Ballistic projectiles and arrows

Applying physics to arrows can greatly improve the appearance and gameplay of a medieval or fantasy game. Setting up arrows that are affected by gravity is fairly simple; this recipe, however, will also set the arrows up in a way that they always face the direction they're traveling in, making them more realistic. The following figure shows one of the arrows in flight:

Ballistic projectiles and arrows

Getting ready

For this recipe, we need to make sure that we see the debug shapes of physics. To do this, we need to call the bulletAppState.setDebugEnabled(true); statement.

How to do it...

In this recipe, we'll create three classes. Let's begin by looking at the Arrow class, which contains most of the new functionalities. This will be done in the following eight steps:

  1. We create a new class called Arrow, extending Node.
  2. Its constructor takes two Vector3f variables as parameters. One of these is for the starting location of the arrow and one for the initial velocity, as shown in the following line of code:
    public Arrow(Vector3f location, Vector3f velocity)
  3. Inside the constructor, we define a Geometry instance for the body of the arrow with a box mesh as follows:
    Box arrowBody = new Box(0.3f, 4f, 0.3f);
    Geometry geometry = new Geometry("bullet", arrowBody);
  4. Then, we set localTranslation of Geometry so that one of its ends touches the center point of the node as follows:
    geometry.setLocalTranslation(0f, -4f, 0f);
  5. We set localTranslation of this Arrow as the supplied location.
  6. Next, we create CollisionShape. This will represent the head of the arrow and can be SphereCollisionShape, as follows:
    SphereCollisionShape arrowHeadCollision = new SphereCollisionShape(0.5f);
  7. Now, we define RigidBodyControl based on CollisionShape, as follows:
    RigidBodyControl rigidBody = new RigidBodyControl(arrowHeadCollision, 1f);
  8. We set LinearVelocity of RigidBodyControl to be the supplied velocity and add it as a Control to Arrow, as follows:

This would be enough for the arrow to follow the laws of physics; however, it will always face the forward direction. By adding another control, we can make it face the direction of the velocity. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Create another class called ArrowFacingControl, extending AbstractControl.
  2. We add a Vector3f field called direction.
  3. In the controlUpdate method, we get linearVelocity from RigidBodyControl of the spatial and normalize it. We then store it in direction as follows:
    direction = spatial.getControl(RigidBodyControl.class).getLinearVelocity().normalize();
  4. Then, call the spatial and tell it to rotate to the supplied direction vector as follows:
  5. In the constructor of the Arrow class, we add an instance of this control, as follows:
    addControl(new ArrowFacingControl());

The last section handles the firing of the arrow from SimpleApplication. This can be done with the following steps:

  1. First of all, we need to implement ActionListener in the application.
  2. Add the ActionListener class to inputManager as a listener, together with a key for firing arrows, as follows:
    inputManager.addListener(this, "fire");
    inputManager.addMapping("fire", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_SPACE));
  3. In the onAction method, call a new method called fireArrow when the fire button is released. This can be implemented as follows:
    if (action.equals("fire") && !isPressed) fireArrow();
  4. The fireArrow method should begin by instancing a new Arrow instance and applying a (preloaded) material to it, as follows:
    Arrow arrow = new Arrow(new Vector3f(0f, 6f, -10f), new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f).mult(50));
  5. We attach it to rootNode as well as to physicsSpace, as shown in the following code snippet:

How it works...

The Arrow object has two major components. One is Geometry, which is a simple elongated box. The other is CollisionShape for the head of the arrow, which is the only thing that will look for collisions. The geometry is conveniently moved so that its tip will be at the (0,0,0) position of the Arrow node. It is convenient since it means we don't have to do any conversions in ArrowFacingControl but can use rotateUpTo with the actual velocity (direction) of the arrow.

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