Loading the screen

In this recipe, we'll develop a loading screen along with a controller for the game. It'll cover the most important aspects of the loading screen, such as showing a text and image for what it's loading and an indicator that shows the system is working.

Before starting this, it's recommended that you have a basic understanding of how to set up Nifty in an application and how to create screens and controllers. Have a look at the previous recipe, Initializing Nifty managing an options menu, if you are unsure about this.

How to do it...

We begin by creating the XML for the loading screen. Perform the following nine steps to do this:

  1. Create a new file called loadingScreen.xml and load Nifty-default-styles and Nifty-default-controls. Optionally, we can also include optionsMenu from the previous recipe.
  2. The first element we need is a <screen> element:
    <screen id="loadingScreen" controller="gui.controller.LoadingScreenController">
  3. Inside this, we define a <layer> element:
    <layer id="layer0" childLayout="center" backgroundColor="#000f">
  4. Inside this <layer> element, we define <panel> that will contain our layout. Note that we set visible to false:
    <panel id="loadingPanel" childLayout="vertical" visible="false">
  5. Since we want a smooth transition to the screen, we'll add a fade effect to this panel:
      <onShow name="fade" start="#00" end="#ff" length="500" inherit="true"/>
      <onEndScreen name="fade" start="#ff" end="#00" length="200" inherit="true"/>
  6. To add a movie-style and non-interactive feel to it, we will have three <panel> elements inside this file. At the top and bottom, there will be two black bars captioning the loading image, which will appear in the central panel.
  7. Inside the topPanel element, we define <control name="label"> that will contain the name of the scene that is being loaded.
  8. The bottomPanel element will have an animated indicator that will show the system hasn't frozen. We will define another panel inside this, aligned to the right of the screen. We will use an imageSizePulsate effect to animate this and have it fade in as well, as shown in the following code:
      <onShow name="fade" start="#00" end="#ff" length="1000"/>
      <onShow name="imageSizePulsate" startSize="100%" endSize="50%" pulsator="SinusPulsator" activated="true" timeType="infinite"/>
  9. Optionally, we can also add another <layer> tag beside the previous one that will contain the options control from the previous recipe.

Now, we have a complete XML. Let's have a look at the controller for this. We will create it by performing the following seven steps:

  1. We begin by creating a new class called LoadingScreenController that extends the NiftyController class we created in the previous recipe.
  2. We define two strings, loadingText and loadingScreen, and setters for these as well.
  3. Next, we override the onStartScreen() method and add the following three lines to it:
    screen.findNiftyControl("caption", Label.class).setText(loadingText); screen.findElementByName("centralPanel").getRenderer(ImageRenderer.class).setImage(nifty.createImage(loadingScreen, true));
  4. The controller is now done. However, there are some more things we need to do before we can look at it.
  5. First, we need to add the screen to Nifty. If we have the NiftyAppState method from the previous recipe, we should add the following line just after the nifty.fromXml call:
  6. We can also add a convenience class to access nifty.gotoScreen().
  7. Now, before calling gotoScreen("loadingScreen") from our main class, we can add the following lines to set lodingText and loadingImage:
    ((LoadingScreenController)niftyState.getNifty().getScreen("loadingScreen").getScreenController()).setLoadingText("Loading Test Scene"); ((LoadingScreenController)niftyState.getNifty().getScreen("loadingScreen").getScreenController()).setLoadingImage("Interface/Image/loadingScreen.png");

How it works...

Most of the work in this recipe consists of getting the XML layout right. It's a good idea to sketch it on paper first and visualize the flow of the elements.

The reason the fade effect is shorter is because by the time it fades out, the game is ready to be played and the player doesn't need to wait longer than necessary. When the loading screen is first shown, the player has to wait for the game to load.

There is a reason why we set loadingPanel to visible="false" at the beginning and used onShow rather than onScreenStart effects. The onStartScreen method in the controller is called after the screen has been started and onScreenStart effects have been fired (and completed). This means that any fading will occur before we set the images, and they would pop into existence after some time has passed. Since the onShow effects are called once the element becomes visible, we get around that problem this way.

Another possible gotcha here, especially if we use a test case to show the screen, is that we can't call nifty.gotoScreen just after initializing NiftyAppState. Since the AppState initialization method is called in a thread-safe way, it doesn't run until the next update cycle. This means that if we try to change the screens on the next line, we will get NullPointerException.

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