Fuzzing web applications

Fuzzing is a testing mechanism that sends specially-crafted (or random, depending on the type of fuzzing) data to a software implementation through its regular inputs. The implementation may be a web application, thick client, or a process running on a server. It is a black-box testing technique that injects data in an automated fashion. Though fuzzing is mostly used for security testing, it can also be used for functional testing.

One may think from the preceding definition that fuzzing is the same as any vulnerability scanning. And yes, fuzzing is part of the vulnerability scanning process that can also involve the fingerprinting and crawling of the web application and the analysis of the responses in order to determine if a vulnerability is present.

Sometimes, we need to take the fuzzing part out of the scanning process and execute it alone, so that it's on us and not the scanner to determine the test inputs and analyze the test results. This way, we can obtain a finer control on what test values in which parameters are sent to the server.

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