
We are very grateful to have such a supportive team helping us with the realization of Who Kidnapped Excellence? We are fortunate to have found a fine home for the book at Berrett-Koehler Publishing and want to especially single out and recognize Steve Piersanti, the president of Berrett-Koehler and our editor, for seeing the potential of this project and helping us to achieve the dream of publishing this book. The whole team at Berrett-Koehler has embraced this project with zest, enthusiasm, and creativity to help shape it and spread the word about being your best. A special shout-out goes to Jeevan Sivasubramaniam.

Thanks to Cindy Britt, whose editing expertise helped us to hone the message of this book; to Mary Paul, who gave us suggestions that made sure people understood more easily what we were saying; and to Patricia Jent, for countless readings and suggestions for the manuscript.

As authors, we believe the market should help shape the message of our book. We are fortunate to have such a supportive network of friends and colleagues who helped with their ideas and suggestions and read countless drafts to refine the manuscript and message. You are too numerous to mention, but know that you are greatly appreciated by us and that people who read this book will benefit from your wisdom.

We would like to acknowledge some great mentors who have demonstrated excellence: Gerald Embry, Ronald Jent, Pete Walters, Woody Hunt, Gene Reynolds, Joe Trybone, Gene Ference, Ray Newcomb, Greg Shelton, Ross Reck, Kevin Ezell, Tim Nobles, Randy White, and Tom James. Thanks for making it fun to strive for excellence together!

And last but not least, we want to thank Richard Andrews, friend and colleague, who acted and continues to act as our guide and mentor to help share the message of excellence and being your best with the world.

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