Updating the MainPageViewModel

Now that we have rebuilt our MainPage, let's make some small changes to the MainPageViewModel. Since we replaced the label bindings with static values, we remove the following variables, DescriptionMessage, ExitTitle, and LocationTitle.

Now we should have the following private properties:

#region Private Properties 
        private readonly IMethods _methods; 
        private ICommand _stocklistCommand; 
        private ICommand _exitCommand; 

Now simply update LocationCommand to the following:

 public ICommand StocklistCommand 
                return stocklistCommand; 
                if (value.Equals(stocklistCommand)) 
                _stocklistCommand = value; 

We must also update our constructor:

#region Constructors 
        public MainPageViewModel (INavigationService navigation, Func<Action, ICommand> commandFactory, 
            IMethods methods) : base (navigation) 
            this.exitCommand = commandFactory (() => methods.Exit()); 
            this.stocklistCommand = commandFactory (async () => await this.Navigation.Navigate(PageNames.StocklistPage, null)); 

Here we simply rename some variables to match our application. We must also copy over the Enums and Extras folder, and replace the  LocationPage enum to StocklistPage.

Next, we need to add the PortableModule. Create a new folder called Modules and copy the PortableModule from Location.Portable. Change the PortableModule class to the following:

public class PortableModule : IModule 
        public void Register(ContainerBuilder builer) 
            builer.RegisterType<MainPageViewModel> ().SingleInstance(); 
            builer.RegisterType<StocklistPageViewModel> ().SingleInstance(); 

Finally, we need to add INavigationService. Create a new folder called UI and add INavigationService from Location.Portable into the new UI folder.


Building project templates can reduce time spent setting up projects and recreating similar modules.

Updating the MainPageViewModel

Before we move any further we must update the namespaces in the code sheets copied from the Locator project. The easiest way is by using Search | Replace in Files.... We want to replace the text Location.Portable with the text.


Be careful doing this; only apply a global replacement when the string is specific.

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