
accountability, 30

Adams, Scott, 176

addiction, 36–37

Alcoholics Anonymous, 36–37

Amistad (film), 56–57

amygdala, 15

analysis, 29

Andy Griffith Show, 153–154

appreciations, 44–46

archetypal stories, 185

arrogance, 18–19


hidden, 143

patterns of, 162–165

assumptions, 143

hidden, 176

in objective thinking, 33


learning about, 168–171

“reading,” 194–195

Australian Open, 186

authenticity, 40

averages, 168–169

behaviors, teaching, 80–82

belongingness, 191–193

bias, 196–197

big stories, 184–193

as archetypal stories, 185

choosing, 187–189

to create belongingness and solidarity, 191–193

deviance of creative ideas for, 186–187

and quality of decision-making/thinking routines of group, 185

as self-diagnostic process, 189–191

books, movies, and current events

I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories from, 152–154

as sources of stories, 42–43

Teaching stories from, 91–93

Values-in-Action stories from, 130–131

Vision stories from, 108–110

Who-I-Am stories from, 56–57

Why-I-Am-Here stories from, 72–74

bragging, 119–121


neural network of, 33

stories’ communication with, 15

brain training, 27–38

and abandonment of well-rewarded skills, 28–29

and expectation of cause and effect, 33

and expectation of proof, 30–33

and measurement of subjective dynamics, 29–30

in nonlinear relationships, 33–35

and root-cause analysis, 35–37

unlearning of imagination blocks in, 27–29

brand stories, see big stories

brevity, 175–183

and conflict in mental templates, 176

and hidden assumptions, 176

and looping conversation, 179

and messy reality, 178

personal feelings revealed by, 178

questions to achieve, 177

and reluctance to commit, 177–178

and root causes of poor communication, 175

time to prune for, 180–182

and wanting to appear sympathetic vs. wanting to give someone a kick, 179–180

Brumuller, Bettye, 126

Cade, John, 91–92

Carter, June, 109

Cash, Johnny, 108–109

cause and effect, expectations of, 33

CBS, 109

charts, 27, 28

choices, 5

Cialdini, Robert, 143

clarity, overdoing, 80

Coca-Cola, 187

collective values, 120

commitment, 177–178


as means to goals, 3

nonverbal, 195

with old brain, 15

real goal of, 4

role of stories in, 1–3

sense of human presence in, 4

see also listening to stories

confirmation of self-image, 4

connection, need for, 3–5, 194–195

control, illusion of, 188

conversations, looping, 179

core values, 178

creating meaning, 197

creativity, 43–44, 186–187

criticism, 44

culture, value and creation of, 122

curiosity, as talent for storytelling, 18

current events, as sources of stories, see books, movies, and current events

customer service, 80–82

cynicism, 116

decision making, 9–10

bias in, 196

economic, 28

emotions in, 17

objective vs. subjective, 189

quality of, 184

rational, 14

understanding points of view in, 197–198

detachment, 139

details, impact of, 35

disconnection, root cause of, 22

disillusionment, 83

disrespect, 195

Dohrn, Jennifer, 130–131

Don’t Think of an Elephant (George Lakoff), 12

economics, experimental, 28, 62

editing, premature, 175, 180–181

Einstein, Albert, on things that count, 30

emotions (feelings), 17

activation of, 33

facts vs., 35

negative, 100–101

proofs for, 31

revealing, 178

truth of, 31–32

Eris, myth of, 191–192


of cause and effect, 33

changes in, 21

conflicting, 176

of proof, 30–33


ambiguity and imperfections of, 32

of audience, 168

as best teacher, 20

lessons learned by, 82

negative, stories based on, 116–117

personal, 50

reimagined, stories as, 19–22

sensory, see sensory experience

experimental economics, 28, 62


fear of, 177–178

sensitivity to, 62–64

trust vs., 121


feelings vs., 35

reframing, 14

fairness, 62, 63

faith, 50, 185, 191

Falucci, Jim, 120

Farr, Jim, 70–71

fear, 100–101, 185


negative, 45

in practicing, 43–45

feelings, see emotions

filters, 11–12

Ford, Henry, 188

forgiveness, 118–119

frame of reference, 27, 82

framing, 143–144, 202–203

Franklin, Ben, 90

Freakonomics (Steven Levitt), 166

fundraising, 64–65

Fuson, Greg, 181–182

future, imagining, 99

Galeano, Eduardo, on charity vs. solidarity, 192–193

Galileo, 106–107, 199

genius storytellers, 187–188

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, on brevity, 175

gratitude, 42

groups, stories about, see big stories

Henry V (William Shakespeare), 66

hidden associations, 143

hidden assumptions, 176

“Holy Grail” stories, 184–185, see also big stories

honesty, 191

hope, 185

human presence, need for, 3–5

humility, 42

hypocrisy, 30, 190–191

hypothetical situations, 25

I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories, 25, 137–158

of a book, movie, or current event, 152–154

as display of mental telepathy, 141–143

experiential examples in, 145–154

feedback on, 156

initial draft of, 155

of a mentor, 149–152

to overcome objections, 137–138

personal reactions to, 157

power of validation in, 138–141

preparation for, 144–145

sequence and framing in, 143–144

“test-telling” of, 156

of a time you blew it, 147–149

of a time you shined, 145–146

illusion of control, 188


blocks to, 27–29

failure of, 100

incivility, 120

incomplete information, 50


of current stories, 203

filters of, 49

on interpretations, 13

of powerful people, 187–188

and trust of listeners, 50

Influence (Robert Cialdini), 143

integrity, 119–120

internal critic, 15

interpretations, 12

freedom to arrive at, 28

intending to change, 140–141

multiple, 15

and points of view, 16–17

predicting, understanding, and influencing, 13

intimacy, 50

J. Walther Thompson, 102

judgment calls, 80, 180

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 188

King Midas story, 19

know-it-alls, 18–19

Lakoff, George, 12

Langer, Ellen, 188

Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara, 130

leadership, teaching, 139–140

Levitt, Steven, 166–167

limbic system, 15, 17

linear thinking, 33–35

Lipman, Doug, 44

listening to stories, 202–209

danger in, 207

to frame your perceptions, 202–203

minimum level for, 204–205

opposite of, 205–207

training others in, 45–46

looping conversations, 179

love, 185

magic stories, see also big stories

Maguire, Gregory, 196–197

Mandela, Nelson, 100

The Matrix (film), 73

McGrath, Pam, 81

meaning, 16, 197

measurement of subjective issues, 29–30

memories, 11–12

mental templates, conflict in, 176


I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories about, 149–152

as sources of stories, 42

Teaching stories about, 89–90

Values-in-Action stories about, 128–129

Vision stories about, 105–107

Who-I-Am stories about, 55–56

Why-I-Am-Here stories about, 70–72

metaphors, 117–119, 184

metrics, 27–29

Mockus, Antanas, 55

morale, 36

movies, as sources of stories, see books, movies, and current events

needs, psychological, 3–5

negative feedback, 45

New Yorker, 88

New York Times, 87–88, 168

nonlinear thinking, 33–35

nonverbal communication, 195

objective thinking, 9–10

assumptions in, 33

and bias, 196

and inspiration of loyalty, 121–122

in selection of stories, 189

subjective thinking vs., 12–13

suspending, 14–15

tools for, 22

uses of, 29

O’Connor, Flannery, on writing stories, xi

On Becoming an Artist (Ellen Langer), 188

optimism, building, 101

organizational stories, see big stories

over-confidence, 18–19

overload, root cause of, 22

The Paradox of Choice (Barry Schwartz), 5

passion, 189

patience, 82

patterns of association, 162–165


in economic decisions, 28

framing, 202–203

influence of sequence and framing of, 143–144

sensory experience and, 161

validating, 140

personal stories, 40

perspective, 144

philosophical framework, 27–29

PhotoStory, 52

Picasso, Pablo, 181

point(s) of view, 16–17, 194–201

and bias, 196–197

meaning created by, 197

“reading your audience” vs., 194–195

stepping in and out of, 195–196

political stories, see big stories

PowerPoint presentations, 87–88

practicing storytelling, 43–46

based on sensory experience, 171–173

getting feedback in, 43–45

improvement with, 39

training a listener for, 45–46

presence, need for, 206, 207

Presence (Peter Senge), 206

proof, expectation of, 30–33

psychological needs, 3–5

“pull” stories, 10–101

rational decision making, 9–10, 14

rational thinking, see objective thinking

“reading” audience, 194–195


created from stories, 3–4

effect of attention on, 11–12

messiness of, 178

reciprocity, 28, 62

reframing “facts,” 14

reinterpreting “facts,” 14

reliability of stories, 32


of audience, 168–171

value of, 189

resentment, 83

respect, 121, 195

Respect (Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot), 130

root-cause analysis, 35–37

Rose, Billy, 67

Rubin, Rick, 109

A Safe Place for Dangerous Truths (Annette Simmons), 123

safety, preference for, 25

scenario planning, 99–100

Schwartz, Barry, on choices, 5

Second Curve Capital, 168

Seles, Monica, 186

self-diagnostic process, storytelling as, 189–191

self-image, confirmation of, 4

Senge, Peter, 206

sensory experience, 161–173

to bring numbers to life, 166–167

building new patterns with, 162–165

patterns associated with, 162

practice in developing, 171–173

in urban legends, 165–166

for your specific audience, 168–171

sequence of information, 143–144

Shakespeare, William, 66

Shell Oil, 100

Simons, Ted, 87–88

solidarity, 191–193

sources of stories, 39–43

books, movies, or current events as, 42–43

mentors as, 42

times you blew it as, 41–42

times you shined as, 41

Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, 87–88

“Spiders under the Toilet Seat” story, 165–166

spreadsheet, 27–28

status, concern with, 139


attention controlled by, 11–12

communication role of, 1–3

every-day, 22–24

as experience reconstituted, 19–22

future feelings controlled by, 12

I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking, 25

impact of, 3

as language of the subjective, 13

as pre-scientific thinking, 15

reality created from, 3–4

resistance to, 17

stimulating human emotions with, 11

as subjective thinking tool, 14–17

Teaching, 24

testing ideas for, 189

types of, 23

Values-in-Action, 25

Vision, 25

Who-I-Am, 24

Why-I-Am-Here, 24

working definition of, 19

see also specific types of stories


becoming intentional about, 23

habits to suspend for, 37

learning, 22

nonlinear aspects of, 34–35

reliability of, 32

as self-diagnostic process, 189–191

talent for, 18

techniques and tools for, 32

The Storytelling Coach (Doug Lipman), 44

subjective decision making, 10

subjective issues

measuring, 29–30

research “distorted” by, 170

“right” answers to, 188

subjective thinking

as nonlinear, 34

objective thinking vs., 12–13

proof in, 31

in selection of stories, 189

stories as tool for, 14–17

suspicion, 137–138, 141

talent for storytelling, 18

Taylor, William C., 168

Teaching stories, 24, 79–97

about customer service, 80–82

about patience, 82

of a book, movie, or current event, 91–93

experiential examples in, 84–93

feedback on, 95

identifying focus of, 84

inappropriate use of, 83

initial draft of, 93

of a mentor, 89–90

as no-risk demonstrations, 79

personal reactions to, 96

preliminaries to, 83

success rate for, 83

“test-telling” of, 95

of a time you blew it, 87–88

of a time you shined, 84–86

technical instructions, communicating, 83

test-tellings, listeners for, 45

thinking skills, 28–29

times you blew it

I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories of, 147–149

as sources of stories, 41–42

Teaching stories of, 87–88

Values-in-Action stories of, 125–128

Vision stories of, 104–105

Who-I-Am stories of, 53–55

Why-I-Am-Here stories of, 68–70

times you shined

I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories of, 145–146

as sources of stories, 41

Teaching stories of, 84–86

Values-in-Action stories of, 123–125

Vision stories of, 102–104

Who-I-Am stories of, 52–53

Why-I-Am-Here stories of, 65–68


built by Who-I-Am stories, 50–51

in conclusions from stories, 28

definitions of, 29

experience in development of, 20

exploitation vs., 121

measuring, 29–30

reluctance to, 49–50

subjective nature of, 121–122


archetypal, 187

expecting proof of, 30–33

of feelings, 31–32

“The Unknown Soldier” (Billy Rose), 67

urban legends, 164–165, 185

Uribe, Juan, 56

USAID, 149–150

validation, 138–141

Value-in-Action stories, 25, 116–136

of a book, movie, or current event, 130–131

bragging vs., 119–121

defining values for, 122–123

experiential examples in, 123–131

feedback on, 133–134

initial draft of, 132

of a mentor, 128–129

metaphors in, 117–119

objective reasoning vs., 121–122

other values reflected in, 135–136

personal reactions to, 134–135

“test-telling” of, 133

of a time you blew it, 125–128

of a time you shined, 123–125

victim-hood in, 117


articulating, 122

building, 117

collective, 120

competition among, 178

and creation of culture, 122

subjectivity of, 25

taking a stand on, 177–178

victim stories, 117

The Vine, 182

vision process, 99

Vision stories, 25, 98–115

of a book, movie, or current event, 108–110

defining vision for, 101–102

experiential examples in, 102–110

feedback on, 112

initial draft of, 110–111

of a mentor, 105–107

personal reactions to, 113

as “pull” stories, 100–101

scenario planning as, 99–100

“test-telling” of, 112

of a time you blew it, 104–105

of a time you shined, 102–104

Wang, Caroline, 52

war metaphor, 117–118, 184

warning stories, 117

Welch, Jack, 188

Who-I-Am stories, 24, 49–61

of a book, movie, or current event, 56–57

experiential examples in, 52–57

feedback on, 59

initial draft of, 58

of a mentor, 55–56

people’s stories about you vs., 49–50

personal reaction to, 60

“test-telling” of, 59

of a time you blew it, 53–55

of a time you shined, 52–53

trust built by, 50–51

your qualities in, 51

Why-I-Am-Here stories, 24, 62–78

of a book, movie, or current event, 72–74

defining reasons in, 65

experiential examples in, 65–74

feedback on, 76

in fundraising, 64–65

initial draft of, 74

of a mentor, 70–72

personal reactions to, 77

and sensitivity to exploitation, 62–64

“test-telling” of, 76

of a time you blew it, 68–70

of a time you shined, 65–68

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (Gregory Maguire), 196–197

WIIFM (What’s In It For Me), 63

winning stories, 38–43

definitions of, 38–39

personal significance of, 40

practical path to, 38

practice in telling, 39

sources of, 39–43

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