displays a warning message informing the user that an invalid certificate is being used to encrypt the data.

Data integrity is achieved by calculating a message digest using a hashing algorithm, which is attached to the message and verified at the other end.

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