Creating a console controller

A console controller is totally similar to the web controllers that we created earlier. It extends the yiiconsoleController base class and can return an integer value indicating the status response of the action (0 stands for successful execution of the action), also named exit code.

The public properties of the controller can be made available as an option only if their names are returned by the options() method that accepts actionID as the parameter; so the response can be customized according to actionID.

The response of the options() method is an array of text string that represents the public property names of the controller.

Starting from the advanced template application that we previously installed in the yiiadv folder, let's create a new console controller named MyExampleController in console/controllers/MyExampleController.php with the following content:


namespace consolecontrollers;

use yiiconsoleController;

 * This is an example controller
class MyExampleController extends Controller
    public $option1;
    public $option2;
    public function options($action)
        return ['option1'];
     * Simply return a welcome text
    public function actionTest($param1)
        echo 'this is my first controller using console application';
        echo "
        echo "You have passed param1 with value: ".$param1;
        echo "
        echo "Value of option1 is: ".$this->option1;
        echo "
        // equivalent to return 0;
        return Controller::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;


This controller contains two public properties, but only option1 will be usable from the console, since it is returned by the options() method. We will display the result of the following command:

$ ./yii help my-example

The preceding command will return the following output:


This is an example controller


- my-example/test  Simply return a welcome text

To see the detailed information about individual sub-commands, enter:

  yii help <sub-command>

If we need other details about the test action, we can launch the preceding command specifying the complete route:

$ ./yii help my-example/test

Now, try to launch the command with the route my-example/test, without any parameter:

$ ./yii my-example/test

We will receive an error about missing param1. The following is the correct syntax:

$ ./yii my-example/test "this is value for param1"

The preceding command will return the following output without any value for option1:

this is my first controller using console application
You have passed param1 with value: this is value for param1
Value of option1 is:.

We can also pass the value option1 by appending --option1 to the command, as follows:

$ ./yii my-example/test "this is value for param1" --option1="this is value for option1"

The preceding command will return a complete output, as follows:

this is my first controller using console application
You have passed param1 with value: this is value for param1
Value of option1 is: this is value for option1

Example – setting an alarm flag for expired reservation

Now, let's consider an example to illustrate how to use console commands to execute maintenance operations.

In console controllers, we can access all the models, components, and extensions available in the project, as well as what we have done in the web application. Therefore, we will manipulate data in the same way as we should do for a web application.

Starting from the reservation database table used in the previous chapters, we will add a new Boolean field, named expired, to set which reservations are out of the end date.

This is the structure of the reservation table to store data in the MySQL Server:

CREATE TABLE `reservation` (
 `room_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 `customer_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 `price_per_day` decimal(20,2) NOT NULL,
 `date_from` date NOT NULL,
 `date_to` date NOT NULL,
 `reservation_date` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
 `expired` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

Now, let's insert some records to make a simulation. We will update the expired field with value 1 if today is after date_to value; otherwise, it will be 0.

These are the records to insert in the reservation database table:

INSERT INTO `reservation` (`id`, `room_id`, `customer_id`, `price_per_day`, `date_from`, `date_to`, `reservation_date`, `expired`) VALUES
(1, 2, 1, 90.00, '2015-02-10', '2015-05-23', '2015-05-24 22:45:37', 0),
(2, 2, 1, 48.00, '2019-08-27', '2019-08-31', '2015-05-24 22:45:37', 0),
(3, 1, 2, 105.00, '2015-09-24', '2015-10-06', '2015-06-03 00:21:14', 0),
(4, 1, 2, 150.00, '2015-06-22', '2015-06-28', '2015-06-21 22:24:25', 0),
(5, 1, 2, 150.00, '2015-07-22', '2015-08-28', '2015-06-21 22:24:34', 0);


Make sure that users exist in user database table

Now, create a new console controller in console/controllers/ReservationsController.php with the following content:


namespace consolecontrollers;

use yiiconsoleController;

 * Manage reservations
class ReservationsController extends Controller
     * Update 'expired' field of reservations
    public function actionUpdateExpired()
        $models = commonmodelsReservation::find()->all();
        foreach($models as $m)
            echo sprintf('Check reservation #%d - date_to = %s - status : %s', $m->id, $m->date_to, (strtotime($m->date_to)<=time())?'OK':'Expired');
            echo "
            // Set expired field. I'll for every model because if we could have changed 'date_to' value.
            $m->expired = (strtotime($m->date_to)<=time())?0:1;
        // equivalent to return 0;
        return Controller::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;

In actionUpdateExpired, we display for each model some data to the console, such as id, date_to, and status. Then, we will set for each model the value of the expired field, based on the date_to value.

Finally, we will launch this command:

$ ./yii reservations/update-expired

This will return the following output:

Check reservation #1 - date_to = 2015-05-23 - status : OK
Check reservation #2 - date_to = 2019-08-31 - status : Expired
Check reservation #3 - date_to = 2015-10-06 - status : Expired
Check reservation #4 - date_to = 2015-06-28 - status : OK
Check reservation #5 - date_to = 2015-08-28 - status : OK
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