
Extracts were taken, with permission and with copyright requirements honoured, from the following newspapers:

Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, Dover Express, Edinburgh Evening News, the London Evening Standard, Financial Times, The Independent Review, The Guardian, Kentish Times, The Mail on Sunday, The Mirror, The Observer, South London Press, The Star, The Sunday Express, The Times and Western Morning News.

Extracts were taken, with permission and with copyright requirements honoured, from the following magazines:

Arena, British Journalism Review, Choice, Empire, FHM, Financial Times Magazine, Geographical magazine, Gramophone, GQ, The Independent Magazine, Loaded, Marie Claire, Mojo, Money Observer, New Internationalist, New Statesman, The Observer Magazine, Philosophy Now, Private Eye, Reader’s Digest, Saga, The Spectator, Sunday Express Magazine, Sunday Times Magazine, The Telegraph Magazine, Time Out, The Week, What’s On, Woman, Woman’s Own, Writers’ Forum, Heat, You (The Mail on Sunday Magazine).

The following authors and publishers allowed me to take extracts, with copyright requirements honoured, from the following books:

Francis Wheen and Guardian Books/Atlantic Books (2002), from Hoo-Hahs and Passing Frenzies. Collected Journalism 1991–2001; Christopher Silvester and Penguin Books (1993), The Penguin Book of Interviews (published in the USA as The Norton Book of Interviews, 1996).

I am indebted to the following sources for reproducing pages from publications, photographs and other illustrations, as listed on page ix:

Natasha Babaian and The Advocate Building Today, Campaign, The Economist Style Guide, Freelance Market News, John Rooney and Press Gazette, The Sunday Times, Writers’ and Artists’Yearbook, The Writer’s Handbook.

Permission was kindly granted for the reproduction of The NUJ Professional Code of Conduct for the Press, and the Society of Authors’ Quick Guide: Copyright and Moral Rights.

Special thanks are due to Freddie Hodgson, my editor for three editions, whose guidance is still evident in this one; John Morrish for keeping me on track and up to date; Georgia Kennedy of Focal Press, for helpfulness and patience throughout; and Frank Wynne for making the best sense possible out of Chapter 9.

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