
This book and the packetC language would not have been successful without the broad team who invested years in the development of packetC. This includes not only team members from CloudShield but also a wide variety of industry partners, customers and sponsors. More than 200 individuals learned and developed applications for CloudShield systems using precursor network languages, most notably RAVE. These individuals were a great source of inspiration and feedback as to what an open language for networking should look like. Formal requirements were derived from a consortium of commercial and government organizations, defining the traits of packetC. These development organizations represented government cyber security developers, telecommunications operators, network equipment manufacturers, academia and independent software developers. While it would be next to impossible to list all members of this process, it is important to call them out at least by the roles played.

  • packetC Language Authors – Peder Jungck, Ralph Duncan, Dwight Mulcahy
  • packetC Development Team – The following individuals were instrumental in developing the initial release of packetC compilers and development environment: Kai Chang, Alfredo Chorro-Rivas, Ralph Duncan, Ali Hosseini, Peder Jungck, Victor Leitman, Dwight Mulcahy, Minh Nguyen, Gary Oblock, Ken Ross, Matt White (in alphabetical order).
  • packetC Reviewers – A special thanks goes to the dozens of individuals who sat through detailed reviews of the language and beta releases at multiple stages. Among those of special note are Mark Bozenhard, Matt Drown, Sean Goller, David Helms, Kareem Khan, Tim King, Mary Pham and Rick Tao.
  • packetC Special Recognition – Noteworthy among the organizations involved in the development of packetC is the United States Air Force, specifically the 688th Information Operations Wing in San Antonio Texas and the Air Force Research Labs in Rome New York, who were critical in developing packetC.
  • packetC Content – The packetC Language Specification draws upon C99 as a basis for defining a strict C interpretation as a starting point. Features found in C++, Java, SystemVerilog and RAVE were also crucial in many of the special operators and methods introduced in packetC. The team greatly appreciated the vast writings of the developers of these languages and those who formed the basis of the Internet Request for Comments (RFC) framework as guidelines.
  • Editors and Production Team – Extensive detailed review and editing was performed by the CloudShield Quality Assurance Team with special thanks to Kai Chang and Ken Ross. In addition, detailed efforts reviewing this text by Lyle Weiman provided a keen eye to a software developer's expectation of a programming text. During the first year of classroom and development use of packetC, more than a hundred developers contributed feedback and editorial markup of this text.
  • Cover Art, Graphics and Illustrations – Jonathan Jungck

Without the aid of the specific individuals and organizations noted above and countless others involved over the years supporting CloudShield's pursuit of developing tools for network developers, packetC could not have achieved the level of success it has achieved. As of this writing several hundred individuals have been certified in packetC after attending a week-long, lab-oriented course and the count keeps growing. Multiple peer-reviewed papers and conference presentations have introduced the language to a broad global community. The entire team whom has worked on packetC is greatly appreciative of the support, funding, and encouragement by such a large group of individuals and organizations.

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