Using decorators

In Yii, we can enclose content into a decorator. The common usage of decorators is layout. When you are rendering a view using the render method of your controller, Yii automatically decorates it with the main layout. Let's create a simple decorator that will properly format quotes.

Getting ready

Create a new application using the Composer package manager, as described in the official guide at

How to do it…

  1. First, we will create a decorator file, @app/views/decorators/quote.php:
    <div class="quote">
        <h2>&ldquo;<?= $content?>&rdquo;, <?= $author?></h2>
  2. Now, replace the content of @app/views/site/index.php with the following code:
    use yiiwidgetsContentDecorator;
    /* @var */
    <?php ContentDecorator::begin([
            'viewFile' => '@app/views/decorators/quote.php',
            'view' => $this,
            'params' => ['author' => 'S. Freud']
    Time spent with cats is never wasted.
    <?php ContentDecorator::end();?>
  3. Now, your Home page should look like the following:
    How to do it…

How it works…

Decorators are pretty simple. Everything between ContentDecorator::begin() and ContentDecorator::end() is rendered into a $content variable and passed into a decorator template. Then, the decorator template is rendered and inserted in the place where ContentDecorator::end() was called.

We can pass additional variables into the decorator template using a second parameter of ContentDecorator::begin(), such as the one we did for the author.

Note that we have used @app/views/decorators/quot e.php as the view path.

See also

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