Chapter 14. User Interfaces with jQuery UI

Richard D. Worth


A couple years back, there was a set of quite popular jQuery plugins bundled in a package called Interface, written by Stefan Petre. These offered really great interactions, such as dragging-and-dropping, selecting, sorting, and resizing, and great widgets such as a tool tip, an autocomplete, and an accordion. The 1.2 release of jQuery had some API changes that would’ve required changes to Interface for it to be compatible, but Interface was never updated.

jQuery UI, started by Paul Bakaus, picked up where Interface left off. jQuery UI is a suite of plugins with a consistent API and complete documentation that has been tested in all major browsers. With it, you can create rich web interfaces and rich Internet applications (RIAs). Oh yeah, and the plugins work well together and are easy to use, accessible, extensible, and “themeable.”

jQuery UI is a sister project of jQuery. Version 1.0 of jQuery UI was released in September 2007. Version 1.5 was released in June 2008. About halfway through the development of 1.6, the team changed directions and ended up releasing 1.7 with some major changes, most specifically the introduction of the jQuery UI CSS Framework. jQuery UI 1.6 was released later for legacy compatibility. The latest stable release is 1.7.2 and includes the following interactions, widgets, and effects.


  • Draggable (drag)

  • Droppable (and drop)

  • Resizable

  • Selectable

  • Sortable


  • Accordion

  • Datepicker

  • Dialog

  • Progressbar

  • Slider

  • Tabs


  • Blind, bounce, clip, drop down/up/left/right, explode, fold, highlight, pulsate, puff, scale, shake, slide down/up/left/right, transfer

  • Color animations

  • Class animations (addClass/removeClass/toggleClass with interval)

Basic Usage

This chapter will forgo covering some of the more common ways to use these interactions, widgets, and effects, because they are well covered in demos on the jQuery UI website. These same demos, with full source code and descriptions, are included in every download of jQuery UI, along with full documentation.

How This Chapter Is Organized

The first two recipes get you started by helping you to download jQuery UI, or reference it on a content delivery network (CDN), and include it on your page for use.

The next seven recipes of this chapter cover the jQuery UI API. This API first built on top of the jQuery plugin pattern but has grown to include what is needed by jQuery UI widgets, which are a unique style of jQuery plugin. Namely, they’re state and method calls. So, in addition to specifying options on init, you can modify options after init. You can also call methods on jQuery UI plugins to change the state and programmatically trigger custom events.

The remainder of the chapter focuses on a project where multiple jQuery UI widgets are combined to create a single user interface that includes flexible and themeable controls for a music player.

14.1. Including the Entire jQuery UI Suite


You want to include the entire jQuery UI suite. This might be because you don’t know yet what parts you’ll use and what parts you won’t. Or it might be because you’ll use enough of the suite that it’s easier or more efficient to include the whole suite, rather than each individual piece you’ll use.


Link to a jQuery UI theme, then a compatible version of the jQuery script, and then the jQuery UI script:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themename/jquery-ui.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.js"></script>


This chapter covers the latest stable version of jQuery UI: 1.7.2. It requires at a minimum jQuery 1.3. When you download jQuery UI, included in the ZIP package is the latest stable version of jQuery that is compatible.

Rather than host your own version of jQuery and jQuery UI, you can use Google’s AJAX Libraries API. Simply change your script URLs like so:

<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"

Google also hosts the 20 or so themes that are in the jQuery UI ThemeRoller gallery.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="
jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/{themename}/jquery-ui.css" />

This includes the 13 images per theme that are referenced by relative URLs in the theme CSS.

You can replace {themename} with base, black-tie, blitzer, cupertino, dark-hive, dot-luv, eggplant, excite-bike, flick, hot-sneaks, humanity, le-frog, mint-choc, overcast, pepper-grinder, redmond, smoothness, south-street, start, sunny, swanky-purse, trontastic, ui-darkness, ui-lightness, or vader. For a preview of each of these, see the jQuery UI ThemeRoller gallery.

Theming with jQuery UI is well covered in the next chapter. For our purposes, we’ll just be sure to include one of these themes, because a theme is required.

14.2. Including an Individual jQuery UI Plugin or Two


You only want to use one or two jQuery UI widgets. You don’t want to import the whole library and an entire theme’s CSS. You just want the minimum required to use the plugins you need.


So, you only want Sortable and Tabs. You have two options for including individual jQuery UI components rather than the entire suite:

  • Use the jQuery UI Download Builder to create a custom build of jQuery UI containing only those plugins you are interested in. For this example, select Sortable and Tabs. The Download Builder will automatically select any dependencies, in this case, UI Core. The ZIP you download includes a single .js file with UI Core, Sortable, and Tabs:


    Include this file on your page after the jQuery script, which is provided in the same folder:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script>
  • Download the jQuery UI development bundle, reference the development-bundle folder in a custom Download Builder ZIP, or use SVN. Each individual plugin file is in the ui subfolder. Reference each file individually:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/ui.core.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/ui.sortable.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="ui/ui.tabs.js"></script>

The CSS for each individual plugin is also available in separate files, if you go with the second option (development-bundle). You’ll need to include the core CSS, each plugin-specific CSS, and the theme CSS:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/base/ui.core.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/base/ui.tabs.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/base/ui.theme.css" />

In this case, one of the plugins we’ve selected, Sortable, doesn’t have any plugin-specific CSS.


Whether using JavaScript or CSS, there are trade-offs between using a single large include and multiple smaller (overall) includes. It’s not always clear-cut, like “Use individual plugin files in development. Use one large file in production.” For example, it may be simpler in development to point to the whole suite, where performance testing isn’t a big consideration. But then in production you might need to include only the files for the plugins used on each page to minimize load.

On the other hand, for debugging purposes, it may be beneficial to have a script and CSS reference to each plugin file during development, and in production you may use the Google AJAX Libraries API and the visitor’s cache to make up for the file size, even if the file includes functions that are not ever used. The ideal setup will depend on your architecture, how many and which of the plugins you use, and the specific needs of your development and production environments.

14.3. Initializing a jQuery UI Plugin with Default Options


You want to start using a jQuery UI plugin as quickly and easily as possible, accepting the built-in default options.


All jQuery UI plugins are called like traditional jQuery plugins, so after you get a matched set of elements, simply call the plugin name as a function on the jQuery object:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {


Because JavaScript is case sensitive, care is taken in the naming of jQuery UI plugins. All jQuery UI plugins start lowercase, and, like the jQuery API, most are only one word. If more than one word is needed, any after the first will start uppercase. There aren’t currently any jQuery UI plugins with more than one word, so here’s a made-up example:



The initialized element gets a class of ui-pluginname. For example, here’s the before and after HTML if you call $('div').draggable();:

<div>A simple DIV</div>

<div class="ui-draggable">A simple DIV</div>

There are some exceptions to this. The element on which you call .dialog() gets the class of ui-dialog-content and is wrapped in a generated element with a class of ui-dialog. Another exception is if you call .datepicker() on a text input. The input will not get the ui-datepicker, but the <div> that appears when the input is focused has the ui-datepicker class.

Here are a few points to keep in mind when initializing a jQuery UI plugin:

  • If you call a jQuery UI plugin init method on a set containing more than one element, it will be called as a separate init on each element individually. So, the following:


    is equivalent to this:

    $('img').each(function() {
  • Each DOMElement can be initialized by each jQuery UI plugin only once. Any future init calls, whether with options specified or not, will be ignored. See later in this chapter for recipes on changing options after init as well as destroying a plugin, which undoes an init. If you really want to, you can call init again after that.

  • All options are optional. You can always safely initialize a jQuery UI plugin by simply calling the plugin name method. Not only is it safe, but it should be supremely useful. Each has been designed to have the most common options as defaults. If they don’t make you happy, see the next two recipes.

14.4. Initializing a jQuery UI Plugin with Custom Options


You want to use a jQuery UI plugin but with options other than those selected by the plugin author to be the built-in defaults.


Specify default option overrides in an options hash as the first argument to the plugin init method call:

    height: 100,          // overrides default: 'auto'
    width: 350            // overrides default: 300


Any option values you specify on init will override the default value. All unspecified options values will maintain the default.

The options hash, whether all defaults or some defaults plus some custom options, is the basis for the initial state of the plugin. That state is specific to the combination of that DOMElement with that jQuery UI plugin. For example, you might initialize a single element with two different jQuery UI plugins that each has a color option:

$('#myDiv').foo({ color: 'black' });
$('#myDiv').bar({ color: 'green' });

Now, #myDiv, what’s your foo color? Black. What’s your bar color? Green. Both are separate from the CSS color. In some later recipes, we’ll get into how to ask elements what their plugin values are, as well as how to give them new values.

Also important to note is now that #myDiv is initialized as a foo and a bar, it is no longer affected by those plugin defaults. The defaults are only used on init as a template for the plugin’s initial state.

14.5. Creating Your Very Own jQuery UI Plugin Defaults


Every time you create a jQuery UI dialog, you find yourself specifying the same few options, among others:

    height: 300,
    width: 400,
    draggable: false,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
        'OK': function(event, ui) {

You long for your code to be as succinct as it once was. What happened to the simple beauty of $('#msg').dialog();?


Override the plugin defaults before init by extending $.ui.pluginname.defaults:

$.extend($.ui.dialog.defaults, {
    height: 300,
    width: 400,
    draggable: false,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
        'OK': function(event, ui) {


If you were only looking to improve the readability a bit, you could simply put the options in a variable and pass them to the plugin init:

var options = {
    height: 300,
    width: 400,
    draggable: false,
    modal: true,
    buttons: {
        'OK': function(event, ui) {


But this recipe is about more than just readability and code beauty. It’s about changing the default behavior of a plugin you didn’t write. Plus, it makes it so you can get back to the simple no-options init:


As Dave Methvin famously said, “It couldn’t get any shorter unless it read your mind.”

Of course, you still have the option of overriding even these custom defaults by passing custom options to the plugin init, as in the previous recipe.

Don’t forget that plugin options are cloned and extended from the defaults at the time of init. So, extending $.ui.dialog.defaults after a <div> has already been initialized as a dialog will have no effect on that dialog, even if that init was done with no custom options. The effect will be on any dialogs initialized after the defaults were overridden.

14.6. Getting and Setting jQuery UI Plugin Options


You need to check or change the value of a jQuery UI plugin option after it has been initialized.

Solution 1: Getting the Value

Call the plugin’s option method, passing the name of the option:

var active = $('#myDiv').accordion('option', 'active'),

When called with only an option name, the option method gets and returns the value, so it’s not chainable.

Solution 2: Setting the Value

Call the plugin’s option method, passing the name of the option and the new value:

$('#myDiv').accordion('option', 'active', 3);

When called with an option name and value, the option method sets the value and returns the jQuery object, so it’s chainable.


The option method get/set follows the same pattern as jQuery getters and setters such as .css() and .attr(). If you provide a value, it’s a setter; if you omit the value, it’s a getter.

As with other jQuery setters, you can set multiple options at once by passing a hash to the option method:

$('#myDiv').accordion('option', {
    active: 2,
    collapsible: true

14.7. Calling jQuery UI Plugin Methods


You need to make a jQuery UI plugin do something programmatically.


Call the jQuery UI plugin name method, and pass the name of the plugin method you want to call as the first argument. For example, to close a dialog, use this:


If the method takes arguments, pass them after the name of the method. For example, to select the third tab, use this:

$('#nav').tabs('select', 2); // tabs method select accepts a 0-based index


Every jQuery UI plugin provides at least four common base methods:

  • option

  • enable

  • disable

  • destroy

The option method was covered in the previous recipe. The destroy method is covered in a later recipe. The enable and disable methods are pretty self-explanatory. These work by setting the disabled option for that plugin, which defaults to false:



Calling these methods also toggles the ui-pluginname-disabled class on the element, which can be used for styling or selecting.

To see whether a plugin is currently disabled, use the option method to get the value of the disabled option:

var isDisabled = $('#tempature').slider('option', 'disabled'),

14.8. Handling jQuery UI Plugin Events


You need to react to, or be notified of, an event that occurs on a jQuery UI plugin. This could be a dialog opening, an accordion panel closing, or a tab being selected.

In this recipe, we’re going to handle a draggable being dropped onto a droppable, which triggers the drop event on the droppable element.

Solution 1: Pass a Callback Function to the Event Name Option

On init, or later using the option method, you can declare a callback function to be called when that event occurs:

// Declaring an event callback option on init
    drop: function(event, ui) {

// Declaring an event callback after init using the option method
$('#shopping-cart').droppable('option', 'drop', function(event, ui) {

Note that this solution allows for only one function to be called at each event trigger. You can call multiple handling functions by using a proxy method or by using the bind solution, shown next.

Solution 2: Bind to the Custom Event Using the Event Type

Use the jQuery .bind() method, and bind to the type of the event:

// Declaring an event callback option on init
$('#shopping-cart').bind('drop', function(event, ui) {

This binding can be done on the plugin element itself, or some container, taking advantage of custom event bubbling and delegation.


Every jQuery UI event receives two arguments, event and ui. The event argument is similar to the event argument passed to all browser events, such as click and keypress. The difference is that this is a custom event object. As with browser events, the type can be found in event.type.

Many jQuery UI plugin events have corresponding browser events that will typically trigger them. For example, the draggable sequence, dragstart, drag, dragstop, is most likely triggered by the browser events mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup. If the custom event was triggered by a browser event, that browser event will be in the event.originalEvent property. This can be really useful if you need to determine whether something was done via the keyboard, the mouse, or programmatically. Or it can be helpful if you need to find out whether a modifier key was held while the mouse was clicked or moved.

The ui argument is a hash that contains any values that are particularly applicable to that event at that time, as well as ones that couldn’t be had by calling the option or some other method on the plugin. For example, when a droppable gets a draggable dropped on it, that draggable element is passed to the drop event in ui.draggable. The contents of this ui hash are unique to each plugin event.

Note that the event name is most often different from the event type. For example, both Draggable and Slider have a start event. This is the event name. The types of the same are dragstart and slidestart. Since each plugin has its own option namespace, each can have the same option name, simply, start:

    start: function(event, ui) {
        //event.type == 'dragstart'
    start: function(event, ui) {
        //event.type == 'slidestart'

But since events are bound and triggered in the same namespace, a prefix is required to make the event types unique:

$('img').bind('dragstart', function(event, ui) {
        //event.type == 'dragstart'
$('#mySlider').bind('slidestart', function(event, ui) {
        //event.type == 'slidestart'

This prefix is most commonly the name of the plugin, yielding event types such as dialogfocus, tabsadd, and progressbarchange. In some cases, a custom verb prefix is used instead, if it’s a better fit. So, you use dragstart instead of draggablestart, and you use slidestart instead of sliderstart.

If the event type prefix happens to match the event name exactly, it is dropped to avoid a doubling up like dragdrag or slideslide. In these cases, the event type will match the event name, like drag and slide.

14.9. Destroying a jQuery UI Plugin


You’re done with a particular plugin, and you want your element back the way it was. This is bigger than disable; this is un-init.


Call the destroy method:



Calling the destroy method will completely uninitialize that element as that plugin. It will remove any classes added by the init or any later method call or event. If the init caused the element to be wrapped, it will unwrap. It’s like a big undo.

Destroying a jQuery UI plugin doesn’t remove the element from the DOM. It simply removes that plugin state saved on that element, putting the element back as close as possible to its pre-init state. After a jQuery UI plugin is destroyed, it can be initialized as the same again.

If you want to both destroy and remove a plugin element, you can simply call .remove(). The destroy method will be called automatically by jQuery UI as it’s removed. This is true even if the element has been initialized as more than one jQuery UI plugin.

14.10. Creating a jQuery UI Music Player


You need a music player that supports a common set of interface controls whether the music is being played by Flash Player or HTML5 audio or some other browser audio capability. You need the controls to be accessible, flexible, and themeable. A few basic features will do:

  • Play

  • Pause

  • A track bar to show and control the current point in the playback

  • A progress meter to show how much of the song is buffered

  • Volume

In addition to these basic features, you want one more feature. This music player needs to be scalable. The same interface should work at any size, whether resized by the browser, the user, or the application—all the way up to full screen.


Let’s build a music player using jQuery UI. We’re going to create the play and pause buttons using jQuery UI CSS Framework icons, and we’re going to create the track bar using the jQuery UI Slider plugin. The progress meter will be a jQuery UI Progressbar. Finally, the volume control will be one more jQuery UI Slider. We’ll wrap these elements in a common container to provide for some nice widget theming so that not only will each of our controls be themed but also our music player as a whole will be themed.


We will not be building this music player as a reusable plugin. We’re simply going to wire together some jQuery UI widgets to work as something that will appear to the user as one component. But the music player itself won’t be a jQuery plugin or a jQuery UI plugin. For this recipe, it’s just a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. That way, we can focus on how to use the jQuery UI plugins underneath, without the additional complexity of building a new plugin out of existing plugins.

HTML5 audio

To keep things simple, we’re going to use a minimal subset of the HTML5 Media Element API. This is available in a number of recent browsers, such as Firefox 3.5. We’ll implement it as a compatibility layer so that another playback mechanism, such as Flash Player, could be substituted easily. For this recipe, we need the following from our audio API:

  • Start or resume playback (play)

  • Pause the playback (pause)

  • Get the length of the song (duration)

  • Get the current point that the playback is at (timeupdate)

  • Change to a certain point in the song (currentTime)

  • Get the volume the song is being played at (volumechange)

  • Change to a certain volume (volume)

Assuming an HTML5 audio element exists in the document, here’s the compatibility layer code:

var $audio = $('audio'), audioEl = $audio[0];
var audio = {
        currentTime: 0,
        duration: secondsTotal,
        volume: 0.5,
        set: function(key, value) {
                this[key] = value;
                try { audioEl[key] = value; } catch(e) {}
                if (key == 'currentTime') {
                if (key == 'volume') {
        play: function() {
        pause: function() {
                audioEl.pause && audioEl.pause();
$audio.bind('timeupdate', function() {
        audio.currentTime = audioEl.currentTime;
audio.set('currentTime', 0);
audio.set('volume', 0.5);

The music player

Let’s use the CSS class mplayer for our music player. This will be the class for our main <div>, and will be used as a prefix in all our CSS rules and jQuery selectors. Here’s the CSS and HTML for our bare player:

.mplayer { position: relative; width: 40%; height: 2.5em; margin: 50px 0 100px 0; }

<div class="mplayer ui-widget"></div>

I’ve set the width to 40 percent so that we can see we have a flexible player from the ground up. Just resize your browser and watch the player resize. This will be even easier to see when the player isn’t empty.

In addition to the mplayer class, our main <div> gets a ui-widget class. This is to ensure elements within it get styled appropriately. See the next chapter for more on theming with jQuery UI CSS Framework classes.

An empty <div> and no JavaScript make for an invisible and quiet music player. Let’s add a play button and get our music on.

Play and pause button

There’s not yet a button plugin in jQuery UI. We can make do in the meantime with an a element and some semantically named jQuery UI CSS Framework icon classes:

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .buttons-container { position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 10px; }
.mplayer .buttons-container .playpause { height: 1.2em; width: 1.2em; display: block;
        position: relative; top: −2px; left: −2px; }
.mplayer .buttons-container .playpause .ui-icon { margin: −1px 0 0 −1px; }
.mplayer .playpause .ui-icon-play, .paused .playpause .ui-icon-pause { display: none; }
.paused .playpause .ui-icon-play { display: block; }

Here’s the HTML:

<div class="mplayer ui-widget">
        <div class="buttons-container">
                <a class="playpause ui-state-default ui-corner-all" href="#">
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span>
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pause"></span>

With a couple CSS rules, we’re able to have one button serve as both the pause and the play button. With the previous CSS, only one icon, play or pause, will be visible at once, depending on whether our div.mplayer has the paused class. But the same HTML allows for a different designer to decide that both icons will be visible at once, but perhaps with different colors and opacity, depending on whether the song is playing.

Here’s the JavaScript:

$('.mplayer .playpause').click(function() {
        var player = $(this).parents('.mplayer'),
        if ('.paused')) {
        } else {
        return false;
.hover(function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'), },
        function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'), })
.focus(function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-focus'), })
.blur(function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-focus'), });

Our button needs JavaScript to do the following:

  • Call the or audio.pause() function, depending on whether the paused class is on div.mplayer when clicked.

  • Toggle the paused class on the .mplayer.

  • React to mouse and keyboard focus, hover, and blur. This is where a button plugin might come in handy (there’s one being built), but for a simple icon button like this, it’s not too much code.

Don’t forget the return false; since our button is an <a> with an href of #.

With jQuery, jQuery UI, and the UI Lightness theme loaded, Figure 14-1 shows what our music player looks like with just the play/pause button.

Play and pause button
Figure 14-1. Play and pause button

If you click the play button, it should change to a pause button. If you click again, it should change back. Also notice that you get a hover effect, as well as a visual cue, when tabbing in and out of the button with the keyboard. If you’re in a browser that supports the audio element and it has a src attribute that points to a supported music file, you should even hear something when you click play.

Current and total time labels

The next step is to add two labels, one that shows the current point we’re at in the song and another that shows the total time in the song. These are pretty straightforward.

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .currenttime { position: absolute; top: 0.6em; left: 2.2em;
        width: 3em; text-align: center; background: none; border: none; }
.mplayer .duration { position: absolute; top: 0.6em; right: 2.2em;
        width: 3em; text-align: center; background: none; border: none; }

Here’s the HTML:

<div class="mplayer ui-widget">
        <div class="buttons-container">
                <a class="playpause ui-state-default ui-corner-all" href="#">
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span>
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pause"></span>
        <span class="currenttime ui-state-default"></span>
        <span class="duration ui-state-default"></span>

Here’s the JavaScript:

function minAndSec(sec) {
        sec = parseInt(sec);
        return Math.floor(sec / 60) + ":" + (sec % 60 < 10 ? '0' : '') + 
Math.floor(sec % 60);
$('.mplayer .currenttime').text(minAndSec(audio.currentTime));
$('.mplayer .duration').text(minAndSec(secondsTotal));

        .bind('timeupdate', function(event) {
                $('.mplayer .currenttime').text(minAndSec(audio.currentTime));

We’ve put the current time on the left and total time on the right, leaving room in the middle for the track bar (see Figure 14-2). We want the current time to always reflect where we are in the song, so we bind to audio’s timeupdate notification event. The event itself doesn’t give us the currentTime. For that, we go to the audio.currentTime property. We need a small function to format it as minutes:seconds, since times in the audio layer are in seconds.

Current and total time labels
Figure 14-2. Current and total time labels

Slider track for song position

Now we’re getting somewhere. Next is our track bar. It consists of a simple <div>, but we’re going to give it a track and handle by calling .slider() on it. We’ll use Slider’s range: 'min' option so that the region between 0:00 and the current time will be shaded. Oh yeah, and we have to set max to the duration of the song, in seconds. So if it’s a 3.5-minute song, we’ll set max to 210. No calculations are needed, because audio.duration already gives us the total number of seconds in the song. The other defaults for Slider work for us here: max: 0, step: 1.

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .track { top: 11px; margin: 0 5.2em; margin-top: −2px; 
        border-style: none; }
.mplayer .track .ui-slider-handle { border-left-width: 0; height: 1.1em; 
        top: −0.24em; width: 2px; margin-left: −3px; }

Here’s the HTML:

<div class="mplayer ui-widget">
        <div class="buttons-container">
               <a class="playpause ui-state-default ui-corner-all" href="#">
                       <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span>
                       <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pause"></span>
        <span class="currenttime ui-state-default"></span>
        <div class="track"></div>
        <span class="duration ui-state-default"></span>

Here’s the JavaScript:

$('.mplayer .track')
                range: 'min',
                max: audio.duration,
                slide: function(event, ui) {
                        $('.ui-slider-handle', this).css('margin-left',
                                (ui.value < 3) ? (1 - ui.value) + 'px' : ''),
                        if (ui.value >= 0 && ui.value <= audio.duration) {
                                audio.set('currentTime', ui.value);
                change: function(event, ui) {
                        $('.ui-slider-handle', this).css('margin-left',
                                (ui.value < 3) ? (1 - ui.value) + 'px' : ''),
        .find('.ui-slider-handle').css('margin-left', '0').end()

        .bind('timeupdate', function(event) {
                $('.mplayer .track').each(function() {
                        if ($(this).slider('value') != audio.currentTime) {
                                $(this).slider('value', audio.currentTime);
               $('.mplayer .currenttime').text(minAndSec(audio.currentTime));

Slider handles are center aligned, meaning at the min value, the left half of the handle goes beyond the left of the slider, and when at the max point, the right half of the handle goes beyond the right of the slider. We already made the handle skinnier than normal and got rid of the left border so it sticks to the range a little better. But we still need a little bit of adjustment when near the min. That’s what these lines are for:

slide: function(event, ui) {
      $('.ui-slider-handle', this).css('margin-left',
               (ui.value < 3) ? (1 - ui.value) + 'px' : ''),
      if (ui.value >= 0 && ui.value <= audio.duration) {
               audio.set('currentTime', ui.value);
change: function(event, ui) {
        $('.ui-slider-handle', this).css('margin-left',
                (ui.value < 3) ? (1 - ui.value) + 'px' : ''),

Also, in the slide callback, we’re checking whether the value is valid before telling the audio to go to that point. This is a case where the user is dragging the slider around, and we need to move around the playback point in the song. This allows for “scrubbing.” If we only handled this in the change callback, the audio wouldn’t change until the user let go of the mouse, after clicking or dragging the slider handle to a new point. Figure 14-3 shows the slider we’ve created.

Slider track for song position
Figure 14-3. Slider track for song position

Progress bar in track to show buffering

Get ready for some fun. What if I told you we can call two different jQuery UI plugins on the same element? It works really well in this case. We already have a track bar, which we created as a <div>, calling .slider() on it. In addition to adding a ui-slider class to our .track element, the jQuery UI Slider plugin created and appended a couple elements to our track, a slider handle (.ui-slider-handle) and a slider range (.ui-slider-range), since we specified range: 'min'. Fortunately, that’s as much as it did to our <div>. It’s still a <div>, and it’s still our <div>. So, let’s dual-purpose it and call .progressbar() on it. This will make it so our buffer display runs behind the range display that shows our current time. Check this out.

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .ui-progressbar .ui-progressbar-value { border-style: none; }

Here’s the JavaScript:

var secondsCached = 0, cacheInterval;
$('.mplayer .track')
                value: secondsCached / secondsTotal * 100
        .find('.ui-progressbar-value').css('opacity', 0.2).end();

cacheInterval = setInterval(function() {
        secondsCached += 2;
        if (secondsCached > secondsTotal) clearInterval(cacheInterval);
        $('.mplayer .track.ui-progressbar')
                .progressbar('value', secondsCached / secondsTotal * 100);
}, 30);

There’s no HTML, since we’re reusing the .track element from the previous section. Oh, and in case you hadn’t noticed, that buffering code is totally bogus. Well, it works; it just isn’t representing a song being buffered, only simulating it. But it works great! If you really had a music resource that was coming in and buffering and your audio API supported notifying you of that, you’d bind to the event and set the progress bar value as shown earlier, between 0 and 100. Unlike Slider, you can’t specify a custom max for progress. But that makes sense, right? Progress goes from 0 percent to 100 percent.

OK, so we have got some proof-of-concept code here. When the page loads, the buffer progress will race away as if the file is flying in, but not quite as if it’s local. It’s fun to watch. Figure 14-4 shows the progress bar we’ve created. The other thing that’s bogus about our buffer progress indicator? Since it isn’t a real buffer progress, you can jump beyond it. What will happen? That depends on your audio API and backend. So, if you don’t have a buffer progress or don’t want or need one, skip this. Or leave it in for looks.

Progress bar in track to show buffering
Figure 14-4. Progress bar in track to show buffering

Volume slider

So, we need to add a volume control. Slider is a good fit. Drag from volume: 0 to volume: 1 and set step to 0.01:

$('.mplayer .volume').slider({
        max: 1,
        step: 0.01,
        value: audio.volume,
        slide: fnSlide,
        change: fnChange

Bam. Why not? Well, that would certainly work. But it would take up a bit of space. And orientation may be an issue. If we lay it out horizontally, which is the default for Slider, we’re competing with the track for horizontal space. Not to mention we’re “lopsiding” our player. OK, so should we add orientation: 'vertical' to the slider options? Well, that too would work, but it would mean our player is now 100 pixels tall and only in order to fit the volume control. The rest of the controls need just over 30 pixels. There has to be a better way.

There is. Keep the volume slider’s bar hidden when not in use. We’ll keep the slider handle visible and add a little speaker icon to it. Then we’ll hide the rest by setting the height of the control to 0. When the user hovers over the handle, we’ll set the height to 100 pixels. On mouseout, we’ll remove that, and it will go back to 0 height. Also, with its container positioned absolutely in a relative wrapper, it won’t affect the overall height of the player when it is fully visible.

There’s one problem. When the bar appears, let’s say the volume is at 0.10, or 10 percent. That would mean the handle is near the bottom. Should the handle jump down? Or the bar up? And what about while the user slides it? What if they drag from 10 percent up to 90 percent and then let go? It would jump back down when the bar hides again. Yuck.

So, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to keep the handle fixed the whole time. The user will drag up for increase and down for decrease. The bar, including the range: "min" shaded portion below the handle, will move down and up accordingly.

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .volume-container { position: absolute; top: 12px; right: 12px; }
.mplayer .volume { height: 0; margin-top: 5px; }

Here’s the HTML:

<div class="mplayer ui-widget">
        <div class="buttons-container">
                <a class="playpause ui-state-default ui-corner-all" href="#">
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span>
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pause"></span>
        <span class="currenttime ui-state-default"></span>
        <div class="track"></div>
        <span class="duration ui-state-default"></span>
        <div class="volume-container">
                <div class="volume">
                        <a href="#" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all 
                                <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on"></span>

Here’s the JavaScript:

$('.mplayer .volume')
                max: 1,
                orientation: 'vertical',
                range: 'min',
                step: 0.01,
                value: audio.volume,
                start: function(event, ui) {
                                'margin-top': (((1 - audio.volume) * −100) + 5) + 'px',
                                'height': '100px'
                slide: function(event, ui) {
                        if (ui.value >= 0 && ui.value <= 1) {
                                audio.set('volume', ui.value);
                                'margin-top': (((1 - audio.volume) * −100) + 5) + 'px',
                                'height': '100px'
               stop: function(event, ui) {
                        var overHandle = $(
                                .closest('.ui-slider-handle').length > 0;
                        if (!overHandle) {
                                        'margin-top': '',
                                        'height': ''
               change: function(event, ui) {
                       if (ui.value >= 0 && ui.value <= 1) {
                               if (ui.value != audio.volume) {
                                        audio.set('volume', ui.value);
        .mouseenter(function(event) {
                if ($('.ui-slider-handle.ui-state-active').length) {
                        'margin-top': (((1 - audio.volume) * −100) + 5) + 'px',
                        'height': '100px'
        .mouseleave(function() {
                        'margin-top': '',
                        'height': ''

While it’s being dragged, we’re adjusting the negative margin-top of the bar in inverse proportion to the current value, keeping the handle static. This happens here:

        'margin-top': (((1 - audio.volume) * −100) + 5) + 'px',
        'height': '100px'

Figure 14-5 shows the volume slider in our player.

Volume slider
Figure 14-5. Volume slider

This interaction requires recognizing that you’re not dragging the bar, which is what’s moving, in the opposite direction of your mouse. But meanwhile, your mouse, the size of the shaded range, and your volume do move in logical concert: down for down, up for up. Also, if you prefer, you can hover so that the bar appears, move your mouse to the position on the bar where you want to set the volume, and click.

Widget background and top styling

OK, let’s add a couple elements with jQuery UI CSS Framework classes to style the player in a way that matches the controls within it:

Here’s the CSS:

.mplayer .bg { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0;
        bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; border: none; }
.mplayer .rod { position: absolute; top: −2px; left: −0.4%; right: −0.4%;
        width: 100.8%; height: 3px; overflow: hidden; border: none; }
.mplayer .hl { position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 1%; right: 1%; width: 98%;
        height: 1px; overflow: hidden; border: none; }
.mplayer .hl2 { position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 2%; right: 2%; width: 96%;
        height: 3px; overflow: hidden; border: none; }

Here’s the JavaScript:

$('.mplayer').each(function() {
        $('.bg:first', this).css('opacity', 0.7);
        $('.bg:last', this).css('opacity', 0.3);
$('.mplayer .rod').css('opacity', 0.4);
$('.mplayer .hl').css('opacity', 0.25);
$('.mplayer .hl2').css('opacity', 0.15);

Here’s the HTML:

<div class="mplayer ui-widget">
        <div class="bg ui-widget-header ui-corner-bottom"></div>
        <div class="bg ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"></div>
        <div class="rod ui-widget-header"></div>
        <div class="hl ui-widget-content"></div>
        <div class="hl2 ui-widget-content"></div>
        <div class="buttons-container">
                <a class="playpause ui-state-default ui-corner-all" href="#">
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-play"></span>
                        <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pause"></span>
        <span class="currenttime ui-state-default"></span>
        <div class="track"></div>
        <span class="duration ui-state-default"></span>
        <div class="volume-container">
                <div class="volume">
                        <a href="#" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all
                                <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-volume-on"></span>

Here we’re using opacity and layering to squeeze a couple more shades out of any jQuery UI theme. Figure 14-6 shows the finished product:

Widget background and top styling
Figure 14-6. Widget background and top styling

Finally, Figure 14-7 shows a sampling of the jQuery UI music player in a few prebuilt jQuery UI themes.

jQuery UI media player in a few different ThemeRoller themes
Figure 14-7. jQuery UI media player in a few different ThemeRoller themes
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