
Chapter Authors

Jonathan Sharp has been passionate about the Internet and web development since 1996. Over the years that have followed, he has worked for startups and for Fortune 500 corporations. Jonathan founded Out West Media, LLC, in greater Omaha, Nebraska, and provides frontend engineering and architecture services with a focus on custom XHTML, CSS, and jQuery development. Jonathan is a jQuery core team member and an author and presenter when not coding. Jonathan is most grateful for his wife, Erin; daughter, Noel; two dogs, and two horses.

Rob Burns develops interactive web applications at A Mountain Top, LLC. For the past 12 years he has been exploring website development using a wide range of tools and technologies. In his spare time, he enjoys natural-language processing and the wealth of opportunity in open source software projects.

Rebecca Murphey is an independent frontend architecture consultant, crafting custom frontend solutions that serve as the glue between server and browser. She also provides training in frontend development, with an emphasis on the jQuery library. She lives with her partner, two dogs, and two cats in Durham, North Carolina.

Ariel Flesler is a web developer and a video game programmer. He’s been contributing to jQuery since January 2007 and joined the core team in May 2008. He is 23 years old and was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He’s studying at the National Technological University (Argentina) and is hoping to become a systems analyst by 2010 and a systems engineer by 2012. He started working as an ASP.NET(C#) programmer and then switched to client-side development of XHTML sites and Ajax applications. He’s currently working at QB9 where he develops AS3-based casual games and MMOs.

Cody Lindley is a Christian, husband, son, father, brother, outdoor enthusiast, and professional client-side engineer. Since 1997 he has been passionate about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, interaction design, interface design, and HCI. He is most well known in the jQuery community for the creation of ThickBox, a modal/dialog solution. In 2008 he officially joined the jQuery team as an evangelist. His current focus has been on client-side optimization techniques as well as speaking and writing about jQuery. His website is

Remy Sharp is a developer, author, speaker, and blogger. Remy started his professional web development career in 1999 as the sole developer for a finance website and, as such, was exposed to all aspects of running the website during, and long after, the dotcom boom. Today he runs his own development company called Left Logic in Brighton, UK, writing and coding JavaScript, jQuery, HTML 5, CSS, PHP, Perl, and anything else he can get his hands on.

Mike Hostetler is an inventor, entrepreneur, programmer, and proud father. Having worked with web technologies since the mid-1990s, Mike has had extensive experience developing web applications with PHP and JavaScript. Currently, Mike works at the helm of A Mountain Top, LLC, a web technology consulting firm in Denver, Colorado. Heavily involved in open source, Mike is a member of the jQuery core team, leads the QCubed PHP5 Framework project, and participates in the Drupal project. When not in front of a computer, Mike enjoys hiking, fly fishing, snowboarding, and spending time with his family.

Ralph Whitbeck is a graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology and is currently a senior developer for BrandLogic Corporation in Rochester, New York. His responsibilities at BrandLogic include interface design, usability testing, and web and application development. Ralph is able to program complex web application systems in ASP.NET, C#, and SQL Server and also uses client-side technologies such as XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript/jQuery in order to implement client-approved designs. Ralph officially joined the jQuery team as an evangelist in October 2009. Ralph enjoys spending time with his wife, Hope, and his three boys, Brandon, Jordan, and Ralphie. You can find out more about Ralph on his personal blog.

Nathan Smith is a goofy guy who has been building websites since late last century. He enjoys hand-coding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. He also dabbles in design and information architecture. He has written for online and paper publications such as Adobe Developer Center, Digital Web, and .NET Magazine. He has spoken at venues including Adobe MAX, BibleTech, Drupal Camp, Echo Conference, Ministry 2.0, Refresh Dallas, and Webmaster Jam Session. Nathan works as a UX developer at He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary. He started, a community resource aimed at helping churches and ministries make better use of the Web. He also created the 960 Grid System, a framework for sketching, designing, and coding page layouts.

Brian Cherne is a software developer with more than a decade of experience blueprinting and building web-based applications, kiosks, and high-traffic e-commerce websites. He is also the author of the hoverIntent jQuery plugin. When not geeking out with code, Brian can be found ballroom dancing, practicing martial arts, or studying Russian culture and language.

Jörn Zaefferer is a professional software developer from Cologne, Germany. He creates application programming interfaces (APIs), graphical user interfaces (GUIs), software architectures, and databases, for both web and desktop applications. His work focuses on the Java platform, while his client-side scripting revolves around jQuery. He started contributing to jQuery in mid-2006 and has since cocreated and maintained QUnit, jQuery’s unit testing framework; released and maintained a half dozen very popular jQuery plugins; and contributed to jQuery books as both author and tech reviewer. He is also a lead developer for jQuery UI.

James Padolsey is an enthusiastic web developer and blogger based in London, UK. He’s been crazy about jQuery since he first discovered it; he’s written tutorials teaching it, articles and blog posts discussing it, and plenty of plugins for the community. James’ plans for the future include a computer science degree from the University of Kent and a career that allows him to continually push boundaries. His website is

Scott González is a web application developer living in Raleigh, North Carolina, who enjoys building highly dynamic systems and flexible, scalable frameworks. He has been contributing to jQuery since 2007 and is currently the development lead for jQuery UI, jQuery’s official user interface library. Scott also writes tutorials about jQuery and jQuery UI on and speaks about jQuery at conferences.

Michael Geary started developing software when editing code meant punching a paper tape on a Teletype machine, and “standards-compliant” meant following ECMA-10 Standard for Data Interchange on Punched Tape. Today Mike is a web and Android developer with a particular interest in writing fast, clean, and simple code, and he enjoys helping other developers on the jQuery mailing lists. Mike’s recent projects include a series of 2008 election result and voter information maps for Google; and StrataLogic, a mashup of traditional classroom wall maps and atlases overlaid on Google Earth. His website is

Maggie Wachs, Scott Jehl, Todd Parker, and Patty Toland are Filament Group. Together, they design and develop highly functional user interfaces for consumer- and business-oriented websites, wireless devices, and installed and web-based applications, with a specific focus on delivering intuitive and usable experiences that are also broadly accessible. They are sponsor and design leads of the jQuery UI team, for whom they designed and developed, and they actively contribute to ongoing development of the official jQuery UI library and CSS Framework.

Richard D. Worth is a web UI developer. He is the release manager for jQuery UI and one of its longest-contributing developers. He is author or coauthor of the Dialog, Progressbar, Selectable, and Slider plugins. Richard also enjoys speaking and consulting on jQuery and jQuery UI around the world. Richard is raising a growing family in Northern Virginia (Washington, D.C. suburbs) with his lovely wife, Nancy. They have been blessed to date with three beautiful children: Naomi, Asher, and Isaiah. Richard’s website is

Tech Editors

Karl Swedberg, after having taught high school English, edited copy for an advertising agency, and owned a coffee house, began his career as a web developer four years ago. He now works for Fusionary Media in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he specializes in client-side scripting and interaction design. Karl is a member of the jQuery project team and coauthor of Learning jQuery 1.3 and jQuery Reference Guide (both published by Packt). You can find some of his tips and tutorials at

Dave Methvin is the chief technology officer at and one of the founding partners of the company. He has been using jQuery since 2006, is active on the jQuery help groups, and has contributed several popular jQuery plugins including Corner and Splitter. Before joining PC Pitstop, Dave served as executive editor at both PC Tech Journal and Windows Magazine, where he wrote a column on JavaScript. He continues to write for several PC-related websites including InformationWeek. Dave holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from the University of Virginia.

David Serduke is a frontend programmer who is recently spending much of his time server side. After programming for many years, he started using jQuery in late 2007 and shortly after joined the jQuery core team. David is currently creating websites for financial institutions and bringing the benefits of jQuery to ASP.NET enterprise applications. David lives in northern California where he received a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley in electrical engineering and an MBA from St. Mary’s College.

Scott Mark is an enterprise application architect at Medtronic. He works on web-based personalized information portals and transactional applications with an eye toward maintaining high usability in a regulated environment. His key interest areas at the moment are rich Internet applications and multitouch user interface technologies. Scott lives in Minnesota with his lovely wife, two sons, and a black lab. He blogs about technology at and long-distance trail running at

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