The Demand for the Return of Excellence

Leadership called an emergency meeting of Excellence’s team. From their conversation as they waited for the meeting to start, it was evident that the team was in denial about Excellence’s kidnapping.

“I thought I saw Excellence just last week,” Competency said.

“So did I,” Flexibility added without much enthusiasm.

Leadership called for silence and then addressed the team. “As much as we would like to believe that Excellence is still here with us, we obviously have a large problem.

Looking more closely at Passion, Leadership noticed that she didn’t look at all like herself. Her normal vibrant color had faded—in fact, she was pale. Competency looked dazed, and Flexibility appeared stiff. Communication was silent. Ownership was missing.

After a long, awkward silence, Competency said, “I’m confused. What do they mean, ‘If you ever want to see your Excellence again’? Do they expect us to pay a ransom for something we already have?”

Passion said in a voice that seemed somehow disconnected, “This is probably just a hoax. If not, let’s just throw some money at the problem, and everybody will get what they want.” She added, “And who would do something like this?”

Flexibility slammed his fist down on the table, causing everyone in the room to jump, and blurted out, “We will never bend to their demands!”

Communication cleared her throat and leaned forward in her chair. The team looked eagerly at her, but then she sat back, saying nothing.

“Where is Ownership?” Leadership asked irritably. Everyone just looked at one another as if searching for an answer and then shrugged their shoulders.

Just then, Ownership entered the room and quietly took his chair across from Leadership.

“Where have you been?” demanded Leadership.

“At the hospital,” Ownership replied with a hint of embarrassment.

“The hospital?” Passion inquired. “What happened?”

Looking down, Ownership said in a quiet voice, “It’s Performance. He has fallen again.”

At this, everyone fell silent. Leadership became very still. After a few moments, he stood up and began pacing the room, finally saying, “Performance has been falling routinely for the last several months.” Leadership turned to Ownership and handed a copy of the ransom note to him.

Ownership read the note and then looked up at Leadership.

Leadership asked, “So, have you seen Excellence lately?”

Ownership looked down and didn’t answer.

Suddenly Leadership said loudly and emphatically, “We need to get our Excellence back! We need a plan to return her to our organization first thing in the morning. If you can’t give your best, then you don’t belong here. Do you understand?”

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