
In this chapter, we presented the GridView widget to display data, directly or relational. A fundamental topic when discussing GridView is DataProvider, which is a way to provide data to GridView. You learned how to get DataProvider from ActiveRecord, an array, or SQL, based on the available source.

After the first simple implementation of GridView, you comprehended the customization in a column and displayed the relational data coming from other tables, using an extension of the model class to add extra features as new attributes. Next, we illustrated how to filter data in GridView to select only specific rows.

Just before the end of the chapter, you saw how to show, summarize, and customize a footer and more in the GridView by subclassing the core widget yiigridGridView. Finally, the last topic concerned the use of more than one grid in the same page, with a special focus on the few changes that need to occur in order to avoid them interfering with each other.

In the next chapter, you will learn to customize the user interface with CSS, JavaScript, widgets, and tools such as Gii that are directly provided from the framework.

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