About the Reviewer

M. S. Xavier Pradheep Singh has been teaching English language and literature at V. O. Chidambaram College, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, since 2009. His doctoral research was on enhancing English language skills through virtual learning environments. His areas of interest in teaching include communication skills, language skills, writing for print and web, and English language teaching.

Xavier is tech-savvy and is vigorously involved in researching and using technology innovatively in his classroom settings. He has also been a trainer in more than 15 workshops for English language teachers on computer-assisted language teaching organized by ELTAI, RELO, and IATEFL. He edits and reviews articles for the following journals, both in print and online: Cuckoo, Journal of Teaching English with Technology, Journal of Technology for ELT, Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, Langlit, and Literary Voyage. So far, Xavier has spoken in three international and seven national conferences on teacher education and web skills. His research articles have been published in various international journals, including, Journal of NELTA from Nepal, Voices from England, ACJELL from India, and TEwT from Poland.

With the help of a scholarship from the British Council, Xavier visited Bangladesh to participate in the Hornby Regional School held in Dhaka in 2011. He has completed two online teacher training courses offered by the University of Oregon, USA. More information on him is available at http://xavierpradheepxing.eu5.org. He can be contacted at . He posts blogs at http://pradheeponline.blogspot.in and shares his slideshows at http://www.slideshare.net/pradheepxing.

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